/sug/ - Steven Universe General

Sadie edition
Last thread: [NEW RELEASES]
>Stuck Together
Mega: mega.nz/#F!w6xyBDYR!zGTNesKi5s89QOW5WmGCxg
Direct: dl.sug.rocks/preair/05x01.mkv
Marebucks: marebucks.com/sun/127
Dailymotion: dailymotion.com/video/x5lts7g

>Lion 4, Doug Out, The Good Lars, Are You My Dad?, and I Am My Mom
Drive: su-g.pw/4u4qy
Direct: sug.rocks/dl.html
Marebucks: Starting marebucks.com/sun/122
Dailymotion: dailymotion.com/stevenbombsfordays

>4 more episodes will come later
>SU Soundtrack coming June 2nd.
>"Keep Beach City Weird: You Can't Hide the Truth!!!" now available
>Art book "Art and Origins" available for pre-order
>Graphic novel "Anti-Gravity" available for pre-order

>Episode downloads
1080p: mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt and comics: sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older 720p/1080p episodes: mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
Streaming: marebucks.com/sun/
>Official airing schedule in EST (click to the right of the logo)

[LEAKS] (make sure to use spoiler tags)
>2 minute previews and screenshots from CN server
>Leakbot and other cool /sug/ stuff


>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads


Sadie is cute


Happy Mothers Day /sug/


Too bad she chose to be with that shitheel Lars. Hopefully he dies soon so she can move onto somebody better.

happy mothers day to all

Do you think Martha is sad that she doesn't have Lars with her today?

I don't.

Praise the bird mom!

I hope you all cherish your moms on this special day.

Why is Amethyst looking at Steven in such a sexual manner? I disapprove.

Nah, it's a complete cunt and deserves everything bad that has happened to it and more.



She should have gone through with it. We wouldn't get this shit show anymore

Happy mother's day shitposter-kun



What is "AU"?

alternate universe



Astronomical Unit
Alternate Universe


Alternate universe. Basically, fanfic where the author tools around with major details.


I approve strongly

What do you think would have actually happened? Would Rose return or is her gem essence ingrained into Steven like DNA?

Schedule stuff for next week

Is it mothers day only in America why is it I'm only learning about this now?

Turns into a gibbering spasmic idiot.

Steven Ship Rankings

Stars > Stevethyst > Stevidot > Connverse > Etc.

Yeah, Americlaps have their own mother's day. If you're a Euro you probably already had it in March

Because you're a horrible child.

Well he's a shit kid.

Connverse > literal shit > everything else

Highschool vampire wizard stories. Set in the 50s.

*Connverse = literal shit

>perfect gems don't exis-


>steven is not for sexu-


It's called Larven

That's a stupid name and you're stupid for thinking it

Not him, but it's because ship names separate from fusion names.

Like Stevonnie and Connverse.

Stars would be for their fusion. Which I still doubt is going to happen.

>Look at your precious leader now Crystal Gems.
>Now all he is a slut.
>And soon you will be too.



Best blue gem coming through

She should have had sleeves by default. Her outfit looks stupid without them.


Alright, where is it?


And here she is

>The trial starts
>Steven is in a real prison cell
>blue appears, looks mad
>Steven tries talk no jutsu
>"whatever you think she's going to do? I want to do worse"
>blue unbubbles and shatters/ corrupts groups of rose quartz
>Steven watches in horror as blue gets pleasure from it
>somehow Lars saves him but the scars of seeing 20+gems being broken wracks Steven for the rest of the bomb

Would they be mad enough to do this?

A writefag should do a Yandere Lapis x Steven story

Thanks for the introduction bitch

Is she standing behind Droopy Diamond there?

Wait what did you say?
Did you say Martha?!

New hotness coming through

I can't tell if I'm hype or not. The preview looked really interesting, but I'm still clueless as to what was going on and if it was even in order.

Wait, how high is Steven's speech skill? there must be another way

Why didn't Steven bubble himself again in Topaz's body so he could grab the gem zap stick?

Why didn't Steven at least try to convince Topaz that she would have a home at Beach City during the spat with Aquamarine?

Reminder that this is a bully free thread. Please make friends with other anons and think before you post, like Steven would.

Best moms. Cute pics.

But Steven has never been to school...

Because Zuke can't write for shit.

Eat a dick, turdburglar.

Fuck off faggot

I'm still mad about blue diamond looking nothing like she did in the answer and being all sad all the time

>Lapis drove through the long highways through fields as the only thing keeping the road lit on the dark night was the dim car lights and the full moon hanging in the night sky.
>Lapis was new to driving but she drove like a pro as she drove with one hand on the steering wheel while she took long smoke from her cig.
>Lapis felt like this was going easy till she heard a thumping sound.
>She sighed as she realised the thumping sound was from the trunk.
>Lapis parked the car near the side of the road and slwoly got out, walking to the back of the car.
>Lapis opened the trunk and looked inside.
>Inside lied Steven and Peridot both gems were tied up with tap around there mouths.
>Peridot was trying to shout through her gag while Steven just cried.
>Lapis brought her hand to both gems faces and gently rubbed there cheeks.
>"Don't worry my precious little gems, just a few more hours in the trunk and will be out of the country and start a new life, all I need is you two and I'm sure you two will learn to thank me some day."
>Both gems started crying and shouting more before Lapis silenced them by chloroforming them putting them back to a peaceful sleep.
>Lapis stroked Stevens hair and gave Peridot a kiss on the gem before closing the trunk.
>Lapis smiled as she looked at the star filled night sky and then got back into the car to continue the journey to her desired dream home with the two gems she loves the most.

maybe it's based off of his experience with the subspecies of beach bullies, with their kicking of sand and stealing of dames.

obviously not that high since he didn't try to convince topaz to escape to earth with him.

Your waifu is shit, and I have little to no respect for your opinions as such!

She's going to be pissed in this next bomb. Maybe we'll get to see her be the ruthless shatter-happy dictator that she's implied to be when she isn't moping.


>Remembers pilot Steven
So, act like the most savage poster in /sug/? Will do.

I've never managed to make friends at school. Even the few ones who were kind of close to me never actually liked me.

>I read that in Morty's voice

No, his speech skill is high he just didn't ask because he didn't put any points into intelligence.

Post cute Sadie please

Lapiven > All

That's an oxymoron.

Sure, when it comes to being complete cancer.


but that's degeneracy

so how long unti the homeworld leaks?


Pure love is not degenerate!

that pearl is too tiny to be intimidating


Xenos and xeno-hybrids are degenerate.
Therefore their love is degenerate.

I gotta mah momma a scar. Mommas love scarfs.

Why are Lapis ships always the most cancerous?


Fuck you nerd im going to make you do my homework for only $6 an hour.

Yeah but her new design is still bad

Just trying to look on the brightside.

Real talk, I know you're joking, but what kind of autist complains about degeneracy on Sup Forums

I want to know whose idea that stupid hair loop thing was.