Gumball is better than Samurai Jack

Gumball is better than Samurai Jack

Other urls found in this thread:

Clarence is better than Gumball


But Gumball is better than Clarence

Jack is rough trade.
Gumball is the hot gogo dancer that sucks you off ten times in a row.

It's better than the latest season alright

i agree but I do enjoy samurai jack.

are you implying tawg is aesthetically pleasing and continually puts out orgasmic episodes?

Gumball is a shit

Move aside fellers

They are completely different shows. Gumball is surreal humor show for kids. The newest installment of SJ is addressed to adults, touching problems of self-identification, psychology, inter-gender problems and other subjects.

What is OP's endgame? Does he hate Gumball so much that he wants the rest of Sup Forums to hate the show as well?

I concur.

I'm saying Gumball broke me of my crippling coke addiction by drawing me into a stimulating high that no other drug could replace, yes.

I'd marry it.
But it's not legal


I meant "gender" in meaning no. 3, not 4.

Kay, we cool.

I think he does it out of love actually.
Gumball threads don't gain much traction, so he's trying his best to make sure everyone knows about it, even if it's just because of that one autist spammer.

There's been a shift, he realised his previous stuff wasn't working and threads just died so he's moving more towards bait threads like this to get responses

You're right.

Pretty close, but Clarence is butt-ugly, while TAWoG is pretty much the best looking show right now.

it seems that these gumball fans will do anything to get a thread past 100 replies these days

Nah, fuck this autistic show.

Come on

Gumball is so dead that people have to resort to bait thread like this to get replies.

Clarence has better writing

Nah. Gumball has

>great references
>tight writing that is, dare I say it, better than Golden Age Simpsons
>beautiful and unique animation
>very interesting and fun plots
>lovable characters
>great interactions
>many great moments

Gumball is a ripoff

Gumball is crap

But Gumball is great!


>tight writing that is, dare I say it, better than Golden Age Simpsons
It's always the same faggot

You got that right kid show thing

Gumball has none of these you stupid gumballfag. You are worst than a SUfag

I made the second post in that cap and don't see the connection between my post and that other one.


Uncle Grandpa is the most based show on Cartoon Network.