ITT we post characters and then choose what waifus theyd have

ITT we post characters and then choose what waifus theyd have

That dead girl he couldn't save.


A mannequin comprised of garbage somewhat resembling his mother




I wonder how fast Moore would have a heart attack if he realized this crack ship existed.

Rorschach is too fucked in the head from childhood trauma to have a waifu. I remember there briefly being a prolific Watchmen fandom after the movie came out who constantly put him with Nite Owl, though.

Cerebus only loves money.

Claremont would approve it.

Ann Coulter

Doesn't he already have a waifu?


Part of me is interested to see how Rorschach would deal with being in love/sexually attracted to a woman with his fucked up psyche and outlook on life.

but the rest of me knows it would be done poorly if the attempt would be made

He'd probably get irrationally angry and lash out at her for being a whore.

what's her face who's dad abused her and blurted it out at the dinner table in front of everyone

He'd never be able to fully trust them and any relationship would ultimately fall through, if it even got that far. Most likely it would be one-sided pining mixed with fury and self-loathing that never went anywhere. Any Rorschach romance story would end sadly even if he never died.

Nite Owl since Rorschach was obviously gay.

He's sexphobic isn't he?
He saw his whore mom get fucked a bunch. I assumed he found the idea of sex disgusting.

Night Owl appeared in TT GO? I didn't know that.

You do know he hated gays, right? He thought that lesbian couple deserved to be killed.

This guy gets it

Pretty sure he did a bit more than just think it, user.

Either Rorschach would have to be in love with the ideal of her and lack any actual sexual attraction just hold her up as some ideal of the perfect conservative wife in his fucked up world view. That or just repress that attraction HARD.
Even then she'd have to get past him being an ugly homless manlet. Then she'd have to get pass his social issues. And even after all that the second she'd want an actual physical relationship it'd breakdown completely because the first issue would be back with a vengeance. He'd reject her because his perfect woman can't have sex because that'd make her some degenerate whore.
Well it's not like closeted homos don't tend to hate gays. Hell a lot of open homos seem to hate gays.
Though I feel like if he was actually attracted to Nite Owl he'd avoid him rather than constantly invading his space.

>implying gays can't be homophobes
>implying a messed up shitter like Rorschach would be fine with being a fag and not hide in the closet forever

They threw in a lot of Watchmen references in TTG

He's not gay you psyche-projecting homophobes.

He's so traumatized by how fucked his life is that he's become a psychotically moral absolutist.
Everything in his worldview is either pure good or pure evil. There is no grays in right or wrong as far as he understands.
That's the whole point of his mask, that's the symbolism behind it.
So sex outside of marriage, induced by the sin of lust, is something he regards as an evil act in all forms.

How you think that sort of extreme right-wing fanaticism induces an instinctive attraction to one's own gender is beyond me, but then again that might be because I'm sane.

Wtf I love Rorschach even more now

>but then again that might be because I'm sane.

Hey there, Ditko!

He did seem weirdly jealous once Silk Spectre got into the picture after the prison break. Add in his hatred of women and impotence and you might have something there.

>Guy who hates gays is a self loathing gay
>Guy who hates murderers gleefully murders people


But then shouldntbhe be a self loathing murderer? Or shouldn't he be justifying why fucking a man up the ass isn't gay when he does it?

but he isn't gay, he just hates sexuality entirely.

Those are some far reaching mental gymnastics you're going through to make a confirmed non sexual killer into a gay man.

I don't necessarily disappprove, but why are they shipped?

He represses all sexual urges because he has some serious issues with sexuality. It is probably easy for him to see murder as something that is necessary while sexual acts are pure degenerate and filthy.


That penguin girl from the penguin surf movie