Did Gunn decide to make the worst Marvel girl or is Zaldan's black woman attitude just ruining everything?

Did Gunn decide to make the worst Marvel girl or is Zaldan's black woman attitude just ruining everything?

She's Dominican

ex-slave colony, my guy

Did racists decide to racist the racist racist or is racist racist racist attitude just ruining racism

She was better in the second one. Saying hi to Groot at the start was cute and they even made her makeup better by adding the gold on her eyes

she was only better because she was in it less than the first one.

Theres nothing racist about criticising a character. She's the straight man in the crew so she comes off as boring.

She's still better than Portman

AHHHH, If I keep shouting, will you guys listen to MEEEEE????!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!

sooo... just as irl girls?

Guardians is like the 3rd sci fi franchise she's in where she's the sole female lead who's stoic and badass. At this point she's being typecast

>and badass
GhostBuster 2016 are more badass than her.

Have you read the DnA run? The characterization is pretty spot on, in the comics she never would have joined the team if Star Lord and Mantis hadn't mind raped everyone into joining

>all women are cold, serious bitches in real life

Jesus christ.

It's because you're racist

is it just me or is she wholly unlikeable?
Like I get shes supposed to be a hardass but everyone else on the team is likable to some point even Rocket has his humor and Yondo would do anything for his boy. But Gamora? She did the first movie with the im better than them attitude and continued it in this one

I liked her more in the sequel. She was leas bitchy, had some good humor, and it was nice that her arc was about her being in the wrong.

i feel the same way, something about her character is just off and bitchy.

>Theres nothing racist about criticising a character.
>or is Zaldan's black woman attitude just ruining everything?

wow, such criticism, so thought provoking

and the romance between her and quill seemed forced, I don't remember it from the first but even if it was starlord tried to bang everygirl he even tried for the soviergn and we're supposed to believe he and gamora will settle down?
Shitty forced romances are the worst just let the characters develop naturally

Did Starlord even hit on her in the last movie? I don't remember what happened other than the meme off

OP you clearly have never interacted with a black woman. Nothing about Zoey Saldanas portrayal of Gamora is even remotely similar to how obnoxious a black woman can be

>Not black

in gotg2 yes he and her had a moment on ego's planet

Can't think of a third franchise and Uhura is hardly stoic, so really confused what you're being a mong a bout. Oh wait, maybe you meant Avatar? Which isn't even a franchise at this point, what with only a single film out. Also, not particularly stoic there either.

>worst Marvel girl

That's not Darcy.

Of course not because Darcy was great.

The scene with Nebula on Ego's planet really made me not like her. Rather than a hardass or remorseful, "It was you or me," it came off as "Not my fault, sucks to be you."

Have YOU?

Because in the comics she was basically Red Sonja not the dull greenstick of the movies.

>her arc was about her being in the wrong.
>Says something's screwy about Ego
>Turns out Ego was planning to take over the universe the whole time, and Peter was blinded by his desire for a father.

About her sister. She was the bad sister.

She told him to go along with it in the first place

She said that when she caught Mantis about to reveal the secret to Drax.

Earlier in the movie she encouraged Peter to meet the mysterious man.

I passed out in the theater around the time Yondu died. Can some one give me a summary of the last few scenes?

Peter and Ayesha has hardcore sex and Gamora forced herself onto Mantis.

>it came off as "Not my fault, sucks to be you."
well yeah. what else is she supposed to say? whoever lost got cyborged. was she just supposed to lose so blue sister wouldnt feel bad?

>i wanted a sister!
>yeah well daddy made us fucking fight to the death all the goddamn time and whoever lost got robot parts, and fuck that shit

the only one who was weird was nebula, who spent the last film wanting to kill gomorra to become daddys favorite but then suddenly wanting a sister in this one. theres a lot of that going on in guardians 2

Yeah, I remember. And she said "If he's evil we'll just kill him." Sounds like a solid plan, and it's actually exactly what they did. Peter was the one that wouldn't listen to her when she was starting to get the sense he actually was evil.

Bad sister maybe, but nebula's a worse person overall.
>Gamora is willing to go back to Xander to warn them about Ronan after he gets the stone because billions of people could die.
>Nebula is willing to help Ronan destroy thousands of planets if it means they can kill Thanos.
Compared to that, winning more in their fights rather than letting her sister win is a pretty small thing to get hung up about.

>what else is she supposed to say?
Something to the effect of the first half of sentence you quoted.

