
PAD is a complete fucking sperg.

It was honestly just the mouth. Everything else was fine, but why that mouth line?

>Peter David
That's like saying Land is lazy or Ennis hates capes

>I mean for decades MarvelComics has always said, we give the fans what they want, you know, the fans are the true editors at Marvel Comics
He's definitely full of shit here. But he's also right, it's just a fucking costume, nerds need to stop spergin out over any little redesign a character receives.

The only time this guy was right was when he called out Aquamoa haters because NOT MUH CLASSIC COSTUME

masks should never have the fucking mouth showing

I don't know user. Costumes are a huge part of the superhero mythos. Without a proper one the character comes off as incomplete.

What is this,Spidercide?

While PAD and Bagley were probably hoping people would like the new suit, I doubt they care enough to be salty about it.

No, just Marvel's idea of "resurrecting" Ben.

Get rid of the mouth portion. It's the same complaint i had with red hood's at times.

I'm just mad this is focusing on Ben rather than continuing Kaine's story. They had a great Scarlet Spider run that didn't sell and they think a worse story is going to do better? Now we get a Deadpool knock off.

peter david isn't drawing the book
the costume isn't his
he wouldn't give a shit

>It turns out it's been Spidercide impersonating Ben all along.
>or, Ben becomes the new Spidercide through clone degeneration.
I was actually hoping the new costume was hinting to something along those lines.

I've already thrown out my expectations for this run. Hopefully they'll go back to Kaine once this book inevitably bombs.

Forgot pic.

What is it with artists who think Spiders and hoodie costumes go well together?

They want the teenager audience, user!

There's also Jackal mentioning a Spidercide 2.0 at the end of the Scarlet/Superior crossover. It's really not the original Ben Reilly (original clone, ha) but a clone of a clone etc.to the point where he is SO CRAZY.

he sounds so salty lol

but the mouth looked the most retarded

i didnt like the hood becuase its so

not fucking needed

what is the purpose of it

Not to mention it's the complete opposite of the old costume with the ripped off hoodie.

He talks just like how Gearbox writes scripts.

>let's just give the fans what they want
I want every writer and editor at Marvel fired.

>"I mean to me it’s of little relevance, what somebody wears when they are going about doing their job really kinda beside the point, but if it means that much to the fans, and honestly means so little to me"
Here he is trying to play it cool like it's no biggie to him.

>"I mean, you know, to me the original costume, while perfectly adequate, seems to like something that somebody would just throw together, because they had no idea what else to do, you know, it’s red long johns with a blue shirt, I mean how this has become the classic go-to visual for the Scarlet Spider I can’t even begin to fathom, but I certainly don’t quite understand the innate, you know, fan hostility for something they had never seen before."
And here he is at the end of the interview letting it slip how much this bothers him. What I'm wondering is why he's upset about this? Like you said it's not like he's the artist.

This proves 1 of 2 things:
A) They're not in touch with youth today or twenty years ago
B) Youth never changes, even twenty years apart

Kids are always stupid, so I'm leaning towards the latter

That just looks like he is biting on his mask.
I don't have much of an issue with it if they actually added in some depth to his nose.

>something that somebody would just throw together

Sometimes, that's enough. Hell, that can be part of the charm. Miguel's original costume was just one that he wore for Day of the Dead, but it happened to work well as a superhero costume. His new costume was actually made with crimefighting in mind, and while I wouldn't say it's awful, it definitely not as cool as his old one.

To be honest, the more I saw of the costume, the more it grew on me. It's just unfortunate that the first picture they showed made it look bad. Not that it matters to me. The costume isn't the problem. It's how they've gone about bringing back Ben.

He's correctly pointing out that the fan favorite style costume doesn't fit the character they're writing and they're only doing it because fans didn't like the alternative. You're really reaching to find anger.

Blame Spider-Gwen, bitch ruined costumes especially female costumes for god knows how long

It's more along the the lines of how he first says that costumes literally don't mean anything to him because it's just what they wear to work, but then later follows it up with a detailed criticism of the original costume with the main hook being "seems to like something that somebody would just throw together".

So do you not care about costumes at all or does it bother you when it's something that was just "thrown together"? Maybe anger was the wrong word to describe it, but he's definitely coming off as a bit bitter about the whole situation.

What I'm wondering is why? Is he just mad at the fact that Marvel stepped in to cater to the fans? Or is he mad that all of the attention on his book is over the costume design and not on his story?

Ya that's a good point. The real problem is how flat his nose is, it draws attention to the mouth in a bad way and the mouth in turn makes the nose area look really unnatural.

Batman Beyond is the only one who pulls it off well

My nigga. This is easily one of my favorite costume designs of all time.

He's not calling it thrown together to denigrate it as if it's some lazy design, he's describing it - it was a make-shift hobo suit thing Reilly tossed together at short notice back in the day. He even replaced it with a proper suit eventually.

>I honestly don't care about costumes whatsoever
>But I'm just gonna say that I preferred the new costume and I don't understand why anyone likes the original
My point was more along the lines of how he says he's completely impartial to costumes, but then goes back on it by showing that he's partial to the new one.

He's not directly criticizing it, he's just saying he doesn't understand why people like it at all.

The hood looked stupid but the rest was alright

Yes, the costume is the problem. It's not the Deadpool-lite edgy writing at all.
>Takes place in Vegas
>Vegas is nuked in an event before the second issue comes out.

It's not like he designed the costume, so why would he care?

Who knows with PAD? He certainly seems upset though. Maybe just the idea of being forced to cater to the fans, or more likely the fact that all of the focus on this book is about the new costume, and no ones even talking about his story.

