Poppy O'Possum

Opossums, like most furred mammals, cant sweat in real life. But this isn't real life. So don't worry about it.

Here Comes
Some Drama
About Kit
Keeping Serious Stuff
Secret From Poppy

the only question being if itll be a big or small deal. will it be "HOW COULD SHE KEEP THIS FROM ME" or "i cant believe she shouldered this herself..." cause ya know it deals with her dying dad

>Those last two panels


>This place is totes safe from the guy whose power we only know about what a scared opossum lady told us the guy in question told her it was like

The chances of him being aware his secret is out are high. Charlie is fucking dead.

so... does he just not care that there's boobies in front of him? a naked sweaty lady?

is he gay?

He's happily married.

Is this Christmas?

It must be Christmas.

Being naked is slightly less sexy when you're covered in fur. Also he's the most monogamous man in the world

Poppy doesn't really have tits. All of her nipples are inside her pouch and she only looks like she has breasts when she stuffs her pouch with socks. Also, this isn't Earth/humans and they have none of our same stigmas. The snakes in the comic slither around without clothes all the time too.

To his job.

And also his wife, with whom he has had many children.

opossums don't got titties my guy

i feel like whoever is listening is going to use his quote against him

>Being naked is slightly less sexy when you're covered in fur

I feel like Morbi just wanted an exuse to take their clothes off
Oh what am I saying that's exactly why he drew this scene

I'm not complaining.

Sure they do.

Poppy loses her clothes fairly often if you look back

>Stopping Chicadino means stopping the flow of supplies to Kit, potentially stopping her research into her fathers disease
>Not stopping Chicadino means Charlie will eventually be killed (if he hasn't been already)

But it's pretty clear Friedrice doesn't care for Chicadino so he's probably down for stopping him.

>Yo this page goes out to all da furries out there! Hope you like.

At least Morbi thought about it.

Cause sweating through fur really, REALLY does not work.


Chances of Kit's father knowing about Chicadino being a crime boss?

So he's basically saying it's up to him and Poppy to fuck their shit up and save that chicks husband?

Not only would they have to be sneaky about it to avoid a political incident... They would also have to keep Charlie and his wife in hiding
They can't go anywhere else since they won't be treated as people but they can't live freely since Chicadino controls everything

Best way to deal with this would be to dispose of chickendino silently, somehow.

If his crimes ever become fully public, it would be a disaster.

Fazzi needs to be defeated somehow.

>Inb4 Poppy doesn't care and brute forces her way to fixing the problem.

The easiest way would be to bury Chicadino in government work, forcing him to delegate mob business, then surreptitiously undermining his mob underlings.

Nah, there's certainly gonna be a lot of tact in this, I can feel it

>we continue this conversation in the sauna
way more stories should use this line

>then surreptitiously undermining his mob underlings.
Would probably be pretty hard to do since the guy can literally hear everything that happens to them and would catch your plan eventually, he'd more likely delegate the government work before his mob work

They could live in Eggton, Chicadino knows it's Poppy's turf and wouldn't interfere.

Given the way Friedrich is behaving, it seems that Little Birdy involves Chicadino applying some kind of magical "attachment" to objects that transmit sound to him. If that's true then subverting his possum underlings would allow them to easily restrict his ability to keep tabs on everything.

Probably zero. I don't think Renard would take too kindly to a criminal organization located in his daughter's kingdom. Regardless of their friendship, a mob will definitely cause the crown headaches.

Oh! It's obvious. If her dad has a magical disease, you need a means of suppressing magic to suppress the disease. He's chopping up Opossums and Kit's using their parts for experimentation. This entire thing has been a charade on Kit's part to get the resources she need. Her personal guard is an Opossum and her consort is an Opossum. They're both false flags to lure in Opossums.

How delightful.

We've been over this, dead opossums/removed parts don't have any anti-magic. The anti-magic signal is from the opossums brain and heart sending signals to one another.

>That last panel
>The implication that this will continue for at least 3 more pages

I can hardly wait, and neither can my dick

Where I aim for the lowest common denominator.


The blood's coming from the opossum goddess though.

With twelve kids I'd say his wife is the one who's a thirsty slut.

that makes even less sense given you'd need to go to the edge of their universe or even further to reach the skin of her pouch

that's from one pregnancy, that's around the average litter size for their species

We don't know that. For all we know, Didelphi killed a few godly fuckers.

>Freddie still has the streak from Petunia's glare
What kind of a number did she do on that poor man's insides when she gave him an optic blast

That's only one or two litters.

No, no, Didelphi's corpse is the ground they're standing on and the sky is the insides of her pouch. It makes sense if you think about it.

no, that's still wrong and contradicts the lore and morbi's own words

Didelphi closed the world inside her pouch, it's stated in the first few pages. Her body is the ground the animal people walk on, the insides of the pouch is the sky above them. Stonehenge is the opening in the pouch, it all checks out. Where else would they get fresh God's blood if not from her veins?

No. Their universe is inside her pouch and that's why their sun and several stars are there too. Their plaent was their long before she broke the opossum tree to gain more power and keep the other gods at bay. Her being dead was never once brought up ever. We still don't even know what god's blood is exactly. Most likely it's sap from one of the trees of life that are all around on the planet.

They can't even dent the trees of life with anything they have available, so the god's blood is not from them. Check morbi's posts during the harvest festival arc.

here's a bigger one

(that's what he said)


Unless there's some clever wordplay. Like "no humans on Flora" meaning extradimensional cosmic layabouts.

>in sauna

Only dirty savages do that.

It's a PG comic, user. Wanna bet that Morbi has toweless version saved on his laptop?

If you had the opportunity to inter dimensionally prank call anyone in the poppyopossum universe who would it be.personally I'd go with chicadino and kit chicadino because I can make death threats and have no reprecussion happen to me because I'm in another dimension and wat da fuq he gon do,also because I'd love to both playfully and psychologically mess with telling him thing like I'm a extra dimensional being and shit. kit because I'd love to hear her reaction when I tell her that there is another world beyond there own full of super intelligent hairless apes on a planet known as earth.

what streak?
also reminder that morbi pointed out how bad of a liar friedrich less than 5 pages ago, if chicadino could hear them in his office he's probably aware already that something's up

>Florans speaking English

Don't most saunas have you do that to avoid getting sweat on the wood though?

Poppy is definitely going to fight Fazzi naked. Morbi has written in about 5 excuses so far, why stop now?

The bit of white hair.

Well, she is a queen and a scientist.

That's "Hookers in the drywall" level of secrecy.

Well yeah you use a cloth, but you sit on it instead of wrapping it around your body.

>place bugged item in waterproof box
>place box in sauna

Why would he think of bugging that particular sauna though?

I don't think Renard can do much in his state nowadays

She has 5 years tops to live, he can play the long game and she is aware of her mortality

Sure, but if all they want is to left alone then that's entirely fine end result isn't it?

relaxed conversations happen there
and fun "conversations" too, which could be some nice blackmail material

yeah I don't think aI have a nice explanation

Everyone would be fucked the minute she keels over so no.

> Panel 5 you can almost see Poppy's snatch

He could have just handwaved it as condensation

>Cotton socks


I'd call Lily and tell her she's been selected for a special scholarship that'd allow her to study medicine.

So she can die once she finishes?

Let her draw pretty pictures and be happy with that.

I assume fried eggs knew about this for a long time.

His expression while reading Harley's confession says otherwise.


are you the user who dreamt he was being experimented on by kit

When did that happen, and do I want to know more?

I think he's talking about Chickensalad's powers in general, not the kidnapping.

>Being naked is slightly less sexy when you're covered in fur
user i beg to differ