Why do memes with Spongebob keep popping up?

Why do memes with Spongebob keep popping up?

I don't get the joke.

I have wondered this myself. I think it's because it's such a part of the culture of those that are ages 15-30, which is the prime demographic of this site, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, etc etc. That age group grew older, surrounded by Spongebob in every form; merchandise, the show, the movies, the commercials. It's easily accessible, recognizable, understandable, and it can be edited to whatever somebody sees fit.

Or: I don't fucking know, normies love shitty memes or something?

black twitter

This is the weakest and least funny SpongeBob meme yet. Well okay, it's actually slightly better than the Primitive Sponge one.

Maybe Spongebob was a genuinely funny show

It's person 2 mocking person 1

it's a meme where you repeat what somebody just said to you in a stupid voice to show them how stupid they sound to you.
This particular meme seems to suggest that the jews were stupid for believing that the gas chambers they were forced into were actually showers

What are you talking about?


The key word here being "was".

What do i have to do to start finding Spongebob memes funny? Full frontal lobotomy? Devolve into a nigger?

>tfw too old to have watched spongebob

>18 years on the air
>215 episodes, with another 52 in production
>2 movies, with another one in production
>countless quotes, reactions and plotlines so at least a few of them would still ring true today
I dunno, you tell me.

Because spongebob is great.

>Primitive Sponge
>not Spongegar

he said on Sup Forums - comics & cartoons

Spongegar was a different ancestor of Spongebob, the one from the memes is the one from sb-129 who doesn't have a name

I do not like this picture, because while in my mind I understand how it's physically possible, it still makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

Sup Forums always have too ruin memes

SpongeBob is popular on black twitter and black twitter is the peak of comedy apparently.

The pirimitive sponge meme was actually a Sup Forums meme that was used to imply two drummers or other drummer related things. Then the normies stole it and slapped the reaction image on random shit like school and relationships.


This "meme" fucking sucks.

Remember to call it "The RATCHET Realm"

I blame Sup Forums.


This is a reddit worthy thread. I thought you were better than this Sup Forums

>we will never return to the halcyon days of *spoons rattling* again

I can't wait until memes will burn out. I can't call it a joke? What happen to jokes?

exCUSE me?

i DoNT geT tHE jOKe

tHIs iS a ReDDiT wORthY thREAd. i tHOugHT yOU weRE bETTer THaN thIS Sup Forums

>posts on Sup Forums
>expects things to not be utter cancer

>to old to watch spongebob
My dad in his 50s watched spongebob.

In fairness you would have to be a fucking retard to not get it

I've never seen that episode of Spongebob and I still got what the joke was supposed to be just from the image.

In fairness it can hardly be considered a joke.

Ya'll just mad Sup Forums is not the meme center of the internet anymore

genZ, aka the generation that was 12 during the cartoon dark age, is growing up and think that shit was funny.

YoU CaN't MoCK Me iF i'M MoCKiNG MysElF, DuMb NIggEr.

I never said it was funny, I didn't even chuckle.

I said it isn't at all hard to tell what the point is supposed to be.

I blame Sup Forums


Shad really is a shitty artist

It's not really a matter of finding it funny or not, I'm just saying the joke is so sterile I was expecting there to be more to it than that.

All twitter memes are embarrassingly bad. It doesn't help that they all get run into the ground in record time either.

True, but that's been the case for the last few years, so it shouldn't be a shock anymore.

I too love when memes made by grown adult just repeat a "joke" that every kid in existence has done at some point or another.

I actually like this meme. I don't know why everyone's getting all bootyblasted at it. It's better than political derails and flavors of the month.

I don't see how anyone on Sup Forums has the right to call out others for having bad taste in jokes and memes, when Sup Forums "comedy" is literally just generic threads of the same type of joke like
>something something europe
>don't you le mean the middle east xD
>hes a big guy lol
>haha for you!

memes are timeless, they're the manifestation of the spreading of ideas and themes of humanity itself. they dont have to take the form humour.
the discovery of making fire was probably a meme too

careful anons

I only see that on Sup Forums or Sup Forums which are exclusively inhabited by redditors.

See also: Harry Potter.
Normies fucking love Harry Potter.

Meme's dead

These memes are alright. Better than half the shit I scroll pass on fb.

Does anyone actually know that in the actual episode where that screencap happened SpongeBob didn't try to mock anyone and was acting uncontrollably?


I'd rather know why mods let this cancer stay up.

Nobody's forcing you.
Still, out of curiosity, what kinda stuff do you find hilarious?