Kingdom Hearts

Let's give Samurai Jack a break with all the Ashi or Jashi nonsense.

Is Sup Forums looking forward to KH3?

How is a series so stupid able to also be charming and fun?

What Disney Films do you want?

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>Is Sup Forums looking forward to KH3?
>How is a series so stupid able to also be charming and fun?
Later games got melodramatic, but Sora ia breath of fresh air for JRPG protagonist due to him being a lovable dofus instead of angst ridden machine.
>What Disney Films do you want?
Zootopia if Square got enough time, or put it as DLC.

I'm losing optimism towards KH3, mostly because of the development time and lack of any real information.

It was the same thing with Persona 5, yet that wait was well worth it for most fans.

But I swear to god, Kingdom Hearts 3 got to be Square's big game at E3 this year.

It won't be.

It wont be released until the next console generation.

Bought the two PS4 compilations and playing them now. Chain of Memories is fucking awful. Anyway, I just want a Robin Hood world.

It's coming out this generation, that was confirmed a while back. We're getting ff7 remake first. Also this isn't Sup Forums related, not unless we're for certain getting marvel ips in it.

Nope. KH2 was my breaking point, and the plot just kept derailing from there. All my black friends kept insisting "No, this new one's really good! Just play all the HD collections and you'll be caught up!" but I never gave in.

I got sick of Nomura's bullshit when I was in highschool. I'm 30 now and sure as hell doesn't have time for it.

With how long it's taking the game had better have all four titans, Chernabog flying around free from the mountain, and a final battle larger and crazier than the dragon machine in KH2

>Also this isn't Sup Forums related
>A property owned by Disney isn't Sup Forums related.

What the hell have you been smoking, son?

>It was the same thing with Persona 5, yet that wait was well worth it for most fans.
And if Hashino was writing Kingdom Hearts 3, the wait would have been over back before we killed Osama, and everyone would have loved it.

But we got Nomura instead.

I just want a secret boss fight against Darth Vader (no star wars level, since that wouldn't work). I just finished Dream Drop Distance yesterday and I've given up on the story, so just looking forward to the game for the (hopefully) fun combat


Hopefully Kairi isn't in it.

Nomura and the entire Kingdom Hearts team got re-assigned to FF15 years ago. 15 got its development completely restarted at least once, and you could tell in interviews that Nomura was frustrated about not being able to work on KH3. If you wanna blame someone, blame Squeenix corporate, not Nomura.

Give them time.

Eh, p5 was pretty mediocre. I enjoyed it but even after the wait they fucked up in a lot of places because they needed more time. The visual design is godlike though. Story needed more work.

>Totally. Love the new ride summons and I'm looking forward to the return of forms. Here's hoping they can somehow fit the Haunted Mansion into one of the summons.

>Just don't take it seriously and the enjoy the craziness. I'm personally hoping the Disney worlds are integrated into the plot better. This might actually happen seeing how Sora is sent to Olympus Colosseum at the end of 0.2.

>I expect Emperor's New Groove, Begrudgingly accept Frozen and my personal fever dream want is James and the Giant Peach, though the rights would be an absolute bitch to muster.

>How is a series so stupid able to also be charming and fun?
Because you touch your self at night.

I don't think it's stupid at all.


How do you know ff7 is 1st? If true, thats some bullshit. An unnecessary remake before a needed sequel. Fucking geniuses at Square

You say that but its not like you have to understand everything. Did you really play Kingdom Hearts for the story? Theres a bad guy and Sora has to stop him. That's all you need to know.

No one asked for your opinion. Most people are loving it and calling it Goty so far.

I just want Roxas and Xion to finally get their happy ending.


>I just want Roxas and to finally get their happy ending.

That's some shitty grammar you got there user. But I agree, Roxas got shit on pretty hard. Hope he somehow gets a brighter end in 3.

>10 games in
>Kairi still hasn't done shit

Why is this allowed?

>I just want Roxas and to finally get their happy ending.





I'd look more forward to it if Leonard Nimoy was still alive.

Or if they would finally start doing levels based on post Walt's death pre-renaissance movies.

>its the same thing with persona 5
No the fuck its not.

Persona 5 took 9 years to make but its demographic mostly stayed the same.

Kingdom Hearts fanbase started out as kids and preteens. Fas forward to the present, and most of them have moved on and given up waiting for the third sequel.
Many of KH fans have grown up and started their own families.

Graduated college.

Started new lives with new jobs.

Think about that for a moment. If you think that Square taking so long to release this game won't have an impact on its sale youre delusional.

Don't worry user, I hear you loud and clear.

My favorite character is as well!

What do people think of Xehanort as a villain? I think he's kinda shit.

>I planned for literally everything!
>spends every game getting his ass kicked
>it took him several years before BBS and 12 years after to even get close to completing his plans
>the narrative continues to fellate him like he's some master genius

I want more Pirates of the Caribbean stuff


How many "Sora's" are we up to now?

>Sora's Heartless

I miss anyone?

