Be the only who can defeat evil

>be the only who can defeat evil
>submit to it because you don't want to fight with the another victim of its doing
>even if it means more shit like that for other people

This is a disgrace to Jack's character.

>inb4 old seasons had that too

Old seasons were episodic, they didn't have finale in mind.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Old seasons were episodic, they didn't have finale in mind.
What the fuck does that have to do with the fact that killing Ashi right away would have been insanely out of character for Jack? Because it's the finale, Jack should be written as the Punisher rather than Jack?

Stop being so autistic and learn how human emotions actually work, OP.

He submitted to Aku only to save woman of his life.

t. Never been in love

>This is a disgrace to Jack's character.
No it's not, it's very much in line with his character. He'd never hurt an innocent.

The old seasons NEVER had this. Even the Aku infection episode isn't comparable, nor is the 3 monks episode. Stop helping the delusional side by making excuses for them.
It would have been far more in character for him to get over it and just do it, given how broken he'd become over the years and how many chances he'd blown trying to do the right thing.

This the actual conflict, he has to go beyond basic emotions so he can actually end this fucking thing once and for all.

I swear you guys don't watch or read anything that is more complex than your saturday cartoon for manchildren.

>saturday cartoon
Are you a time traveller too?

>It would have been far more in character for him to get over it and just do it, given how broken he'd become over the years and how many chances he'd blown trying to do the right thing.
No, it wouldn't have. That might have been in-character for your headcanon Western Guts Jack, but fucking Samurai Jack--the guy who constantly went through self-sacrifice--killing the woman who had given him hope again and whom he'd fallen in love just like that? Perhaps you think he should have raped her first, too.

t. middle-aged romance novel enthusiast

Im still mad about the guardian

No man, it would show that he is now willing to sacrifice for the greater good, after witnessing FIFTY YEARS of unspeakable suffering and being completely unable to prevent it all that time.

what dont you understand with nothing can defeat me but the sword?
doesnt matter how skilled the guardian may be he would eventually lose from over exhaustion

And that would run completely counter to how Jack has found his way again and regained hope.

So what? All of the character progression he's gone through throughout the season regaining hope would have been for nothing?

The low point was when he tried to kill himself. He's returning to the man he used to be. Killing Ashi would be the dumbest shit.

In my opinion Jack has a stoic nature. Nothing, even seeming-to-never-end struggle with evil powers can kill the ever green optimism inside his heart. That's why he never gives in.

"Jack lost his way" is such a buzzphrase. And its use by Jack x Ashi fans is telling

Jack never lost his way. He wanted to survive, thwart Shapeshifter Man, get home, and protect the innocent along the way. He never stopped doing any of that until Aku shut down all the ways home. So he kept doing the other three.

And his final push to suicide was his belief that he'd killed innocents, which would drive most decent people to suicide. So how did he "lose his way"?

Jack having an oppurtunity to end aku/go back to the past but not taking it to help someone is pretty in character,yeah he got a lot more brutal this season but that was because killing innocent sheep of all things fucked up his psych,it would have been out of character for jack to ignore his morals/feelings to accomplish his goal,and diminish the whole killing people is really fucking hard for jack motif we've ha all season,and STFU about it being the finale means Jack would be aware in universe this is really his last shot to end it,why would he act any different now than he did before?

The Xiaolin monks ep was bad for the same reasons. Reject sacrificing a few to save many. It's just a very stupid character flaw Jack has.

They're not in love. They're like horny teenagers.

Horny teenagers can fall in love.

But Muh Samurai Honour!Seriously that,the 3 archers,Jack in Space.Jack would've been home mix earlier if he let go of muh noble sacrifice crap

>ignored the village that Scaramouche attacked until his hallucinations pushed him into going there when it was already too late
>told Ashi how futile it was to fight against Aku
>Genndy literally says how the season “was always this lost-soul idea.”

But please, continue to demonstrate how you haven't even bothered paying attention to the season's story and themes.

>being mad that the hero isn't a "the ends justify the means" edgelord like you

>Jack's macho instinct to fight Aku alone was actually the right call and Ashi being there ruined everything
Genndy keeps dropping red pills this season.

Jack's stoic nature was only a thing because CN wanted to air the episodes out of order.

>be the only who can defeat evil

Except Jack can't kill Aku, as Aku will always be one step ahead of him. Killing Ashi won't bring Jack closer to defeating Aku so he just gives up.

I kinda agree, I was expecting more change from Jack but he goes from

Honorable Samurai on S1-S4 -> """"Old Man Jack""""" -> Honorable Samurai of S1-S4

The moment Ashi shows up Jack does a 180° turn on the whole "no hope" thing until the plot needs him to be emo again.

>>ignored the village until his hallucinations sent him there

briefly hesitates in his mission (before going on to handle it) ONCE in 50 years and he's lost his way

Wew lad. Also, wasn't the first thing he did on screen saving those helpless dog things? Yeah, what a slacker.

>>told Ashi how futile it was to fight against Aku

He told a rookie who couldn't even outfight him NOT to fight a guy he hasn't been able to kill in 50 years? Yeah, why would he do that...?

>>Genndy literally says how the season “was always this lost-soul idea.”

Counterpoint from the same article.

>"We were pretty on the same page about the fact that Jack is Jack, but he’s Jack with some miles on him now.”

Essentially, "Jack hasn't changed except he's older and gruffer."

>horny teenager
>tries to leave the girl who you has a mutual desire to fug him
>because he doesn't want to have her become just a memory
>not love

He didn't want to kill possessed Ashi for the same reason he felt guilty for killing the mutated little goats. Even if possessed by evil, they were still innocent at core, and the sword would leave him if he did.

