Will the new LPS show be any good?

Will the new LPS show be any good?

it will not feature pic related so no

Will my shit tonight be better then my shit this morning?

>no best boi Sunil

The goat looks like a fuck boi though

LPS wasn't shit, it wasn't great either but it served it's purpose and had surprisingly good moments

I wanna pet the kitty and give the doggy treats

Will it have any replacements for the Biskit Twins, or just be 110% furfaggotry?


They made a new one? Wtf?

It already was 110% furfaggotry.

It looks just horrible, holy fuck.
And I was complaining about characters design of the previous series. Those look great compared to this tasteless garbage.

I don't see a problem with the designs at all

the entire right side of that poster look like they can take a good dicking

now that cat looks like it's gonna be worth watching

Ehhh I was a an of the 2012 series, not the franchise as a whole. MAYBE it'll be good, but those designs look pretty boring.

Plus no Twombly, so why even bother.

>No human beings

Bad designs overall, but they managed to make the cat fine too.

Anywhere good to get all the first 4 seasons?

Dailymotion looks to have all the episodes, but not all in good definition

I doubt it.

These are their names btw.

>it served it's purpose
Its purpose was to sell toys and it actually failed pretty hard at that.

>Penny Ling is my waifu....?
The fuck is this shit?!

Someone is going to draw him stretching his anus aren't they?

Odd choice in animals but I'll still probably watch.

>Cat is the only one to look normal
>Just another Rara

Oh good. I've been waiting for a LPS thread. Flipping through an old Archie comic and saw this;
Something verrry familiar about this doll.

no, it'll be bad but fags will mentally cherrypick any tiny bit of barely decent puns and jokes and shit just like they do with all the other shows aimed at little girls and then obsess over it

Name a show you like

almost everything currently trending on Sup Forums plus a bunch of other shit

i mean don't take me wrong im fine with girly shit just not when it's so shallow i have to force myself to like it by waifuing over little girls or mentally making characters gay or some other shit

I'm sure it'll be fine.
But I miss the characters I grew attached to.
I'm going to miss these two and their antics.

That was the only time I cared about those big-headed freaks, and they never did it again. The humans in LPS were garbage.

>almost everything currently trending on Sup Forums plus a bunch of other shit
So, no explicit examples for me to tear apart. Great response. Apparently you like literally every show other than LPS and likely MLP, how convenient for you

>i mean don't take me wrong im fine with girly shit just not when it's so shallow i have to force myself to like it by waifuing over little girls or mentally making characters gay or some other shit

>i mean don't take me wrong im fine with girly shit just not when it's so shallow i have to force myself to like it by waifuing over little girls or mentally making characters gay or some other shit
Sounds like a personal problem, I thought LPS was a perfectly good show regardless of faggots or waifus


Lookin good Blythe