Marvel's Agents of SHIELD

Why aren't you watching the highly progressive and diverse Agents of SHIELD instead of those problematic CW shows, user?

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Because I don't care about progressivism.

Just don't scream nigger or whore in a public setting and move along.

>and people think they'll come out to support Wonder Woman
Hating DC beats progressivism EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

both AOS and the CW cape shows are shit.

This whole Trump referencing was facepalm worthy. Like, it's not that I support Donald Trump or event an American, but come on. You can't have sci-fi Nazis cite your political opponents verbatum and pretend it's deep political commentary.

The're right about the romance part at least.

Be honest, did you make this yourself for (YOU)'s?

Why does anyone do anything on Sup Forums nowadays but for (YOU)'s?

>both AOS and the CW cape shows are shit.
CW yes, AoS no.

I'm sure this will age just as well as this one.

Because "Riverdale" is actually fucking entertaining.

stop raping me with your privilege

No honey AoS is GREAT

CW is garbage tho

Because AoS is filled with literal Who?

I atleast knew who The Flash, Green Arrow and Supergirl were before they made their shows.

The only difference between Marvel and DC is that every Marvel movie is supposed to be the bad one and every DC movie is supposed to be the good one.


Is every Disney shill 12 and preprogrammed with every basic comeback?

That pasta is so feminine. Talk about playing the victim.

This immediately reminded me of thisI guess history really does repeat itself

I like how none of this is about the quality of the comics and movies themselves.

It's amazing how DC is so horrible they can't get anyone with talent

it's all just no name losers or has-beens no one's cared about for like 30 years

What does that image mean?

Do you company war faggots really try to gauge arguments with trite and banal shit like that?

I'm not watching either. Also this shit needs its own board or be exiled to Sup Forums for good

Miley is cool in Sup Forums again after she decided to straight her way though.

>talks about talent
>posts image of a walking STD

better? but hey I'm sure Pauly Shore will make a great addition to the DCEU

Never seen anyone irl say the watch AoS, it was just too shitty for me, only CW show i used to watch was The Flash and it was at least twice as good (the first 2 seasons at least) than the piece of shit bullshit episodes AoS has had.
Lol remember the lady with the iron nails, such a deep show.

People who were smart waited for phase 3 to get a check from Disney.
The capeshit bubble is dying after Infinity War.

I hate DC movies but this smells like a false flag.
Dolph Lundgren >>>>>>>>>>> Miley Cyrus

It is
That's the joke

not in terms of celebrity and public appeal

It's not a funny joke.

this. Dolph Lundgren should be playing cable

Why does anyone do anything on any board nowadays but for (YOU)'s?

I honestly lost interest in it when it became all serialized.

Shows that are serialized always get better reviews than shows with stand-alone episodes, but I don't care about season-long stories very much. I prefer X-Files type of adventures that try to find unique storytelling approaches every week within the formula.

>Latina Ghost Rider
Are they misgendering Robbie?

I enjoyed last season and haven't watched this season yet

What the fuck is going on right now? Madam Hydra is so fucking hot and Milfy it makes me want to maybe tune in

>CW Show Fans: This is fun and entertaining

>AOS fans: I am retarded and look for shallow things that help me justify not thinking about my miserable life.

>AOS fans

>CW fans: actually watch the show
>AoS "fans": only talk about it online without actually watching
Who can blame them though? Nobody watches that trash.

Honestly the only good cape shows are Daredevil Season 1, and Legion.

Wanna guess who wrote this? Small clue: he's sucking Rebirth's dick right now and is a nasty cock slut

>AoS "fans": only talk about it online without actually watching
Thats both set of fans. Or are you telling me people watch arrow and supergirl?

Not even shilling, but I thought that Agents of Shield has been really great this season. Started off strong with the Ghost Rider stuff and only got stronger with the LMD stuff. The LMD stuff in the base was one of my favorite episodes of the whole series.

Sure, the Trump references were groan worthy. But it's something I can just roll my eyes at and continue on.

I've stopped keeping up with the CW shows.
Dropped Arrow during the end of last season. Heard it's been a lot better this season though from a friend who decided to stick with it.
Legends was kind of cool with the Black Flash, but the episodes were just getting kind of boring and relied to much on references. "It's like star wars, get it?"
And the Flash just got repetitive. I can't count the number of times Barry could've just solved something by going fast.
Haven't watched the last 7 or so episodes of Legends or Flash.

I know Tumblr does. They love the shitty romance while not even they care about Agents of Non-Canon.

Preacher and iZombie are good

Go away Joss

Do CW show fans necessarily have to watch all the shows to be fans? Can't they just be fans of specific CW shows? I personally don't like them but I know some people who do.

>Go away Joss
I admitted the Trump references were dumb. I don't think that's something Joss would ever do.
I don't like Trump, but I think he was a better choice than Hillary. But I'm Canadian so my opinion doesn't matter one way or the other.

I'd argue neither of thise are cape shows, but I'll concede to not having watched them.

wow, /comblr/ is in full force today

>Implying Daredevil S1 didn't shit the bed in the last four episodes
>Implying Legion wasn't trying so hard to be a David Lynch work in order to cover up the sloppy writing

>Having anything to do with superheroes


Because I have shit taste.

