What does Sup Forums think of The Loud Harem?

What does Sup Forums think of The Loud Harem?

Never watched it, might not be missing much.

I like it and the comic

I think Nick might have jumped the gun giving it a movie so soon.


Tried a few episodes. Couldn't get into it at all. Pretty sure people just watch it for the waifus.

I liked Sunday newspaper funnies so this show aesthetic pleases me.

a 7/10 show with a lot of 5/10 episodes that gets carried by it's good main cast, who get constantly pushed to the side so all the uninteresting people from Lincoln's school can get focus

Every main character is an asshole and the show is either Lincoln being the bigger asshole or his sisters being the bigger assholes

How come some episodes you can see mom and dads face and others you cant

I want to marry Leni.

Their faces were revealed after the Christmas special. In the early season 1 episodes their faces were obscured on every appearance like cartoon parents usually are

They revealed the faces in the Christmas episode and kept them unhidden since.

user, her name is spelled "Luan."

I dont like Clyde

I like Bobby.

Hopefully in the movie he'll be treated like Susie in the first two Rugrats movies and get very little screentime.


dropped it at the gender-swap episode


Might need to give this show another chance.

Then again, I've already given it three chances. Guess I'll just watch that one episode, then.

It's something along the lines of: Lincoln wishes he had brothers. Portal to alt. universe where he has brothers. They're all violent and filthy. Girls rule, boys drool, the end.

tried watching the first few episodes and it's not very good
character design is alright, but the script was pretty generic

>Girls rule, boys drool, the end.

I didn't get that at all. If that was the case why didn't Lincoln change genders or shit? Had nothing to do with gender, it was just to teach Lincoln that sometimes what he wishes for is right there with him already.

You were projecting your shitty culture war b.s. into the show. Lay off the Sargon vids or something.

I mean, it's cute, but boy is it boring.
Not like Nick has any other shows it could be playing aside from the 6 hours of Nick Jr, 3 hours of Spongebob, 3 hours of sitcoms, and 8 hours of Nick@nite.

An alright show about a asshole kid getting dicked around by his asshole sisters. Very cartooney, and there's not a whole lot continuity in between episodes. You really shouldn't expect a whole lot from these characters; Lincoln is just a generic everyman virtually any guy can jump into, and his siblings are defined by their respective caricature when it comes to personality. Thus making their behavior very predictable episode from episode.

There's also a side character best friend who, frankly, sucks. No I'm not kidding, Clyde is a terrible character who just falls flat and spills the spaghetti all over the floor with nothing really special about him. Plus seeing all these distinct classmates wandering around makes me wonder if Lincoln had a half dozen or so 'best friends' drawn before Savino just threw up his arms and grunted 'let's go with Clyde!' Seriously, better 'token black' characters are always walking around in the background.

I'm giving it a 5/10, with the best episode maybe reaching a low 7 but that's being generous. It's just a generic show throwing back to Peanuts, but not having the balls or the freedom to really make another Charlie Brown.

Well, the episodes are a total of about 10 minutes a piece, so, yeah, they're not super eventful but at the same time its not like they take up a lot of your time

cartoon for waifufaggots. those are the ones who complain about Clyde the most, even though he's more of a supporting character than a foil to Lincoln.

for those who couldn't get into it you're not mising much. it's feels like a throwback to a 90's Nick show and it's not "in your face" about the diversity push and handles it well which I think it's one of the show's strong points.

pic related is Lincoln's gf, Ronnie Anne's extended family, set to appear in the last episode of next week's bomb.

If the best you can say about a show is at least it's not longer, that's not exactly praise.

>Not like Nick has any other shows it could be playing aside from the 6 hours of Nick Jr, 3 hours of Spongebob, 3 hours of sitcoms, and 8 hours of Nick@nite.

And people wonder why cable TV is dying. Especially kid's TV, which will be the first to go.