The morality surrounding Gamora is all kinds of fucked up. Her original plan in GotG 1 was to steal the Infinity Stone and sell it, only to criticize Peter for suggesting the same thing after her plan fell through. In GotG 2 she plans on turning her sister over to the Nova Corps for money, despite having committed ostensibly the exact same crimes as Nebula. She's supposed to be the good guy because she stopped helping the genocidal madman before he destroyed one more planet even though her original plan was basically to run away with a briefcase full of cash and let the genocidal madman do his thing without her. Nebula at least wants to kill Thanos, Gamora doesn't really seem to care all that much.

And she's every bit the rowdy A-hole the rest of them are despite her high horse.

That's not entirely true. Gamora didn't know what the orb was, just that it was something that would facilitate the destruction of a planet and that was a line she was not willing to cross. So she decided to sell it to the Collector confident that he could guard it, and the moment it became clear he was ill-equipped to do so because they were dealing with an ancient power she foregone the reward and set out to deliver it to the Nova Corps even if it meant going back to prison.

As for Nebula, well, it was pretty much tough luck. Nebula was bitch and had a bounty on her head.

>even though her original plan was basically to run away with a briefcase full of cash and let the genocidal madman do his thing without her
I would contest that. The original deal for Ronan was to bring the stone to Thanos so that Thanos could destroy Xandar. By putting the stone in the hands of someone who could keep it away from Ronan and Thanos, she was doing her best to stop this. She said they should give the stone to Xandar because that was their next best bet, when Peter was unwilling, because he might get arrested. That's not hypocrisy on Gamora's part, that's her pragmatism giving way to her higher priority of stopping genocide, when Peter was just trying to save his own skin, and going against the obvious play because of it.

it feels like everyone is letting the second movie color their memories of the first. WHY should she give a single fuck about nebula?
>but sisters
no. they hate each other and at least nebula has actively been trying to kill gomorra/take her place.

suppose superman 2 had some subplot about zod and clark being almost brothers and really loving each other and now clark is really upset that he had to kill him.

so you show up and say, "supes sure is an a-hole". see where im going? zod was the villain. pure and simple. he was gonna destroy humanity and he and clark had no bond at all. him killing zod was perfectly justified even if he was an asshole or a lesser villain. gomorra not giving a fuck about nebula and trying to kill her or take her reward money is perfectly fine since they hate each other and nebula is a bigger cunt than gomorra

I noticed and appreciated the gold on her eyes, but she still doesn't have enough.

Also I remember her from the comics being Spess Conan and I want Spess Conan.

I think the biggest problem is, as someone earlier in the thread pointed out, is that she's the straight-man of the group when she really needs to be the psycho.

I like that GotG2 pointed out that Gamora still has a lot of bounties on her head, just no longer any Nova Corps ones.

Iron Man showed up and brought Yondu back to life.

She's fine as a straight woman. Specially since Gunn evidences it's an actual effort on her part.

Her being an exclusive straight woman doesn't work well. The first film saw Quill act as the straight man frequently and even Rocket had his moments of it.

They were not black enough to get genocided repeatedly by the very definitely black Haitians after said Haitians ran out of white people to kill in Haiti.

>Zaldan's black woman attitude


She doesn't have any quirks or features that distinguish her like Quill or Rocket. She's pretty fucking dull in all senses. I don't even know what does she likes, what she doesn't likes, or anything aside of being annoyed at the group being retards.
Peter has plenty of moments of being a straight man it just happens that his replies are mostly humorous ("Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"), so he comes off as kind of a goofball.

I'm all about criticizing the cheap sourpuss stereotypical nagging female character, but I think that for her ir actually makes sense: she lived under an abusive father, within a childhood of pain and savage competition. She is learning how to relax, have fun, fall in love, but is hard. I think she grew quite a lot in the second one.

Also "black woman attitude" just show your racist ignorance. Black women have all sorts of attitudes, cause, you know, they are all sorts of people.

No, they're niggers.

Yondu's funeral full of feels
Sean Gunn character testing Yondu arrow
Original Guardians team reunites
Adam Warlock confirmed
Watchers bored to hear Stan stories

Teen Groot.

>worst girl

Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana just didn't really have chemistry. Should have casted Aubrey Plaza as Gamora. Then you'd have instant chemistry between the two.

Sadly Marvel has to shoehorn a token nigger sidekick in every movie and Dave and Vin weren't black enough.

Careful, user, you know how Sup Forums tends to react to reasonable people.