Why did reading Scott Pilgrim make me sad...

Why did reading Scott Pilgrim make me sad? I think I would self-insert as Scott and wish I had some cute emo weird girl just step into my life and like it me. I really had a major crush on Ramona, and knives as well. Frankly the entire series just made me depressed and upset, but I still enjoyed it.

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The part about him being an adult but directionless hit too close to home.

Basically, he's a 20 year old with no idea what he's doing with a bunch of problems. Why I hate the movie so much, completely ignores the fact that Scott is bumbling about life aimlessly

I still think I self-inserted as Scott at the time, I was just some random directionless weeaboo guy who was lonely and thought "Man, I see myself as Scott." But I hated that I didn't have a girlfriend plus I was really lonely. A lot of things about the series just really made me depress.

>having gf

can't relate

>Why did reading Scott Pilgrim make me sad?

Because the author is a half-Korean whose first published comic is about a white boy cheating on his Asian girlfriend with a white girl, and who after it became popular made a statement that he wished he'd written Scott as an Asian instead?

I'm white but I like both Asian and white girls

It made me sad because he had shit tons of friends (at least compared to me, I have zero) and he was a shitty friend and they still liked him.

Am I the only one who felt a punch in the gut for reading Chapter Four? Poor poor Lisa, Imagine being so attached to someone for that long and still not knowing when to let go even when they already have someone of their own which is exactly how I feel

If you related to Scott in any way, you probably might wanna start reevaluating your life

>Tfw when you read the book and identify with scott

>tfw you read the books years later, can't identify with him at all, and realize what a huge ass hole scott is

This is the correct way. If you related to Scott past 25 the trajectory of your life has gone death spiral.

I'm 24 and I don't see myself as Scott anymore, but I am still really lonely and wish I had a girlfriend.

Is that bad?



>not realizing he's a huge asshole on your first reading, regardless of age

I mean, sure, you can empathize with him a little. But him being a giant asshole is basically the whole point of the character.

The idea that you aren't meant to like Scott isn't really validated by the text. Just about everyone in universe likes and supports him, gives him constant encouragement no matter what he does. I think he's only seen as an asshole in retrospect, and that wasn't necessarily O'Malley's original intention.

Dude, I think you totally missed the point of the book.

Scott is a manchild who lives in a fantasy world. He dates a fucking high schooler.

Ramona is meant to be an unrealistic fantasy girl. She's hot, into "nerdy" things, sarcastic, wears Hot Topic clothes with colored hair, has casual sex with Scott, but notice she has no other real personality traits besides just being a sex fantasy.

She also has a bunch of "asshole" exes (because Scott is totally different from all those other guys) that Scott has to literally defeat to save Ramona from and to "win" her heart.

It's all supposed to be a childish and self-serving way of looking at the world, where he views himself as a protagonist, Ramona as the girl he's entitled to as a reward for being awesome, and everyone else are just NPCs and supporting characters in his life.

Kim represented a real girl who liked him despite his flaws, but she didn't line up with Scott's dreamgirl.

OP, if you identify with Scott, there's a good chance people think you're an asshole, and you're too full of yourself to notice. It's OK though, because we all go through that phase.

And you shouldn't pine for a girl like Ramona. She's only appealing on a surface, fetishy level. You just want a girl who is hot, likes you for no particular reason, dresses like your fantasy, is interested in all the things you're interested to and just parrots your opinions back at you. Ramona is barely a real person.

>Just about everyone in universe likes and supports him
Again, part of the point. The book reflects Scott's view of the world, not reality. That's what all the weird video game shit is for. Life is a game and he's the main character. Everyone seems to like him, but there's no particular reason why, because he treats them as totally replaceable.

Do you think Scott gets better after the ending and stops being an asshole?

You make a great point.

I just want to fuck a hot emo girl who is kinky and likes anime, it's true.

So is Scott the worst person in the book, or is he just an just an average asshole?


Before the thread die can anyone explain what the he'll was Lost at sea about, Scott pilgrim I get it's about an asshole who sees himself as the underdog trying to get the girl but I don't get what's going with LAS

Honest to god that's my biggest fear right now god help me if I'm still alone by my 30s

It's great that the video game was kickass books were great I'm still thinking about getting the colored edition which is better BW or Colored?

>Why did reading Scott Pilgrim make me sad?
Because you have shit taste

>That's what all the weird video game shit is for
Nah, this is post-script explanation, that video game shit was carrying on without Scott being present.

Probably he seemed to have achieved some level of self awareness by the endings

I'm 28, I'm getting closer. My brother already got married and is having a kid soon while I don't have a single actual friend who looks for me.

It's hard to be alone, maybe you never get used to it, but is better to keep a straight face and a good stance and keep going instead of wallowing daily about things that could have gone differently.

So are you saying Scott Pilgrim is shit? Cause that's shit taste on your part actually.

I get you. I'm gay and I avoid reading any good gay romance stuff there is to avoid getting depressed. And reading straight romance just makes me wish I was normal.

I've been wanting to read Scott Pilgrim for years.

But there's like five gay characters and like four of them get in a relationship and are probably better off than Scott and Romana will ever be

>lmao anime references lmao mtv romance XDD

>no, you


Do you feel lost while reading it?

Scott seems like he would have been better off staying with Knives, I mean Ramona was a bad influence on him and even though Knives was younger I feel like she was better for Scott.

Honestly Scott and Knoves relationship would never have worked out largely because Scott was a asshole dating a high school who cheated on her the first chance he got to

Scott didn't deserve Knives.

It'll be okay user, just give it time.

he even knew Knives liked him in a serious (infatuated) way and that he didnt like her in any serious way but carried on, stringing the poor girl along like a selfish asshole and playing pretend because he didnt want to feel bad about breaking up with her, not for her sake but for his own

The point of Scott and Knives is that he was dating her just because it was easy, he never had a real attachment to her, and Knives was still in that high school crush phase to realize it.

Scott and Ramona works because they both slowly grow together as persons, they get their shit together, start living together, Scott gets an actual job and Ramona slowly realizes how awful she had actually been with the evil exes. They belong together because they manage to make each other finally mature into proper adults.

So assholes deserve each other? I saw Ramona as a bitch and a whore, and Scott was just as much of an asshole. Is that why they made a great couple? Cause they were both toxic as fuck?

Scott was just a bit real, specially to young men/women who don't understand how relationships work.

Not that user, but yeah probably yes they awfulness rubbed off on each other