I didn't say that at all, though. In fact I'd love for longer episodes. I was just responding to your implication that 10 minute eps that are essentially shorts are somehow inconvenient to your daily schedule.

There is an episode where he's Linka, and the brothers are very kind and caring.

Show is pretty OK. The recent episodes have been slanting too far against Lincoln lately though imo. It feels like there used to be a lot more episodes that were "We all kind of fucked up, but we're family so we forgive each other" instead of "Lincoln is the only one who's wrong because ?????????". The girl fight episode was probably my least favorite because of this, shit made no sense given what we already know about the family.

The Loud HOUSE?
Oh, I love that show.
Harem and Incest fags can go jump in a pit of lava.

Does anyone have a bigger version of this image ?

I only watch this show for Luan and Leni.

Eh, waifufaggots normally bitch about Clyde when he's taking oh so precious screen time from the sisters. And the sisters aren't great characters either. In my honest opinion: LH's greatest weakness are the one note characters, the eleven minute format, and the lack of freedom given to the creators. But what frustrates me the most is the art style. It's a throw back, if not a homage, to old newspaper clippings and toons that the show seemingly refuses to capitalize on or utilize to it's full extent. I mean the little puff clouds when the character runs, the missing face parents, seeing my man Bluto as a exterminator, all just feel like wasted opportunities.

Especially now since the parent's faces were revealed. That kind of thing should be reserved for the very last episode, frankly. But I'll stand by my statement and say it's a alright cartoon. It's overly generic, doesn't take any risks (real risks, not SJW bullshit 'risks'), and it's a bad sign when I'm more interested in the black girl running around in the background than I am in Lincoln trying to increase his popularity level.

Watch Peanuts instead.

Literally one of the most generic cartoons we've had in a long time.

Doesn't play with it's concept well enough.

Too many episodes make Lincoln out to be in the wrong where he literally does.
>Wants a decent family picture. Sisters don't give him one, when he eventually snaps and goes over the top with the whole thing and then made out to be the bad guy with it.
>Puts earphones in so he can have some peace and quiet and do his own thing for a while. Guilt tripped out the fucking wazoo for it and forced to do things for his sisters for a whole day.
>Spends months planning which seat is the best seat in the car for a road trip. Nicely organises everyone around to fit with what they want. Sisters figure out what he's trying to do and steal from him.

So many plots are just frustrating to no end.

>grounded SoL cartoon isn't as zany as I want it to be!
I think the cartoon you're looking for is looney tunes or family guy.

Same episode

spotted the only child cuck

-he wanted a perfect picture at the expense of his sisters.
-you don't outright ignore people, least of all the ones you have to live with.
-what he did was manipulation, it's only fair that he gets some competition.

>you don't outright ignore people, least of all the ones you have to live with.
t.has no sisters
They do shit like that all the time, are you fucking kidding me?

>you don't outright ignore people, least of all the ones you have to live with.

I've been ignoring my brother and sister-in-law for five days while they visit and it's going just fine.

well I'm sorry that you both have problems and you're taking it out on a cartoon.

I grew up with 3 older sisters dude so I know this is all bullshit.

>Taking a photo with a big family ain't that hard if people actually take the photo seriously
>Literally haven't spoken that much with my sisters in weeks despite the fact that we were the only ones living in the house for a while
>Asking nicely for a seat ain't fucking manipulation

>-you don't outright ignore people, least of all the ones you have to live with.
Nigger, I actively ignored my older brother and sister all the fucking time as a kid.
Even in a family of 6 that shit was grating, can't imagine how fucking awful it is in a family of 13.

>Literally one of the most generic cartoons we've had in a long time.

