Injustice 2

Injustice 2 Thread

Some folks out there have gotten copies of the game early. If you're hoping to avoid spoilers it may be best to avoid threads until you can get your hands on the game.

Fighter Pack 1 Reveal:

Everything You Need To Know Trailer:

Power Girl vs John Stewart gameplay:


Mobile version is out now, actual game will be out on Tuesday. Next Watchtower stream will likely be Monday night for the midnight release.

Other urls found in this thread:

Long as the realest nigga Black Manta in there we good

She is his queen
God help who mess with his queen

>tfw all the cutscenes movie just dropped on youtube

Welp, see you guys in 3 hours

>my fucking face when Manta and Aquaman are S+ tier and we see them face off at EVO 2018 :(

Mobile version worth picking up just for fun?

>Harley helped kill millions of people
>it's ok though because Batman started fucking her

is superman actually the good guy?

Can I fugg the Joker in this game?

no, it's just that there's a stupid guy and a bad guy

Flash or GL?

Jay Garrick

Green Arrow.


So what is Swamp things role in the story?

He appears during Harley's chapter near the beginning when she, Ollie, and Dinah investigate why Scarecrow is selling gas in the swamp.

Fights Harley after a brief MISUNDERSTANDING, then after being convinced they're not the bad guys, bails the team out, and tells them to GET OUT MY SWAMP.

He later shows up under Braniac's control along with Firestorm

Posting the movie version if anyone's interested.

>He later shows up under Braniac's control
What a load of bullshit

Love that Joker!

C'est la vie.

Really, Swamp Thing's just kinda there, and honestly speaking there's little reason for him to enter the plot.

Any footage of Jays voicelines?
0:20 has a line from him

Relating to someone asking about Nightwing last thread there are reports of Multiverse battles where Damian switches between a sword & a staff. Someone even took a blur-tastic screenshot. Note the trait meter.

Also, you can see it happen a roughly 28:00 in 's video

Why does Ed Boon suck so much at story telling?
The story in this may be worse than Mortal Kombat X.

This, unless we get an Alan Scott premier skin as well

I think a big part of it has to do with how the characters are handle during chapters and the fact that its a fighting game

Harley Quinn beating Swamp thing in a fight is just one example

>post yfw harleyivy fags btfo

And i thought Cassie Cage beating Shinnok was questionable

So this joker is really vocied by Yours trully Lord Sheogorath? he doesn't sound hammil


Why is the drop rate of certain characters in the app so fucking awful?

This essentially confirms that Damian's second ability/trait is being able to switch his sword with the Nightwing electrostaff. So the Nightwing you fight in the story isn't an NPC, just Damian stuck in staff mode, wearing Nightwing gear.

The story was pretty amazing.

Superman is Hitler and Batman is Stalin, there are no good guys.

Hopefully this means we'll get Dick and Tim skins at some point.

Meant for

>no good guys
Comrade, please

RF is the good guy

the app is so fucked, the fact you can open over 1k chests and not get a single character of the 11 you need is horseshit.

Tfw Superman is an irredeemable monster..

Probably not because they would have to use a sword in addition to the staff. Cassie Cain or Azrael would make more sense.

Yeah, yeah, I know user. The moment in the first game, when he tells the other superman
>I'll kill you, then go to your world and claim your Lois for my own
didn't clarify that, hm?

What do you think the other universe is doing?

I'm surprised we saw nothing of them in the game

Putting his stupid Regime aside, saving the world from Brainiac and the Society, and either going back into custody or helping repair some aspect of the universe would have redeemed him to an extent.

The whole character chapter concept is stupid because that leads to inevitable victories no matter how strong the opponent is.

There should be more teamup gameplay in story mod like tag mode.

Batman: Under the Hood and pic related, followed by an attempted Brainiac invasion that the JL will undoubtedly thwart.

Nope. Braniac is for trying to put Earth out of its misery.

Which character got fucked over the most in story mode?

In the good universe Jason is alive and part of the family.

For injustice 1 or 2? For #1 I would say Captain Marvel. In #2, it depends on which side you pick.

Whoooooaaa! Looking good, Joker!

Yeah, but a guy who'd make his previous choices wouldn't make the one you describe.

Since when? If their timeline is in sync with the Injustice universe, Jason should just be emerging as Red Hood. Unless he reconciles with Batman before the end of the prequel comics.

Ignoring endings
Bane only ever shows up to get his ass kicked
RF is stuck in the present and can't go back
Fate gets his helmet crushed and then impaled

le tier meme

there are almost no differences overall quality wise or "tiers" at all between NRS characters if MKX is anything to go by for this game

only very few characters can be considered above the rest and thats usually for reasons that your average retard joe doesnt even begin to understand

People can change during solitary confinement. But it looks like Kal only got worse.

Any pics of Jays alt color scheme?

We saw him at Alfred's party in Year 5.

The normal universe is behind the Injustice universe, everyone's much younger and happier.