>I can't count the number of times Barry could've just solved something by going fast
>Mad that the guy who's purpose is to solve things by going fast, solves things by going fast.

Wait, there are people who actually like Agents of SHIT? For free?

I-I-I jjust like to watch the flash so super speedy


The thing with AoS is that no one watches it, then the 10 people who do watch it can say it is as good as "The Wire" and no one in the world can argument with them.

Of course, it is a show that was SUPPOSED to be a powerhouse and today is a niche show because lost all of its audience. This speaks volumes about the quality.


>5) The CW’s "The Flash" with 3.1 million demand expressions per day. He’s the top super hero on TV, leading a list of popular DC Comics shows.

>11) The CW’s "Arrow" with 2.1 million demand expressions per day. The program that kicked off the new era of DC Comics shows is going strong in its fifth season.

>15) Fox’s "Gotham" with 1.9 million demand expressions per day. It’s yet another DC Comics show, this one a prequel to Batman.

>17) Netflix’s "Marvel’s Luke Cage" with 1.8 million demand expressions per day.


>24) ABC’s "Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." with 1.6 million.

>Preacher and iZombie are good
What are these even about? I hear good things about them but I don't know if I'd like them. What makes them good?


It's just marvel interns.

I just mean there's so many things he could have avoided? Remember when he just ran straight into the gorilla in the arena, and is just knocked away?

And then does the exact same thing when they invade the city?



because I grew up with SBS

Who pretended it was deep?

I don't watch Sup Forums period.

...but now that I've read OP's image I want to give CW stuff a try and you couldn't pay me to touch AoS with a yardstick.

The guy who wrote this

So some retard acted like some offhand references were deep and that's the show's fault? There are dipshit fans for everything so with that logic, everything is shit

Why are Marvel comics and Marvel TV always attracting this kind of retards, though? AT this point, yeah, they are to blame for this.

Weak b8

>le bait


What's a demand expression?

Conversations about the show on social media.

Good job, you found a single retarded fan

You could do that with literally anything

1/10 made me reply

Didn't Linkara write the second one? Pretty sure he's just a butthurt DC fanboy trying to earn some brownie points

At least two retarded fans. And with their retarded defenses are famous enough to be discussed here, then there are people agreeing with it and spreading it. We're talking about thousands and thousands of retards here, son.

If Marvel products have the quality of attracting the attention and passion of thousands of retards consistently, then they are to blame.

Thanks. Weird name for it.

I don't watch either. Bad acting and terrible CGI always ruin a show for me.

One's a shitty teen romance show, the other a non-canon show riding off the popularity of the movies used to shill not!Mutants.

What I don't get is why Agents of SHIELD fans (lol) are so defensive if their show. "My show is so intelligent, literally the most intelligent thing I have ever watched".


Just admit you like a dumb show, retards. You look even more retarded when you describe these things as "deep".

>turn any viewer gay

And that's how you know this piece was written by a woman.

They are so incapable of true emapthy - of being able to accept a greater world outside of their immediate reality.

It's like all the memes about BvS fans except actually true.

lol ok /r9k/

The thing about AoS is that it's suffering the Walking Dead syndrome where people keep telling you it's good now and then you try watching it again and you think those people are dumb as fuck

>you think those people are dumb as fuck

So, in other words, those people ARE dumb as hell.

But you keep trying to watch it from season 1 like everyone else who keeps repeating this shit.

I finished season two with the terrible blue screen horizon while they were on the carrier. Dumbfucks jacking off to this inhuman tribe garbage storyline with no self awareness

And then I started up season three, got to the the blue dude tearing through every hallway and it was still exceptionally awful.

But naw it always gets better according to people who will ride or die with the show

Marvelfags should be sent to gas chambers

By GREAT do you mean not canon?

It's funny, you'd think that it would be better because it wasn't canon to that trash MCU, but it somehow ended up being worse!

>Agents of SHIELD instead of those problematic CW shows
I watch all of them.

I loved this season of AoS, I've been following it since episode 10 of season 1 aired.

The Trump stuff was cringy but it was a small price to pay to get more fan service for Ward and Tripp.

People who hate SHIELD generally are the ones who don't watch it to begin with, or have dated arguments like "the first seven episodes of season 1 suck, so all of it must suck!"

Can't wait for the season finale this week.

Also, Joss deserves no credit for the show's success and improvement, that's all on his brother, Jed.

Because it couldn't afford to keep best boy.

nah, there was a girl latina ghost rider for a bit ages ago

There was a Latina GR a few years before Robbie named Alejandra.

Trips of truth.
Mouse shills confirmed estrogen takers.

Agents of Shield is actually better written than CW shows though.

I don't care about that identity politics crap. Whenever I watch a show I just take note of how good/bad it's done in terms of writing on the show and get on with my life.

Speaking of AoS

Anybody else find it hilarious to see Aida get friendzoned?

could have been a great comparison, but they had to sjw it and make it political

Boy they tried so hard to make her cool, but it really didn't stick.