Because we all know anyone on co/ can make a better job that those fat cats in their offices.
You know what... HE FUCKED HER CLONE.

Oh god yes, let it be true

>didn't take the opportunity to fix this in The Clone Conspiracy
>only made it worse by having Gwen say she felt betrayed by Peter and expecting everyone to take her side

What if her clone, fucked his clone, because Jackal

So what genius thought this'd be a good idea anyway?

They're not allowed to, Quesada made a rule saying that you can't undo anything he mandates with Spider-Man.

Sauce pls

I'm not a fan of JMS or any of his bizarre Spider-Man stories but I guess this seems easier to swallow than OMD. I grew up in a time period in which young attractive intelligent women did indeed fuck wealthy powerful pretty really shitty dudes.

They're never touching this again. Slott said during the lead up to Clone Conspiracy they would not bring it up. It's fucking radioactive waste for the Spiderman mythos

quasimodo considered 'this' a much better idea than Gwen having had Peter's kids in secret, and Normal stealing them and wiping her memory when she went to him for advice,

because qeusadillla utterly loathes the idea of Peter being a father in any way shape or form due to projected insecurities about how old he felt after his divorce

You mean all of human history?

>because qeusadillla utterly loathes the idea of Peter being a father in any way shape or form due to projected insecurities about how old he felt after his divorce
Is that why he had Peter bang a character based off his daughter?

They will eventually. Comics always dredges up the past for new drama. Just look at The Clone Conspiracy itself!

What is it about Spider-Man that attracts people who enjoy inflicting pain upon others to write the character?

Further, what is it about Dan Slott that pushes him to write the character as he does? I'm not talking about how he still has the writer gig after 20-something years or whatever; I mean, what drives him to write what he's written? How could he think that anything he does will be remembered after 20 more years? Doc Ock is just going to get waylaid to a B-list villain as soon as Slott is done, after all. And I'm sure that Slott's other contributions will be slowly sieved away until it's back to basics for Spider-Man. If anything is to survive, it'll be the characters that Slott himself didn't create, like Spider-Gwen.

>Gwen slutty > spider fat gwen & gwenpol


I mean she said no

was it rape?

That's just how Peter imagined it went down. Rape would have been better. Would have been hotter, at least, but Gwen gave Norman her cherry for a pity fuck.

Maybe he can rape MJ

That's Peter saying no like the little bitch that he is

So then...
was Peter raped?

user, how could you forget Skip?


You know OMD?
It was all a horrible, horrible dream

It's a shitty cop-out, but flushing the last 10 years of Marvel down the drain would be an added benefit

I'll feel bad for Carnage-man, but he didn't stick around anyway.

Just like how they bring up Nightcrawler being Pope and Carol's husband-son Marcus, right?

Some things we just pretend never happened.

I would unironically be stoked if Marvel just reverted back to 2007.

Give me Fascist Tony and Drunk Carol over everything we have today anytime.

Ar you implying that they don't anymore?

I actually think unraveling the whole thing could make for an epic story, provided we get a good enough writer. After all this time, what could be better than for True Love to finally triumph? For Spidey to defeat Mephisto in a harrowing adventure, with MJ reasserting her characterization and her place in Peter's life.

It could be good! But not with Slott writing it.

They were gold diggers then. Now they call them sugar babies.

>Carol's husband-son Marcus, right?

That made for an awesome joke in a Jessica Jones story.

Has Spider-Gwen fucked Norman? Was that ever brought up with her?

>we get a good enough writer
>It could be good! But not with Slott writing it.

Why are you repeating yourself?

Say Norman slipped her a mickey?


That would contradict what Gwen told MJ. Unless she didn't just want to say she was raped. It's not like she would be a stronger female character for having an affair instead of being raped. That's just silly.

Fair enough

Other major fuck ups:
Aracelly's lack of continuation
Solution: Don't cancel Scarlet Spider

Miles' lack of backstory in 616-8
Solution: Don't half-ass porting him


Needs Black Cat. I seriously want her to team up with Goblin at some point, just to make this whole mess a perfect shitstorm.

That's a pretty cheap cop out but I'll allow it.

Did Pete ever find out about these four?

I know Quesada hated the marriage, but what does he have against Gwen Stacy? Is there any reason to put the poor girl through more suffering and indignities than anyone else in comics? It's bad enough they don't let her rest, beating her dead horse over and over, but they keep cloning her for sex slaves and killing them off too!

Did a blonde turn him down for a date in high school or what?

