Why Ben's costume was changed

>Interviewer: Was it always the plan to bring it back for issue 3?

>Peter David: No. (Laughs) We were originally going to stick with the new one,and you know, there was so much fan opposition to it, that we all kinda shrugged our shoulders and said: “You know what, at the end of the day, the comic is about Ben Reilly, no about his freaking costume and you know, why would we make this book about the freakin’ costume,let’s just you know, let’s just give the fans what they want! I mean for decades Marvel Comics has always said, we give the fans what they want, you know, the fans are the true editors at Marvel Comics.
>Well, to my mind, there has never been a more precise example of that being the case, than the Ben Reilly Costume. I mean to me it’s of little relevance, what somebody wears when they are going about doing their job really kinda beside the point, but if it means that much to the fans, and honestly means so little to me, you know Marvel said “let’s come up with a reason to go have him go back to the original”, I went okay and came up with a reason to go back to the original, and just as a nod to the fans [in issue 3], as I said, I have a Spider-Man fan criticizing everything they dislike about the Ben Reilly costume, I even have them quoting twitter things! I mean I just have them saying “what’s with the smile? I can see your mouth! What’s up with that?” You know, so what the hell? Why not?



Peter David stopped giving a fuck a long time ago.

I wouldn't of minded this costume if it wasn't the stupid mouth. It's like he's trying to eat his costume.

Why didn't you do the same for Miguel then, PAD?

Why won't you pay his taxes, user? Or are you a gypsy scum?

>I mean for decades Marvel Comics has always said, we give the fans what they want, you know, the fans are the true editors at Marvel Comics.

But that ended with the 90s.

This. This comic sucks, and Marvel has sucked for almost 2 decades now.

>I mean for decades Marvel Comics has always said, we give the fans what they want
>the fans are the true editors at Marvel Comics.
Ja, if only.

Wasn't as strong with ben.

The 90s are the crappiest decade.

Scrap the hood and it's fine

>I mean for decades Marvel Comics has always said, we give the fans what they want
>the fans are the true editors at Marvel Comics.
This is the best joke PAD has ever told.

I think this cover made a bad first impression.

This, the mouth is incredibly silly and doesn't work with Spidey like it does for Deadpool

You don't say!

It's literally just a male version of Gwen's costume

But with a dumb mouth

I'd say the 10s clearly are, and the 00s would be giving the 90s a good fight for second worse.

The original Scarlet Spider costume is the sexiest fucking costume I've ever seen, glad they went back to it.

Yea the mouth was the only real problem I had with it

I usually trust Based PAD as a writer, but I just can't get behind the concept of the book. Bringing Ben back just to make him an edgy Deadpool lite is not okay.

Ditch the hood and the mouth and I'm cool wit it. I just want Ben's old personality back, but we'll see where this goes.


It BARELY works with the Gwen one. Literally the new pouches.

>fuck up
>admit you fucked up
>work to correct it
What fucking timeline did I stumble into? Maybe they'll fix his personality too.

>Literally the new pouches.

But pouches are good. You *need* pouches to hold tools, cellphones, money/credit cards, keys, weapons, ammo, Kryptonite ring, special gear, computer, GPS, gum, snacks, energy drinks, medical supplies, cigarettes, lighter, flask of whiskey, condoms, lube, rohypnol, ether/chloroform,rags, blindfolds, zip-ties/cuffs, candy/puppy/kitten, camera...


He still has old Ben in his head, I hope he takes over in issue 3.

I'm actually kind of sad to see it go. It's clear this Ben's not anything like he was pre-death, so his costume should reflect that. This is one transition that would have been good to draw out a little.

Still, good on PAD for actually paying attention to his fans.

Early ninties were great, late ninties is where you got gibberish filling pages and art that was impossible to decipher. And it was still a mixed bag till Bendis got his greasy foot in the door.

>the comic is about Ben Reilly
coulda fooled me
nuBen is discount Deadpool

To be fair, Ben was the original hoodie guy

If it wasn't for the hood this would be a great costume. That one alteration would put it head and shoulders over the 90's Scarlet Spider look.
Huh, looks like peoplpe agree with me this time. Everyone but me seemed to like Spider-Gwen's hood. Well, I was hating hoods before it was cool, guys!