Here's the better picture OP.

>briefly hesitates in his mission (before going on to handle it) ONCE in 50 years and he's lost his way
The fact that Jack wavered ONCE is a big deal, given how unflinching he was in the first four seasons. There may have been episodes where he got frustrated or was on the verge of losing hope, but he never left people to die. Do you not understand how big a change in his character that is?

>Wew lad. Also, wasn't the first thing he did on screen saving those helpless dog things? Yeah, what a slacker.
That was meant to show that he still has some heroism and will help if he finds someone in need right in the path, but that doesn't change how the entire point of him driving away from the burning village has shown that he's changed and no longer the hero. How can you not comprehend this?

>He told a rookie who couldn't even outfight him NOT to fight a guy he hasn't been able to kill in 50 years? Yeah, why would he do that...?
This wasn't about telling a rookie to not get herself killed. Jack literally said "there is no way to defeat him. There is no hope. There is no way out." Like, holy shit. How can you miss that Ashi's purpose in the narrative was undeniably restoring Jack's hope when he was literally saying there is none?

>Essentially, "Jack hasn't changed except he's older and gruffer."
And yet, Genndy stills call him a "lost soul"--that's what those "extra miles" have done to him. Genndy's just saying that he's not a completely different character. Shall I post every fucking article where Genndy makes clear this theme?

>It was! One of the things we couldn’t do in the first 52 episodes — it couldn’t be episodic, which hinders your character growth. You can’t have as many ups and downs, because if Cartoon Network aired the episodes out of order, he’s super-dark in one episode, and cheery in another. So that forced us to make him more even-keeled, and we played him as a stoic samurai hero, unaffected by everything he’s going through. We’ve seen some dips in him, but nothing to this level, where he’s given up hope. So that was one of the exciting things going into this season: “Let’s bring him down.” It’s 50 years later, there’s no way home, Aku won’t even face him anymore, and he’s lost hope. And what do you do if you’re stuck in this eternal hell with the idea that you let all the people down in the past? It made all these ideas really rich for us. I think it will really enhance Jack’s character as we see unfold through this season.

>“But at the same time the most exciting things [are] we get to dive into the madness of Jack right now and where he’s at and that he’s really lost hope and he’s just miserable and that kind of psychosis.”

>Tartakovsky: Jack's been stuck. It's 50 years later, and we reveal that he hasn't aged. Aku's destroyed all the time portals, and what do you do if you're just walking aimlessly amongst this hell? And so he's let himself go, and that's the theme: he's this lost soul. And what's great is we've got these ten episodes, that's one story, and he's got to earn his way back ... if he does.

>literally says "he's got to earn his way back"

Nice one Mr. Bond

Once again Samurai-fags cannot compete with Based Aku.

How it any different to not wanting to kill those kids that Akus machine made into monsters?



>A disgrace to Jack's character

As opposed to when he saved the archers, the xiaolin monks, and others? Moltar got it right:

>Righteous fool, even now he still can't hurt an innocent

Jack isn't some edgy "I'll save more lives later if I let these guys die". He spends the entire show helping people that might not even exist after he fullfills his quest. He is a genuine hero, not some pragmatist. And even though his selflessness costs him, he isn't the type to back down, that's what makes him so amazing.

They're literally all they have left in the world. It might not be love but it's the only reason they're even alive.

Jack is a pussy. Bitch doesn't even know how time travel works. If he goes to the past and kills aku none if this shit would happen, thus all the people he helped woulndt exist, or at least never need saving. And even if string theory is applied to the dimensions of samurai jack's reality, he would just go to a different 5th dimensional world line and be in a universe where Aku is destroyed by jack.

They saved each other's lives.

Expecting Jack to go "fuck it" and kill Ashi is unreasonable at this point. If he didn't kill her in ep3, it become obvious he would never kill her and he would stay a pussy like he currently is.


>also, FUCK!

>>The fact that Jack wavered ONCE is a big deal, given how unflinching he was in the first four seasons [...] Do you not understand how big a change in his character that is?

It isn't. Know why? Because he got up and did what he had to, as usual.

Navel gazing and second-guessing mean jack shit if, in the end, you get up and get to work.

It's straw-clutching to say he's a changed man because he hesitated, especially when his goodness quickly won out. More on that in a second.

>the entire point of him driving away from the burning village has shown that he's changed and no longer the hero. How can you not comprehend this?

Because it's bunk. His actions throughout the show have been unambigously noble.

>saves those ugly dog girls like clockwork
>spurred by his conscience (because that's really what his hallucinations are. his guilt-warped, overdeveloped sense of honor) into Scaramouch's obvious trap.
>spares the life of a woman who tried to kill him, and keeps her safe even as she continues. And Jack sure as shit wasn't in love with Ashi when they first met.

And you say he's NOT the hero he once was? It doesn't wash, user.

>>This wasn't about telling a rookie to not get herself killed. Jack literally said "there is no way to defeat him. There is no hope. There is no way out." Like, holy shit. How can you miss that Ashi's purpose in the narrative was undeniably restoring Jack's hope when he was literally saying there is none?

Fair enough, he did say that exactly. Well, his actions and words failed to align because he was still going around thwarting that black and green fruitcake's machinations like he never skipped a beat.

And that leads me to the Genndy issue. Show, don't tell. Whatever his intentions were in interviews, he has shown Jack as a good man driven to his breaking point. To say otherwise is splitting hairs.