Did they ruin Adventure Time?

did they ruin Adventure Time?

Not them specifically but all relationshit drama did.
Really hoping they stick to their guns for the final season and not even mention it

Nah, Rebecca Sugar leaving ruined adventure time.

I really hate ATs "look how boring they are now that they're old" thing it does.

Nah. I actually prefer the newer material.

Pretty much.

They were better as background characters, every layer of detail we got on them made them worse characters.

Oh, you meant Marceline/PB. Also no.

No, fans who insist every female character MUST be a lesbian did

The writers did


The Manchildren who judged it for anything other than a kids show did

Yes. Lesbian-shit ruined every show it appeared in so far. Therefore we must show a messy breakup which is showed by the might of Finn's dick.

Pretty much. As a "couple", they are incredibly forced and artificial, subjecting the involved parties to character derailment and flanderization; nu!Marceline is boring and dull unless she's angsting about something, and retconning PB into an immortal, unchanging monarch stripped any semblance of sympathy for her character.

And that's not even getting into Finn's role (or lack of thereof). Whenever these two are on the field, kid basically becomes an accessory in his own series.

In any case, it's a prime example of why creators shouldn't pander to a vocal minority.

No, lack of direction did.

Eh, AT was only bad for like 1 and a half seasons, Sup Forums just really blew it out of proportion.

No, the dumbass writers and storyboarders did.

Can't really ruin something that was already bland to begin with

Kids don't even watch this show any more retard.
You gonna blame it all on them, too

No, just the writers infighting and trying to shove drama and Sup Forums down our throats.

No idea what episodes they're talking about

>they are incredibly forced and artificial
Say what else you will about the pairing, but 'forced' doesn't make sense. Their relationship has progressed incredibly slowly since What Was Missing. Also, is it really that hard to believe that the writers wrote it because they wanted to?

You fags read too much into it.

>he doesn't remember she voiced Marceline mother
>he doesn't remember how shitty her ukelele songs are

Fuck Sugar.

>i have never watched a single episode of AT

>Sup Forums

He's not wrong, though. Sup Forums in general (and especially Sup Forums) views everything through a warped lens magnifying class.

Has there been any new information on the Great Mushroom war? It's my favorite thing in the whole show.

Not really.

it kinda went to shit, i think when Pen left. Like, the episode of Finn running around kissing all these princesses whas the epitome of how bad the show got. I think the final straw was when fin's 'father' or whatever was in that season finale, i havent watched an episode since. the grass sword was shit and shipping characters was shit.

I feel like it got too popular with the tumblr/deviantart crowd and then they took it over to ship their M/PBG romance. but thats just me.

She didn't even write that many episodes.

>Rebecca Sugar
One of the most overrated writers ever.

>Like, the episode of Finn running around kissing all these princesses whas the epitome of how bad the show got.

Finn's a slut.

That is what happens when you go into the Show B General

I know I'm in the minority here, on Sup Forums at least, but I really liked both Breezy and The Comet. They're two of the most emotionally powerful episodes in the show in my opinion. Finn's resignation to his fate as he's floating out in space in particular resonated with me.

You really should give the show another chance though. Season 7 is pretty much universally regarded as good, and it reminds me a lot of the early seasons in tone. The miniseries in season 8 are also definitely worth checking out. Although you probably won't want to take my word for it.