Quesdilla doesn't work there anymore

I need to start a SJW themed webcomic so I can get a job as a writer at Marvel and fix Spidey. Can a person be a transfluidgender person?

become a writer, who will do the art?

For the webcomic, I can make do with stick figures ("Did you just assume mah gendah!"). Once I get to Marvel, there is only one choice. Frank Cho.

alright, best of luck Sup Forumsmrade

Is this loss?


Can always count on Deadpool for the meta.

>>didn't take the opportunity to fix this in The Clone Conspiracy
Seriously, everythig was there, the perfect time and oportunity for Slob to do do something meaningful with the title, but no, fuck no.

personally I'd rewind Marvel back to some point in the late 80's to early 90's

That's the end of its good period

Why bother addressing it when they can just sweep it under the rug? He has a story to tell! Don't focus on sins passed!

user stop, u are killin me

>He has a story to tell
Sweet jesus man, did you like clone conspiracy?

Nah! Just being sarcastic. ;)

The arrangement is all wrong. But damned if you didn't make me do a double take!

Oh that would be so sweet, but Marvel is too busy following their own SJW agenda to address that kind of shit. Givin some tits to thor and making her refure treatment and cure for Muh reasons, forcing insufferable female characters like america, silk (pandering to asian market, if the lastest adventures of spiderglow on china is not enough) and so many others. This was the most beloved female character in comic history, they had their chances in OMD and now with the clone conspiracy, they simply didnt care enough. Back there peter had Mj to support him, now he is an asexual loner with no dreams and no soul. Bravo Marvel. but hey, he is rich now hurrah?

>but hey, he is rich now hurrah?

The only story they can do once they run that idea into the ground is a fall from grace and back to basics. Unfortunately, we'll still have slott writing it.

>roastie acts like a roastie
I fail to see the problem.

The Stacy Kids were supposed to be Peter's but Quesada made them change it because it would make Pete look old. Quesada has a way making terrible decisions even worse.

>The only story they can do once they run that idea into the ground is a fall from grace and back to basics
this. i love it man.

what was up with Marlel at this time? Didn't Trouble come out around then too. What's with all the cucking in Spider-man stories.

>but hey, he is rich now hurrah
sorry sorry this still bothers me, he didnt earn his doctorate, he is a fraud.but apparently that's ok with disney marvel slott and alonso, not for me.

Well, Silk is Korean.
China either distrusts Korea (because they're American allies and thus untrustworthy), or holds Korea at arms length while technically being called an "ally" (because changing politics have made them a liability but they can't get rid of them without very likely provoking a much larger war) depending on which Korea you're talking about.

frat boy quesada and his own NTR fantasies running the business?

>Silk is Korean
still sucks
Sins past and silk, you just don't mess with uber canon. the equivalent with the other two big characters in the industry would be: alfred is the real father of Bruce... Clark was raised by the local prostitute of smallville martha kent.

Skip should come back as a Professor Zoom type, where we discover he's behind everything bad that ever happened to Peter, including selling his marriage to Mephisto and everyone of his villains.

mephisto, then doc ock, petey always needs some help just to keep going

classic Skip, always a blast. ups

They handwaved that requirement during his teaching stint, but yea. It bugs me that Pete didn't continue even night classes to finish a Masters at least.

>alfred is the real father of Bruce...

Thomas may have been your father, Bruce. But he wasn't your daddy.

so, why great power...meh

Let's see:

-Norman was fucking with him, these kids aren't even related to Peter
-They are Peter's kids, but they age twice as fast thanks to an experimental formula Norman used on them (to fuck with Peter, he'd never learn of the formula and assume this was thanks to his own genes)
-It was a dream/alternate dimension/hallucination
-Retconned out of existence

It's a real shame that no father figure lived long enough to teach Pete how to be responsible.

Wait, I get it now, Tony is the new Skip. meanwhile aunt May is fucking Mickey Rourke

Is Spiderman going to be the new "demon in a bottle" then?

>"demon in a bottle"
"semen demon in a bottle" FTFY
also, that pic made me laugh

>"semen demon in a bottle"


funniest cho ever.
Crying spidey on the background would be top kek but is good as it is.

he totally fucked her

Cho is a national treasure!

If you could clone Gwen Stacy's, wouldn't you?

Ehh... I know where that DNA's been. No thank you.

Because a lot of spider-man fans LOVE down-on-his-luck, underdog spider-man. It's what they grew up with and its the most popular interpretation. It even has a name "The Ol' Parker Luck".

You sure that's it? Because I just hate the jerk and want to see him get what's coming to him.