Most people have low standards because of waifus and the jrpg drought. It'll probably be my second place under nier.

>Chain of Memories is fucking awful.

Get good.

Also GBA CoM is superior.

The worlds are boring as hell. It's a re-hash of KH 1 but without any dramatic heft during the world-bits. It's all fake, so it doesn't matter.

The scenes in the castle itself are interesting, but everything else is tedious and boring.

I look forward to playing KH3 when it comes out, right after Half-Life 3.

>James and the Giant Peach

I'm surprised someone else actually wants this in Kingdom Hearts. I really don't know how it would work though.


I don't even know if Ventus counts anymore.

I dunno I thought it was fun.
I'm still recommending GBA CoM.

He serves the same role in the narrative, and currently resides in Sora's heart. Close enough.


He is now an Immortal Human.....apparently the boy has been alive since the actual original ancient Keyblade War. He hasn't aged a bit. It explains why during his training days with Eraqus he is still as young as always, this kid must have some magical plot device that prevents him from aging.

Man, how many dudes are in sora now?

GBA is better, the gameplay is much more polished.

Also Ansem Retort is great.

I tried playing it on an emulator once and thought it looked and played like ass. I'll stick to the remake..

>the boy has been alive since the actual original ancient Keyblade War.

Are we sure about this?
Wasn't the stuff going on in KHUx involve dreams and simulations? And time travel may or may not have happened sometime in the story?

>I really don't know how it would work though

I pictured it as something like Port Royal. You'd help James escape and then take the peach to do all the shit from the movie.

>Explore the peach as a hub
>Giant shark boss fight
>Explore the underwater ship graveyard
>Sky Rhino miniboss
>Explorable big city based off of New York where you have to scale the empire state building to reach the peach.
>End boss is a terrifying amalgam created from the darkness in Spiker and Sponge's heart. Design is based off of what Spiker and Sponge looked like from the dream sequence.

It takes some getting used to the controls, but once you do it's the easiest thing to play in the world. The card game was not meant to be played in 3d, it really only works well in 2d.

That is true, it's implied that KHU (and KHX) are all taking place in the realm of dreams. Anyway Maleficent, the real one, managed to sneak inside there after apparently claiming the Book of Prophecies and saying Sora cannot interfere there.

You didn't miss much. 358/2 Days was functional on a gameplay level, but it was completely unnecessary from a story perspective, and BBS is essentially Revenge of the Sith: Disney Edition

Also, the wait between P4 and P5 was 9 years, and KH is currently 12 and counting


pic related

Try using a handheld device.

I'm not going to hunt one down just to play an old version of a game I already own. That would be a colossal waste of time and money.

>apparently claiming the Book of Prophecies and saying Sora cannot interfere there.

Wait, do you mean Sora can't interfere in the Realm of Dreams, or he can't go within the actual Book of Prophecies? (which might be a thing? Going into a world within the book?)

I'm almost falling asleep, i lack coherence to discuss jack shit.

I'm just here to post specific vids that need to be posted in every single KH thread.

Don't bother asking me to explain them, someone else probably will, i'm too tired.

Here's also technical vids for 2 nerds left out there that still give a shit.

You don't post all this stuff in the general too do you?

Aqua's better

Yeah, occasionally.

Kinda like him but like you said the constant retcons make him seem like an idiot. I was interested in a keyblade wielder who embraced darkness instead of light and was like an antivillian, but Nomura just made him a straight-up evil dude

"The constant retcons make him see like an idiot"
But don't you see? He's such a mastermind tactician that even his idiocy is calculated.
And then he starts talking about fate and destiny, undermining his own plans as he states that you can't change things that are supposed to happen.


He creates stories about boys doing boy things with other boys. Kairi is a distraction.

Not really. Never got grabbed by the series. The combat in 1 wasn't my cup of tea, and the weeb main characters didn't appeal to me either. I love disney, but kingdom hearts seems less disney and too much convoluted weeb shit with a dusting of disney.

It should be 60-70% Disney and 20-30% Final Fantasy with some original content sprinkled in.

In practice, it comes to about 40% Disney, 5% Final Fantasy cameos, and the rest is all OC anime bullshit.

>leveling to max in the destiny islands

Christ, that must have gotten tedious for the guy.

...when will this meme that Nomura has jack shit to do with KH story finally die?
Do you guys realize that he has literally no real input in the story aside pushing some elements here and there?

Nomura has a marginal role in the series gameplay direction, and all the designs.
99% of what he does in this fucking series is designs.
Yet you still name him because you're lazy fucks that refuse to learn names such as Kazushige Nojima and Daisuke Watanabe.

You stupid motherfuckers.

Because they want to focus on everything else (the boys story) and keep Kairi as a Deus Ex Machina, because they don't know how to write cheeky girls.

>Do you guys realize that he has literally no real input in the story aside pushing some elements here and there?
lol you're an idiot. The story comes from him in the first place

I want a Bravr little Toaster world

KH1 story.
You absolute dumbass.
From KH2 onwards he's not writing jack shit anymore.