How is the damian ending ..If you win with his character ?

I was only talking about what happened in the main story. No idea about how the arcade endings go.

Injustice Superman is a piece of shit, user. It's something you just need to accept and come to terms to. There is no redemption from how far he's fallen. There's plenty of other multiverses where Superman acts "normal."

I'm surprised that we do not get hisspoliers of his ending.
What happened to him is he still in prison..

>he was at Alfred's party in Year 5
Huh, really? Any chance you have a scan?

And if the Injustice universe is years ahead of the normal one, and Jason is fully reacquainted in the normal one, why does everyone in the Injustice universe still think he's dead?

Batman is not much better he and his friend Harley Quinn...She is still not in prison..

Crime Syndicate Superman is less evil than Injustice Superman.

youtub People say Harley Quinn. killed him .

The idea that solitary confinement has more chances to change you for the better, than for the worse is ridiculous.

Yeah but now that they've hammered that in what are they going to do for I3? They're not going to leave Superman out, so are they going to rehash I2? Bats can't beat the main villain so he releases Supes to fight him, then we do this whole super gay breakup fight again?

Hope they just use the good universe or bring good Supes over.

It gives you time to reflect on the choices that got you there. Or, alternatively, conspire against the people that put you there.

In the main story, Damian gets broken out by Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Black Adam and joins up with everyone in fighting Brainiac. He doesn't show up in the last few chapters though and doesn't appear in either ending which is both odd and shit

They change for the worst not better. They should've had mandated therapy sessions but it looks like Bruce basically just left him to stew in his own hate and anger.

>But it looks like Kal only got worse.
This is because batman must be the hero..
See what they did with dami and dick.Dami loves him like a dad .character assassin..

See the pic in Joker killed him

Isnt it wonder woman's fault.
That she tricked him into getting more violent.

goddamn it sucks to be a Wondyfag if what i heard is true.

>Thawne literally served no purpose
>The Society and all it's members were just fodder
>Harley had an interesting arc but no follow through
>There were no stakes at all
All in all the story was good but not as good as the first.

not adult jason he is in a comic.

What? Conversations with his neighbor in cell B and frequent visits by Bruce Wayne isn't good enough?

thank you :)

>No Darkseid in the story
>Not even a cameo

What the fuck NetherRealm

I am betting the Supes ending is canon. It would be the easiest to use as a base for Injustice 3.

>frequent visits by Bruce Wayne
Yeah I'm sure all the heart to hearts with the King of Autists went wonderfully. Besides Clark blames Bruce for not killing the Joker, although he did mellow somewhat.

Does it hurt to be a Wondyfag. The first game she was just Supes's second choice cocksleeve.

But heard her reasoning behind 'helping' Superman but what happens to her storywise.

She promoted his behavior and lied to him once or twice to keep him on the path to dictatorship, but most of the evil shit he did was comitted on his own accord.

It would avoid a rehash of I2 in I3 if that were so, because otherwise we have Superman breaking out of prison AGAIN, him and Batman fighting AGAIN, after they beat the Big Bad AGAIN.

But it's also pretty fucking dark and I can't see how the good guys would even beat Clark in that ending.

I'm too lazy besides none of the boys except for Damian were named, the writer confirmed the only guys were them on Twitter.

And they're different universes, things don't happen the same way.

They're both canon in the multiverse

Bruce flat out says it's her fucking fault Clark became as bad as he did. She says Clark needed steel or some shit and her daydream was her and Clark ruling over the humans together.

But as a Wondyfag you should know Diana is always the real evil one in altuniverses and she drags everyone down with her.

How the fuck are the humans oppressing the apes? There aren't even any humans in Ape city.

>Alfred is dead.
>Dick is dead.
>Jason is alive.
>Tim is alive, just trapped.
>Damian is alive.
>Barbara is alive.
>Kate is alive, if iirc.

The comic is not canon ?

>>Tim is alive, just trapped.
Nah they contradicted that in I2, most of the Titans got nuked in Metropolis which is why Cyborg went bad.

Isit hopeless to wish for something different?

Joker is the only interesting character in the game as usual

I imagine it would look more like a rehash of Injustice #1. That way, they''l have an excuse to bring in characters from the not so fucked up to hell universe like Luthor and Captain Marvel.

For this universe yes. I was hoping most of the Regime would under go redemption arcs but Clark and Diana are straight up evil in this universe. I hope this is the last of the retard universe, all the normies are acting like this is honest to God good writing and it's pissing me off.

How DO died dick. ? Says the game as he died?

I wonder if they will try to tie them together in the next game.

I didn't say that.

Just Beast Boy and Starfire, if the others had died he would have mentioned Tim.

i hope for Damis redemption..But what I read here I have little hope..

i am happy for the dami hero game that we Get in the future..

I hope we get a superman game where he is the hero in the future..

Are the Gods and Demons shader available for all characters or just WondySupsBat?

They'll probably explain in Starfire's arcade ending