Let's post the best comics made in this decade

Let's post the best comics made in this decade.




>Stokoe is now busy doing Godzilla covers
What the fuck happened?




The Winter Men.
It's a clever satire of the whole Cold War spy shenanigans that went on, a great play on classical spy characters from across literature in Russian version. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will make you angry, but at the very end, you will learn what you already knew from the poet.

What are these about?




good choice man


One of the better comics that I read last year.

I am kind of frustrated by you anons that describing why you loved these comics, so it would motivate me to check it out as well. I am quite curious about your opinions.


Seconded. Fuck DC for putting them on other stuff and fuck them for not continuing it.

I don't even care about big 2 continuity wankery, but this was pretty good.


best Hal jordan story I've read.

Most overrated comic of the decade.

I love the Trilogy of Best Intentions. Tom King was on fire for a while with those. Cant wait for season 2 of sheriff or some more news regarding the new gods comic

cool if that's your opinion. I thought it was a very well executed comic. Definitely one of the best titles from the big 2 from last year. Do you have anything in particular you don't like about it or do you think its just over hyped in general?

>some more news regarding the new gods comic
Anyone else think that Gerads art style is way too cold for Fourth World stuff?

some good recommendations so far anons. Keep it up. I'm really enjoying Lemire's Black Hammer so far.

>some more news regarding the new gods comic
What? King is going to write Fourth World stuff?

It doesn't do anything particularly new, I pretty much called what it was going to be like the moment it was announced. It does some good stuff but for the most part people are blinded by the witty dialogue. It's also full of forced drama and "shock twists" like when "Louie CK" dies, King even admitted that he just wanted to end the issue in a "oh shit!" moment and make you anxious to read the next but the way that scene is constructed and the leaps in logic the characters to do get to that moment are just plain badly written.And the art is meh as fuck.

Gerards is not a good artist. I can stomach him on SoB because the writing is so great and the layouts hide his stiff as drawing well but I hope to hell he isn't on New Gods because
1) He is a bad fit for it
2) I want more Sheriff of babylon

The teases King has posted have people thinking he's on it, and it's really why I am not at all excited.

I'm a big fan of Gerards art style. His work on Sheriff and Rooftops arc in Batman were really impressive. I know what you mean though. I'm willing to check it out anyways. He's clearly a very talented storyteller. I would have preferred to have the omega men creative team reunion: Barnaby Bagenda, Romulo Fajardo, Jr.,Trevor Hutchison etc. Any artist you'd like to see attached to the project?

Not those anons, but

Mind MGMT is a series about a post ww2 secret spy organization containing people with psychic powers, and focuses on one of their agent. The charm of the series is in it's execution. It's smartly written, with lots of twists and attention to details and leaving clues along the read.

Criminals is a bunch of unrelated arcs focusing on lives of criminals.

Fade out is a murder mystery set in 40s Hollywood.

I forgot where I read this but basically Stokoe does the work that he does now because it's a steady income.

From what I understand he works on Orc Stain in his spare time, but for lack of a better term he just doesn't have the inertia that would allow him to work on his stuff full time and pay the bills.

Bagenda, Blanco, Burnham, Smallwood, Manapul or Rude.


That'd have been amazing but delayed as fuck.

some solid choices there. I loved Manapul's new gods designs

If it's a limited series then he could get a head start and start working on it several months before it's even announced.

please tell me this is a horror story about all the fucked up shit deep water welders see?


That's why I'd love him on Fourth World. It would be something that would contrast everything else. We've had plenty of writers trying to ape Kirby's bombastic feeling, but Gerads would be something different different. It would fit King's style as well, considering he won't be going for Morrison's trippiness or Simonson's action. Gerads art has that unique and odd flavor.

its an emotional story of this guy just about to start a family and not knowing how to deal with that. Also on one of his deep sea dives to repair an oil rig he trips out and starts seeing the ghost of his father. I highly recommend checking it out

Seconding these, and I'd add Soule's Swamp Thing run. Everything else I've read by him has been bad to mediocre, but his Swampy was great.

But when I fucking asked about it nobody would respond. Geez.

Also, here's another gem that's going to be ignored by the Eisners.

Mah nigga. Which issue was your favorite?
The one with the trial was brillaint.

Then what should he be going for? Johns' idiocy?
I can think of 50 artists to put on it that aren't going to try to ape Kirby and none of them are as stiff as Gerards. And another thing, if you want to do a big cosmic story then don't get the artist that specializes in Vietnam, Iraq, riffles, army shit, guns etc.

>if you want to do a big cosmic story then don't get the artist that specializes in Vietnam, Iraq, riffles, army shit, guns etc.
New Gods doesn't always have to be a Cosmic epic. Having King do another war related story would be predictable as hell. I doubt it will even have a lot of action in it. Gerads stiff panels have an appeal of their own.

The Eisners are a fucking joke though.


I couldn't recommend this higher. Maybe not THE best thing of the 2010s, but definitely the best thing of Marvel's output in that time period.

Not the guy youre responding to, but #10 was pure art and the perfect ending to the series.


I honestly found it overrated.


It doesn't but considering that's what they were created to be and DC has fucked them over for years then I can safely say I don't look forward to another series where they're dumb obsessed with earth and Darkseid gets into punching matches with the Justice League.

Including sunshine and roses too.

The Wrenchies.

Brubaker and Phillip's Kill or be Killed too.

Kirby's Fourth World wasn't necessarily Cosmic. It consisted of four different and varied titles.
You're just making shit up now. Nowhere did I say that Darkseid has to have punching matches. If anything, a cosmic story would involve lots of punching.

No it wouldn't. Do you think "cosmic story" is synonymous with Abnett and Lanning's Guardians of The Galaxy run?


RIP my nigga skids


It's a great fucking series but it's from the last decade.

Was gonna post that.

Underrated as fuck series coming through.

hey, he is doing alien as well!


>its all garbage indie shit

Surprise surprise

Come on, you can do better.

Locke & Key was like a great lost series from the golden age of Vertigo.

Heard this was great, I don't read a lot of capeshit, what's it about?

I respect your opinion and I present you with a contender. Also my recommendation.

Considering picking this up, have you read Fatale as well?

I thought the quality declined as it went on. Same with Fatale.
Flacid at best.

They've said time and time again they're just taking a break from Sheriff and are coming back to it. Stop being retarded.



No Superior Foes?



we don't talk about it anymore because Spencer

This greatly improve after the first two volumes? Carey's Lucifer series was way more entertaining.

A tad bit overrated, but great nonetheless.

>Not liking Captain Keikaku

The Bunn run immediately after was great too.

So's the current run.

Sup Forums even got a shoutout in the omnibus

Garbage decade.

it was good till the time skip
after that it reads like the creative team just skipped to the end and didn't give a shit anymore

>didn't give a shit anymore
the readers didn't
the publisher didn't
why should the creators?


Wasn't this in the last decade?

Last three months of 2009.
October 2009 – January 2015

>no mention of reddit
lieberman is /ourguy/

I picked up Prophet on a whim based only on the cover art. Holy shit. What a fever dream.

>at least half of these are not from this decade

They're not coming back to it this year, you fucking retard.

Fuck me, forgot it started in 2009. The Volume 2: Apocalypse was from 2014 at least