And that's what kids want

I don't understand why they were mean to Linlcon but nice to Linka

I liked it a lot at first but then it slowly died on me. Mainly due to the sheer volume of main characters you don't really get enough screen time of the ones you like. Or in some cases none at all. Or in some cases it's a Clyde episode and you turn the TV off.

i really didn't want to hate on clyde, but fuck man why does he have so many episodes
it's almost weird watching an episode revolving around one of the sisters

Same reason with the sisters and Lincoln from the same episode. Being the one boy/girl out of 10 girls/boys, as hard as they might get with them, they're still especially looking out for them, smothering them in attention.
They were "mean" to Lincoln because he's "one of the boys", and that's how they are with each other. They roughhouse, they tease, they mess with each other. It only seems especially bad because our Lincoln is prettty wimpy/feminine, so when they stopped doing the things that he liked, it seemed much more harsh when that reality's Lincoln was probably used to a lot of it.

Name two Clyde episodes and say how they're explicitly "Clyde episodes", not counting Overnight Success because that was more about Lincoln and the effect his sisters had on guests and Baby Steps which actually is blatantly a Clyde episode from his pov.

>lincoln says in an official off-tv interview that his hair wasn't always white
>the show shows him as a baby and it's white
what did they mean by this?

What was your thread?

>telepathically smoking a cigar
Man, Americans dream of some dumb shit

The white strands were the first sign, he had a phase of "Normal" where his hair was blonde probably before losing melanin
Or they just didn't care enough to be consistent :^)

about 1/4th of the episodes Clyde has a major role in them
and it doesn't help these seem to be the episodes they rerun often


Stop watching linear television, user. Either download or stream your cartoons and watch whatever episodes of whatever shows at whatever time you want. Problem solved.

That episode where Clyde worked his way into congress to pull strings and get Trump elected was pretty cool

If they showed one or more of the sisters naked, it would be better.

I don't think Chris Savino really understand what a manga is.

>Savino says Luna and Link are the closest
>They've had the least direct interaction of the entire group

Shit changes, yo.

... because it's not black and white?

color manga is a thing, you know

>implying he'd actually keep his promise
boy, wish I was 13 and or retarded

The art style looks nothing like the kind you see in a manga. It kind of reminds me of how the Warrior comics are called "mangas."

I grew up with 18 siblings so its slightly relate-able. I had more brothers than sisters though so I didn't end up killing myself.

The opposite of playing it safe isn't necessarily going crazy. Pretty much every episode of the loud house is predictable to a tee, to the point where the best episodes are ones that even slightly deviate from the trend. Sure it's comfy and all, but you can have a comfy slice of Life show that isn't just reusing conventions. Even the sisters all have a lot more that could be done than just individually be tropes, or collectively be a single female mob. There's lots of potential for the loud house and I hope that as they burn through the book of stereotypical episode plots, we'll get some really good novel episodes. I agree with in that the show could do a lot by playing off of it's Sunday morning comic style, but I dunno. I'm not personally creative enough to think of anything

Ain't that the truth. Back when the series was first starting out, Lincoln and Lynn were very close. I mean Lynn was freaking sleeping with him late at night despite being 13, a age where she's way too old to be doing that. Hell, Lincoln himself was too old to be doing that, leading to some very eery implications. To make things even weirder, Lynn seemed like she was fucking obsessed with Lincoln at times. Sure. At first it was cute, then it quickly took a right turn into 'hey Lynn Sr., you might need to give your daughter a talk' ville.

Then it was Lucy who Lincoln helped out more than once, and was actually grateful for it. While these two didn't get a whole lot of time in the spot light, Lucy actually struck me as a decent sibling who wasn't a weirdo with boundary issues. Much unlike Lynn. Then she faded and... It all fell apart from there. In fact, all the characters got flandernized by the writers. Now I'm pretty sure everyone in that family hates each other, the parents are DaddyoFive tier at times, Lynn and Lincoln REALLY don't get along, and we see more of Clyde.

Clyde is a character that frustrates me. I know they needed a token black guy, but he's just terrible. I swear some of the background characters were concepts for Clyde's original design and I really wish Savino would've given Lincoln a better batch of friends. Really, what's wrong with Lincoln hanging out with some normal kids who aren't lower than the worms in the dirt? With all that, I really think LH lasted too long.