The new design screamed Spidercide so I had no problems with it if this clone of Reilly was just going to continue becoming more and more crazy until he just became Spidercide 2.0

Well I get the idea; it's so that the artist could convey emotion through facial expressions and it breaks up the simplicity of the mask a little bit. It looks unsightly, but I get the *concept* of it. I understand why they would have entertained the idea in the same way that we've come to accept Spidey's white eye-patches on his mask moving to represent his expression. I think it was just a step too far.

Has he always been this much of a sperg?

I think we were all expecting that. Either he turns into Spidercide or it was Spidercide all along either thinking he was/ or pretending to be Ben. Instead we just ended up with Deadpool lite.

That's a good point. The more I look at it it's really the nose area that bothers me. Defining his mouth but leaving his nose flat makes it look like he doesn't have one.

This guy had the right idea.

Its a really bad costume, he looks like a d-lister

>He certainly seems upset though
No? He seems pretty ambivalent on the whole thing. If he actually cared then he would have pushed back against it instead of just shrugging and having the costume change 3 issues in.

That's the thing, if the mask is tight enough that it'd show his mouth then it should be tight enough that it'd show his nose.

Cant unsee Krillian now

>it's ok when MArvel panders to US!

Yeah, nah, you're a dipshit manchild.


Ben disdolved as a hero. This is some cheap shit. It should be considered insulting to revive a character that isnt yours and then proceed to character assassinate them. But given enough time all of marvels characters will go through this. Peter is unrecognizable to me these days anyway, so if their goal was to alienate most of spider-mans fans they have almost finished on all fronts.

>any sort of criticism is met with autistic lashing out

You're really not helping your point by being hypocritical user don't be so pathetic

aww is the baby mad someone didn't agree with him?

>He doesn't share my opinion. Let me just insult him directly and hope no one notices I can't think of a reply.
Ya, we all noticed. If costumes don't matter then why do almost all superheroes have them? Why are costumes even a staple of the genre if they don't matter?

Long before superheroes were a thing, the concept that a notable hero had some kind of iconographicitem or symbol attached to them has always been around. What is the Nemean lion skin? What is Goswhit, Pridwen, and Excalibur? What is Sigurd's Golden Coat of Chainmail? It's blatantly apparent in ancient epics and stories from all over the world.

The idea that superheroes, these modern day mythological figures, should have iconographiccostumes and symbols unique to them stems from that concept.

Mark Bagley's art is the problem. He's a great storyteller it's just that his characters suck.

Lol fucking loser

I also enjoyed Spider Gwen's costume.

They made a whole Gwen Stacy comic based solely around her costume David.

Meh. Full mask + Hoodie is better for than partial mask with open hair or full mask + open hair. And I wish Spider-Gwen had influenced other female costumes. We have Renew Your Vows running right now and ignoring Gwen's style for all 3 female Spider designs seen in the issues so far, just going with the old ones which never looked quite right.

The hoody was awful. Why not just give him a a manbun? He's like spider gwen without her non existent tits. And people wonder why there is a Trap epidemic among young white guys?

The right is so fucking awesome, I don't get why the need to change it.

Also, the comic is awful. It's literally a dime store attempt at Kelly's Deadpool.

Batman Beyond is different since the mouth isn't covered like this.

The mouth line look creepy.

>repeatedly claiming you "honestly don't care"

Yeah, you do care.

>costumes are an important part of superheroes
>no they aren't
>yes they are
What's wrong with you.

What's going on with his crotch and his gangly ass leg?

>the fans are the true editors at Marvel Comics

Well it certainly isn't the editors.

Bagley draws very thin Spider-Men.

>let’s just you know, let’s just give the fans what they want! I mean for decades MarvelComics has always said, we give the fans what they want, you know, the fans are the true editors at Marvel Comics

So, did everyone pay PAD's taxes,or does he still need help?

>Honestly I honestly don't care about costumes at all honestly. Its honestly just what they wear to work why does it matter honestly.
>But honestly while we're on the topic I honestly can't even fathom why anyone would honestly like the original design it's honestly just something someone threw together honestly

Raised $45 thousand out of $88 thousand so far.

He went from like 30k to 45k in one day, and followed it up with the statement, "A huge shout out should go out to Robert Kirkman who donated an insanely large amount of money, which means I’m going to have to start watching “The Walking Dead."

I want him to stream himself watching it.

PAD is a really good, solid writer, a competent professional and has many qualities.

That said, once in a while he spergs-up against this or that, like the time he had Logan going on a rant about people criticising movies over leaked scripts.

That said, even in his sperg-rants, he usually have a point.

>I doubt they care enough to be salty about it.
PAD was most likely irritated by the over-reaction from a single promotional image in a static pose, not even the first issue.

I think basically EVERYBODY's first reaction was "is that Spidercide"?
Which might or might not have its point.

Blame Yost for not finishing his story in New Warriors. I sure do.

>I think basically EVERYBODY's first reaction was "is that Spidercide"?

If it was Spidercide, or even a new Spidercide, that would be an excellent costume for him. But it's a terrible look for Ben Reilly.

>Yes, the costume is the problem. It's not the Deadpool-lite edgy writing at all.
to be fair, the fan-reaction to the costume happened WEEKS before we got the issue, so back then it couldn't have been the writing.

one COULD sell it, but it would require at least few issues, and the costume got a super-negative reaction from day-0

He kinda looks like he should be part of the dynamo-5

Ya there's no doubt he's a solid writer, or that his sperg-outs are often backed with intelligent solid arguments. And he even made a good point here. But still, his overall reaction to the situation was pretty funny.

Now that you mention it...

The rest of it looks dumb too. Over design is a cancer not just of modern comics but lots of forms of entertainment.

Why would anyone help him pay his taxes

He has been a part of the industry for a long time and it seems like a lot of writers are supporting him. Apparently Robert Kirkman threw him 15k or something.