Lauren Faust Working on a New Show

According to her husband, Lauren Faust is developing a new series outside Disney that has well known characters

Hmmm... honestly I think it could be a DC animated show. It won't be Disney, probably not Hasbro, you have Nick and CN left. The former I'm not sure what 'we'll established' series could be revived that's female leaning and the latter seems interested in making original new series.

There is however a third possibility being DC who are trying to start a new streaming service for DC content only. They'll also exclusively air new shows like Young Justice Season 3 on it (and hopefully Justice League Action if CN cancels it).

She also already worked with DC before on Super Best Friends Forever. I'd love a Wonder Woman TAS...

What do you think Sup Forums?

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horse show 2: electric boogaloo

For whatever reason, I don't see Faust working at Nick unless maybe she's helping work on that Rugrats revival

At CN i'm assuming she might be working on that DC nation short she originally worked on before hand

She could be working for WB.

Whatever it is, I hope it'll go well for her

I love how whatever the subject is relating to Lauren Faust is the topic always inevitably goes straight to MLP

This type of shit is why i keep coming to Sup Forums

probably this shit

Twitter screencaps?

Oh that's a possibility. The whole DC, WB Animation, WB Television, CN Studios, and etc entanglement often confuses me.

No wonder DC is trying to get its own streaming service after YJ was treated poorly by CN and the same may happen to JLA

You rang?

what do you think?

forgot pic

That's a Disney property

if you implying that's what Faust is working on, she's not working at Disney and besides, McCracken would be a better fit. not ideal but better

Yes, "working"

>inb4 faust leaves because of "creative differences" and "the studio overwhelms her"

>tfw she's working on a hanna barbera spin off show.

>Lauren Faust Working on a New Show
we care why?

Craig said well known characters. Only the main character of that has ever been in anything else.

Christ, it would be some serious monkey paw shit if we finally got Wonder Woman TAS and it ends up based on the fucking Justice League Action version.


>Original PPG
>Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
>Wander Over Yonder

>Wonder what new thing that no exec will ever greenlight she is wasting her time on now!

no, that's craig mccracken's work

lauren faust made a failed pitch, a failed dc shorts series, and a retooled girls show that she was only involved in the concept

Horse show isn't even all that popular. It has a large Internet following, which spawned mainly out of luck and timing, but as a show the ratings are terrible. To be fair, a lot of that has to do with being on a premium channel, but still, people need to stop treating it like it revolutionised animation.

Way to be a salty little bitch

How many hit cartoons have you worked on exactly?

Why is he a Lego Minifig?


She's come full circle then.

she made one of those shows

>and a retooled girls show that she was only involved in the concept


What's wrong with that one?

He's probably still pissed about the line about Batman and Superman being her sidekicks

Please for the love of The Presence not another fucking Batman show. I'll take Wondy, I'll take Flash, GL, Supes, ANYONE BUT BATMAN.

No, I'm not that autist. She's just generic action GRRL POWR in it instead of actual Wonder Woman.

No she didn't.

She also might work for Dreamworks. Or for WB, doing a Bugs Bunny spin-off show. Not shorts, an actual TV show.

It most likely will be Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. MAYBE Hasbro again, but I have high doubts.

If it's Cartoon Network, it would make sense. After all, why not get old audiences back with Lauren, someone who helped define Cartoon Network in the early days and have her revive a project that she's passionate about? It's logical to conclude that this will be for Cartoon Network as they try and get more viewers with people wearing nostalgia glasses, except with her in charge, it may take shape.

I'm hesitant to say she'll be working on a DC project, though. No, I think it's fair to say that she's either working on a project that she's familiar with (like old school Hanna Barbara and early CN shows) or a property that's trying hard to be relevant again.

The latter is what I fear the most. It could be anything popular-ish that then is made into garbage. What if she's working on an "Ebin Ghostbusterz" show like Sony wanted? That's what scares me. Shit like that.

Point is, I'm glad Lauren is doing something, but I'm horrified at what it will be. The fact that it's based on existing characters, too, will fuck me up.

I'm spooked.

i saw an on demand commercial and one of the shows featured was a super friends looking show with girl characters. I'm not talking about the DC universe shorts she made. It was a different style and an actual show. It definitely has to be hers.

What if it's Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls ?

Unzips dick

I would love to see a new cartoon.
But, Craig's tweet did specify "well known characters."

She's probably retooling the dc super hero girls franchise (who the fuck came up with that name?) for CN after merchandise failed to sell for shit. They're probably hoping lightning will strike twice and she'll pop out another horse-show-tier merch success.

>used up all her ideas for Galactic Girls on MLP
>working on a show with well-known characters
And, GG continue to stay dead as her once miscarried baby.

Maybe she'll be happy if she retool her GG concept and get it materialize into a entirely new concept.