Has the show shown Lincoln's peepee yet? I don't want to waste my time.

It's nice to see that the LH circlejerk has finally died off and Sup Forums has largely turned against it.

There was never a circlejerk. Even from the beginning most people said the show wasn't that great and were only in it for the waifus and I say this as someone who had and still do not agree.
Also, Sup Forums hasn't "largely" turned against it, because that would imply people actively care enough to be "against" it rather than disinterested at most.

They moved to /trash/

18? how are you alive? i can barely manage 2

>Even from the beginning most people said the show wasn't that great and were only in it for the waifus

now that's just not true
people were posting long diatribes about how lh was saving cartoons, was the first good one in a while, a return to the good old days
obsessively posting ratings to "prove" how lh was great
in several lh threads at once and also threads that weren't about lh

maybe you've forgotten, but some of us haven't

Eh, not really. I've seen less and less actual fans and more weirdos obsessed with autistic CC drama shitting everything up, while chasing normal people. Thankfully most CCs in general have migrated to Tumblr where they get a better audience (at least to some extent).

Only five were older. I had enough younger siblings to take off some heat. None of my siblings were too awful either. I just have to deal with another 15 or so years and they;ll all be old enough for me not to worry about anything.

someone pls respond

Looks more like an anime scene

That's certsinly hype about a show, but that's not a circlejerk, which implies no one had reservations about it or couldn't say such. If you actually were in the threads people were complaining about the very first episodes and continued doing so, with the "good" episodes being whatever focused on their waifu.
And while people were saying "this show is saving nick", you're ignoring the context of how Nick doesn't have many great shows with good ratings, good production values and a good reputation, not did it have a good tepuation of treating its shoes well. That "proof" you choose to handwave is within that context that it's a show among others that got people looking in Nick's sdrection. In the first place, you shouldn't take "x is saving y" seriously, but while it was being said, people still said it wasn't perfect.

what was it like growing up with them?

Eh it was alright. Our parents were strict but not irrationally so. Privacy was nonexistent most of the time. Some of my younger brothers are retarded and can't into logic so they get mad at me a lot. Overall its pretty nice.

>what was it like growing up with them?
But the art style looks nothing like it.

Responded to the wrong person.

that's astounding. have any stories?

... Lynn!?

Of what exactly?

Your parents are literally vermin and should have been executed after the 6th.


dunno. anything interesting or funny perhaps?

It's a shame Clyde is such a shit character, because his dads are great.

Not really user. Most of it all is personal stuff that probably wouldn't be funny without context. Most of the time when I mention family online its because I'm just bitching about stuff.

i see. sorry to bother

Nah its fine mate. I just assume most of it would be uninteresting to you. I have no clue what you would even consider to be interesting.

the mere concept of having more than 4 siblings is quite interesting to me

I grew up with six siblings, I couldn't imagine growing up with three times that many. Those fuckers were annoying.

Oh. Its normal to me, so there is probably a lot of mundane shit that goes around here that would be fascinating to you. The most interesting this is seeing how ages react differently to certain things. Like having a sibling who is fine streaking around the house, then having another one who is 2 years older who doesn't even like being seen shirtless. Same gender, same parents, same household and all of that but two years apparently makes a big difference in some areas. Its pretty fascinating watching them grow up when you are pretty much done doing it yourself.

Luckily I wasn't a middle child or I probably would have went insane. I don't have any troubled siblings yet, so things are usually peaceful.

>Its pretty fascinating watching them grow up when you are pretty much done doing it yourself.
this. my siblings has changed so much since i graduated high school and i can't believe they're close to doing that as well.

I wish every episode wasn't about Lincoln being an asshole and having to apologize for it.

Sometimes the episodes are about everyone else being assholes and Lincoln have to apologize for it.

>its that episode where Lincoln has to explain why all his sisters are pregnant

How did they get this past the censors?