So when will they do a cartoon with a LGBT protagonist?

So when will they do a cartoon with a LGBT protagonist?

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why would they make a cartoon about your mom

They should make Marco gay

Only if wears the dress full time.

I JUST started watching that show like an hour ago.

We need more show with female animals really.

Ranma man, its not aged to well, but it is so comfy for me. I reminds me of my youth, and probably explains my fetishes.

>what is LoK

>its not aged to well

How? It's not lamest than today's anime.

Are you the same retard as yesterday asking for gay cartoons, posting emoticons and bitching like a tumblr landwhale?

Jesus christ kill yourself you fucking retard

>What is Korra?

>What is Steven Universe? (You didn't say the MAIN Protagonist)

It's aged just fine. The middle seasons kind of have some shit animation but the overall series is still great.

Ranma is not LGBT, stop projecting tranny scum.

The anime has not aged well. The manga is timeless.

I think it still looks great. The breasts are kinda scary though; they're like two bocce balls surgically implanted on the characters; like the second worst pair of stripper titties I've ever seen. Considering the frequency of nudity or partial nudity, it's just frightening.

>its not aged to well
Takahashi was never good


>shipping ranma and akane

Literally worse than Hitler.

Get that filth away from me.

srsly though, a modern Ranma series where Ryoga/Ranma is equally considered as viable a ship as every other would be great.

I still find Ranma 1/2 to be entertaining. It shows a wide variety of unique problems suffered from different characters and how they fix or try to cope with them. Most of the character designs are fairly simple; save for when it's important to the character or the issue. In fact the only ones I remember standing out are Ranma's female form, the Chinese barbarian, and the pervy old geezer. Everyone else is almost inter-exchangeable, physically speaking.

A lot of the gags are short and simple although a few get repetitive. And the stories themselves are more credible because the characters are so flawed. "Hey, do you want to buy some lewd photos of my sister and that redhead that's living with us?"

Ukyo is BEST girl. By a huge margin.


Girl!Ranma/Ryoga is top tier, but unless Takahashi has a change of heart and revisits the Ranma world some day and make it viable in canon Ukyo will remain Best Girl.

>best girl
I believe you both mean best grill

one of the kids is canonically gay

gays in media aren't for gays, they are for straight people to fetishize and feel 'woke' over, because the LGBTTTBBQWTF community cartoon ad watching and merch buying demographic is way smaller than the family demographic, so nominally straight protags with gay supporting characters are what its gonna be for mainstream cartoons.

Never. Faggots are sick and must be shunned and driven out from the public.

This is incredibly unimportant to children, sexuality is something reserved for post-pubescense

>Ranma 1/2

Man, that word really does get some mileage, considering how meaningless it is.

different people have different values and find different things comfy but that does not mean comfy is meaningless.

I'll take Stop Hibari-kun for 500


And also, this.

>a LGBT protag
it wouldn't be able to make up its own mind
>see She-whatever that cartoon was

Tranny here.

Why would anyone want a trans cartoon protagonist?

Also ranma isn't trans

And it was done pretty well.

>lgbt just mean castrated faggot now, LGB "doesn't coun't" anymore
so much for being "united against the evil CIS scum rapists".

>That one arc where ryoga got ranma to like him
>I knew they were never ending up together but after that I wanted them too.

>So when will they do a cartoon with a LGBT protagonist?
When decent traditional Western Christian morality has been totally eroded by deviant and perverse Satanic influences. So never, hopefully.

I thought they already did with the Legend of Korra? God that was a terrible ending.

It is unlikely they will at this point, unless they've already been in production of one. Marvel has finally admitted that trying to appeal to Progressivism, LGBTQIXA+ alphabet soup, and SJW ideologues has not sold well at all.

And the rest of the industry is more concerned with making money so they'll likely continue using the same formulaic approaches. Marvel was chucking spaghetti at the wall and hoping something stuck.

This past year has been the time where people realize pandering to this demographic probably isn't in your best interests. Note I said pandering. You can include it if you want, but focusing on a minority group that currently has a reputation for confrontational and rudeness without any form of epicness or entertainment value (aside from entertaining themselves and other virtue-signalers) is a poor marketing choice.

Wow. I truly hope this film bombs so badly it sets the studio that made it on fire.

>perverse satanic influences

ever read the satanic bible? it's so inoffensive it's disappointing. all it says is be cool with yourself and leave other people the fuck alone because they'll take you down with them.

fuck off with your bibbel

ranma experiences gender dysphoria in a female body

it's kind of the whole basic premise

Wait…what? When was this established?

In one of the new books they see their future as adults, and harold has a husband.

in 2912

I wish I didn't mistyped it...

mainly because she's not manipulative or deceitful or a fucking tsundere
she's the only love interest who actually acts like an adult

You mean Kodachi, right?

I legitimately believe that Gumball should have been the first openly gay or bisexual main character in a cartoon rather than Korra.

I mean, Kojima was right, he does do a lot of gay stuff.

Not even close.

I remember reading the manga for this when i hit random once

Didn't realize it was this old

Kids aren't gay though, they don't get that way until they are molested or brainwashed by television.

>So when will they do a cartoon with a LGBT protagonist?