Hahahahaha, the fact that you actually believe this is funny. don't stop pls keep going

>he has no input

Prove it then. The burden is upon you, chumpet.

If it came out to the former instead of the latter, I'd probably be a fan. But as you said, the OC bullshit really shits on it for me. And there was criminally too little of Mickey Mouse kicking ass on screen. Fucker was basically god king of Disney kingdom and he kept sneaking around behind the scenes like some damn peasant. Where's his shining armour and Disney equivalent of Excalibur wrecking face?

I'd like to see the Brave Little Toaster only for this scene.

>mfw replaying 1

Holy shit this is terrible.

Comfy and fun game but christ it's designed like shit and the story is laughable.

I am looking forward to KHIII

all the disney worlds I want are ones that get named very thread so there's no point repeatin them

He does have the MOM's keyblade with an eye in it so maybe he can see everything

>Where's his shining armour and Disney equivalent of Excalibur wrecking face?

He has tons of screen time in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A fragmentary passage.

Including a scene where heartless magically burn his clothes off so that they can justify him looking just in his shorts at the end of KH1.
No, i'm not kidding.
This is an actual thing they wrote in the plot.

Wasn't it that in the begining, Disney didn't want them to use Mickey, and basically said to use him as little as possible? I mean, that's obviously not true now, but if it was, it would make sense since he wasn't a major character until kh2 with his dramatic moment at the halfway point.

In KH2, after Kairi got a keyblade and gaving that speech about not sitting back while her fate is decided by others (shortly before she gets shut out by the "no girls allowed" door and spends the end of the game waiting for the others to decide her fate), I thought it would have been cool to have her be another character I could put in my party.

Only she would suck. She would start at level 1, and be a pain to level up, but the option would still be there, and if you put the time in to train her she could actually be worth taking into the final battle.

After KH2 though, doing anything like that now seems like it would be too little too late. Like her pointlessness is set in stone. I would still prefer a Kairi training chapter if they are going to make her a fighter though.

Makes more sense than retconning it to his KH outfit and saying "just pretend he was wearing that"

I think I like the PS2 version more because of the shitty recolours in 1.5. Also for some reason I felt like the camera was worse? I actually like the story though.


>Wasn't it that in the begining, Disney didn't want them to use Mickey

Originally the protagonist of KH was supposed to be Mickey himself.
This idea was scrapped early on because he was deemed to lack flexibility as a character in terms of how he would react to different situations happening to him.
Mickey is too strict and always has to look a certain way.
You can see this in every KH game, when he shows up he looks stiff as fuck, like someone is wearing a costume, compared to humanoid characters.

Nomura came up with and wrote the travesty that is Dream Drop Distance . He, at the very least, took part in the dismantling of the entirety of Kingdom Hearts' lore

I don't know that one, my exposure has been the main two and that weird one with the card battle system. That and what I've heard from those who've played it.

I wouldn't know, I don't know behind the scenes stuff. But at least that would be an excuse I suppose.

Wait, Kairi is useless? In 1, she was nonexistent and in 2, she eventually did shit. She hasn't really had many opportunities to DO anything or nothing, and yoy can't really be useless when the story doesn t focus on you for 3/4ths of the series so far.

Hopefully she'll be given ample chances to be a useful character.

>Only she would suck. She would start at level 1

She might not be at level 1 since she was able to attack some shadows in TWTNW, and those must be high level shadows. But her level would still be pretty low.

Also Nomura said she was the strongest on Destiny Islands, but we don't really know what exactly that's supposed to be.

Well that and Disney hardly allow him to be anything but a posterboy these days.

It's like the shit they pulled with Warren Spector when he was doing Epic Mickey. Mickey was going to be able to be a complete cunt and very much capable of bad things, but then Disney said nope and forced the game to show him as the good boy scamp he's been for decades.


All I want out of KH3 is the inclusion of Zidane and Dr. Facilier. They're both perfect for this series.

good for him, the lore is shit

>we don't really know what exactly that's supposed to be.
she's a princess of heart, so I would assume that means she can very quickly become a better white mage than even Minnie, just spamming twenty different kinds of Holy

Turn yourself sideways, you dumb kid.

This just proves she's as dense as Sora.

If we got Zidane, I'd want Garnet as well.

But it's not too likely as Nomura mostly likes to include characters he had a hand in designing.

I think Square wanted Mickey to be the main character but Disney wanted Donald Duck to be the main character.

Kairi isn't actually useless.
They just never use her.
She's a princess of heart who was able to bring Sora back. Her message in a bottle was able to get to Sora and Riku and bring them back home. And if Kairi wasn't around then Namine and Xion wouldn't exist.

So basically Kairi is a powerful plot device/Deus Ex Machina.

Even if Kairi would be a pain to level up, I'd do it anyway.

Flip turnways you mean?

First off, I doubt anyone would be able to slip through those bars. Second, it's a joke. Third, a loli with hips a cute. CUTE!

Beatrix > Freya > that chick with the giant axe >>>>> Garnet

Worst FF9 girl.