ITT: Female characters that would make good mothers

ITT: Female characters that would make good mothers.



In some ways I could actually see that making sense. A lot of her flaws came from her feelings of inadequacy that her loved her less than Zuko and always doted on him. It might lead to a Hank Hill effect where she strives to be a better mother to her children than hers was to her, while still being ruthless and vicious to everyone else.

Am I doing this right?



why is this a thing?

>All this Time Vicky wasn't being a needless sadist but was actually grooming Timmy into the perfect future husbando once he grew up.

Or she could take the path most followed and abuse her child as her parents did her and repeat the vicious cycle.

Or Maybe go the daddy route and train them for the sole purpose to brutally fight and kill to make the Fire Nation great again.

This pairing is the cringiest shit imaginable.


>butthurt tootie-fag


>butthurt "they hate each other so they must LOVE each other" cancer shipfag


In Hater's imagination - yes.
Canonically - no.

Tootie makes sense for this thread, but Vicky was a retarded gold digging wagecuck.

This is a two for one reference.

She considers fear the only way to maintain control, cue lots of parental abuse.

Well she can thank her parents for learning how to not raise her own kids atleast
