Can we have an XMen Evolution thread please?

Can we have an XMen Evolution thread please?

I just finished binging this show recently, and I really forgot how much I fucking loved it. And despite the fact that reboots of shows almost always suck, I still find myself kinda wanting one.

So, talk to me - what was your favorite episode, character, whatever? Would you want to see a reboot? If yes, what would you change?

I'd want to see a reboot if only to give some more screen time to characters that didn't get much. DESU there was not much of a point in introducing the New Mutants in season two, when they didn't really get to do anything. They had some group-style episodes, but with the exception of Boom Boom, nobody really got any characterization.

>it's a lance is a douche for no reason episode
> it's a rogue saves the day episode
> it's abuse the toad day
> it's a let's ignore previously established rivalries episode

EVO Cyclops is best Cyclops

Evo had a lot of best characters.




I like how they kept the musical motif from the 90s animated series, there was a pretty cool classical guitar version of it that played at one point

Did they? I never wound up watching the 90s series. I understand it was very popular though. Maybe that's the next thing I'll watch.





I was always kinda ticked about the fact that they never really did anything with the Spyke/Quicksilver thing. It seems like they could have had some fun eisodes with that like they did with Toad and Nightcrawler.


I hate that I came into this fandom 15 fucking years too late.

i hate that we didn't get more seasons


Me too user.

Supposedly we were supposed to get the Phoenix saga next, but they nixed it.

>bustiest of the girls
Best Rogue.

Why does Colossus get the shaft in virtually every X-men cartoon and movie? He's THE muscles of the X-men much in the way the Thing is for the Fantastic Four and Hulk is to an extent for the Avengers. Yet he is just a cameo character in a few X-men 92 episodes, a antagonist for most of his Evolution episodes, was not part of the main cast in WatXM, and well the movies speak for themselves. Deadpool is where he got to shine and that was more to play off Wade.

Maybe if they continued Evo they could have shown a budding relationship between him and kitty.

I legit don't know, Colossus is amazing.

I mean Cyke and Quicksilver's always better. Fastdude versus shootman.

He was pretty great in Deadpool though, even if he was just there to play off of Wade.

Yeah, but they didn't have an introductory episode about cyke and quicksilver tho.

I liked the kids just goofing around with their powers.

So what other character arcs/comic interpretations could we see if there ever was another season?

Personally I'd like to see kurts girlfriend learning magic or something. She was supposedly a sorceress in the comics.

Also toad being able to talk to frogs and becoming the toad king would be a pretty great episode I think

Yeah, watching supers use their powers for mundane shit is my jam.

Goth Rogue is cute. CUTE!

roided Rogue

Not a fan of that Psylocke design, but Emma looks fine. I wish she appeared at some point.

Please tell me that isn't all skin

The only good version of Kitty.


i dont know. he is a classic, prominent x-men character in the comics. he has a cool super power that doesnt take a lot of work to animate, he is mild mannered and mom approved, and kids would need his action figure to do the fast ball special. seems like a slam dunk for a cartoon. some times things just dont make any sense.