Although, it's prolly a female centric Superhero show or one that feature a female protagonist.

Truly her greatest work.

She has more chances of actually having a kid.

Isn't dc super hero girls doing really well?

To finally see her dream cartoon Galaxy Girls get made.

What part of "WELL KNOWN CHARACTERS" don't you guys understand?

Wouldn't be a problem if she had the courage to say "No, I won't work on revivals anymore and want to create my own personal series WITH HEART!"

She already said it was with DC.

They already tried that and DC Nation died. The only DC thing CN cares about is TTG.

GG is well-known to Craig since he first meet Faust :^)

It's happening, user.

Yes, they expected it to be a 1 billion dollar franchise and it's still going and expanding so they probably met it

Hmm I doubt its strawberry shortcake

but that's the only thing I can think of that has well known characters

And hotel Transylvania is being by Disney

Well whatever it is 90% of Sup Forums and /mlp/ are gonna flock straight to it

It's very difficult to keep working in an industry if you stop working in said industry, user.

Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll get its own board by the end of the decade.
*Electric Scootaloo

>it'll get its own board by the end of the decade.
Moot doesn't own Sup Forums anymore.

Didn't she have a baby last year?

I was gonna say no but I forgot I saw something about that also and I'm trying to remember when I saw that

I wish Rescue Rangers would return

Yes. DC Superhero Girls is successful .

Isn't she working on Them's Fightin' Herds?
That's an edited picture with tara strong's face staple on it faglord

>Faust told executives her concept of Galaxy Girls is based on a well-known anime franchise called Sailor Moon
>all the executives ears heard was "Sailor Moon"
>Faust is producing Galaxy Girls under the guise of Sailor Moon

I doubt it. If it was a furry show like Zootopia tv series or Rescue Rangers tv series there would be a following. But nothing with humans will ever get anything more than one general.

>Finals Crisis

Careful with that monkey's paw

I kinda heard someone around here saying they just had one child, but so far no sources have been provided. You'd think something like that would've made big news on many circlejerks and cartoon news sites, or at the very least, McCracken's social media accounts. Thing that has not happened at all.
Not a cartoon.
>That's an edited picture
Congratulations, you can use google, total oldfag cred right here.

The success of the DCSHG version of Wonder Woman gives me hope that the stupid warrior girl thing won't be what she's remembered as.

She did the models and the background, but that isn't really a shit ton of work. At least not compared to the stuff the music department had to do.

>My name is Lauren Faust, creator of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, but, who cares?
Stay mad, stay fat, stay at

Top kek.
Craig specified developing a _new_ _series_ with _well known characters_ Them's fighting herds doesn't fit into any of those categories

The first article is a pre-release prediction. It says nothing about how successful they actually were.
The "toy of the year" isn't based on sales.
The rest just verifies its existence, nothing about how successful it is.

Does anyone have a real source?

Over 3 years and still no new info on it

Ah, like, dude right?

Like, right dude? Like, who honestly cares, like too true dude
Too true

Is this a real picture of Lauren?
Can somebody give me some context?

That sounds horrific.

>Lauren Faust also have a fighting game coming out soon. She's the story writer, and character designer.
Is faust a good writer?

Does a mall babe eat chilli fries?

I heard she got drunk and posted on the containment board a while back. That true?

Well, we are on G4's last season...

pony days

citation needed

I don't think she's ever posted on Sup Forums no

citation needed

my wild guess is it's Care Bears

Did you forget about Mane6 and the failed Fighting Is Magic project, and how they retooled it to release a game inspired by MLP with all new characters?

The movie is the finale.

is that a fair term to use? Getting C&D'd doesn't really count as failed does it?. Specially since they got back up from it
>Hasbro has known about MLP;Fighting is Magic for ages now
>Wait to the dawn of release to fucking issue a C&D
cold fucking hearted.

Failed wasn't the right word, I guess, but C&D basically means the initial game failed...
Regardless, the story of TFH's creation is pretty interesting

Maybe I'm getting my hopes up, and it's an omnipresent long-shot, but wasn't Milky Way that concept inspired by sailor moon?

If so then a Sailor Moon cartoon with a treatment similar to Voltron: Legendary Defender (or hell, I'll even take something in the vein of Voltron Force) might be worth a watch?

citation needed

>implying they would let go this easy money printer
You just have to go to /mlp/ to see how easy it is to rip off these autists with shit toys.

If only. Hasbro's going to run this shit into the ground as long as people with no critical thinking skills keep on forking over their bronybux.

Jesus Christ a Faust-led reboot of Sailor Moon would be DA BEST
&/or if she worked on an Adult Swim series or something older than, y'know, stuff for babies

If she worked on one for another toonami original then...

Motherfucker do you not know the meaning of "the ride never ends"?

Just like The Spongebob Movie.

Literally who