Who are you gonna take to the prom,Sup Forums?

Who are you gonna take to the prom,Sup Forums?

Well, traditionally, the boy is supposed to ask YOU.

Gonna need me some more pictures like the princess Marco one, or at least sauce. To answer your question I pick Dani since I'm just gonna pretend that's an aged up version of the real thing.

>randy cunningham
wait Sup Forums actually likes this show?

yes some do,its just that nobody talks about it

why do they all got crop tops

>he doesnt like midriffs

Ben, because she's got the omnitrix. You know that thing can make sex more interesting.

>Ben will never dom you as Four arms

I hate that Ben and Marco

But Femben is fucking hot

True but it doesn't feel like a rule 63 version of Ben, it's just some random cheerslut with similar facial features and color scheme.

After looking at Randy and Danny,you're right

You're not a boy?

Superior Fem Ben coming through

I was torn between jake and randy but then i remembered jake's lingo so i go with randy since his is more tolerable and he's overall way cooler, jake is annoying

Are good female characters so scarce, we have to take boys with likable personalities, and turn them into women...?

I'd go for pretty much any of them besides femBen. Mostly because I don't think most regular Joes would stand any chance of getting with her.

>that weird feeling when you see a montage that you made on the catalog

Anyway, R63 Ben is the best. You should always try to aim for the Stacey.

Looks like OS style to me.

Artstyle isn't really the issue, femJake's fine because she looks like Jake but female. FemBen doesn't really look like she has Bens personality or anything besides a similar color scheme. is a much better interpretation.

Whats the female name for Randy?

Brandy, I would think

sounds retarded,maybe Rhonda will do

FemBen, that's like 10 different women of differing species for the price of one.


>To answer your question I pick Dani since I'm just gonna pretend that's an aged up version of the real thing.

But Danny is the real deal, and female Danny is just aged up Dani. If anything, she is the knock off.

Wasn't Ben a jock or something? Probably is going by the rationalization that the female of the specie are always cheerleaders. Pic related.

>Implying this hasn't always been the case.
Pick any show with a male lead, any at all, now turn the male protagonist into a girl without changing their personality. Bam, insta best girl.
Try to prove me wrong. Pro tip You might, but it would be very unlikely

Did Danny have a thing for the hot cheerleader girls? If not this reversal seems a bit off. Can't imagine a girl like that having a will they/won't they with some edgy goth guy though to be honest.

Paulina was a cheerleader, even if she barely wore the uniform, so yeah.

Here's also a regular fem Marco

what Is the appeal of midriffs anyway

Jackie is the most qt

This just opens up so many new possibilities for fapping. There's just no reason not to.

What kind of possibilities?

I could greentext something if you give me some prompts for the girls.

Obvious choice

This might be a special case, though

>comes to a gender swap thread
>post trap

Thats the ugliest Sam I've ever seen

>Now the body matches his hyper emotionality and attention whoreness.
>Steven becomes generic happy go lucky female lead as opposed to retarded emasculated male lead.
I wouldn't call him best girl, because honestly, from the handful of episodes I watched every character in SU are different layers of shit, not helped in the least by the terrible art style, but the reason why he's a "special" case is because he's already written more as a female lead personality wise than a proper male one, so really, nothing changes in this instance other than maybe people being more lenient about Steven's shit because he'd be an actual girl instead of the boy that acts like one most of the time.

Make the hair a little longer

>not choosing fem-Ben
>not experiencing vaginas from different aliens
>not having someone to bro around with after a good fuck
I sincerely hope you guys don't consider this a bad option

Ghetto Asian Dragon-girl sounds pretty tempting.



god doesnt exist morty

enjoy the hell

My sister.

and please, stop use a cartoon for try of feel that you say intelligent things.

I'd rather not go/go alone to prom than go with my fucking sister

Thankfully, I actually went with a girl from my school, she was a bit short for my taste, still a qt tho

Post Morticia


Stop that. It's just us cute girls here on co.

So the dress is breaking because she's so thicc? How did she put it on in the first place?

Either Jacqueline or Rhonda.

I got you, famalamadingdong.

I usually hate these rule63 things cuz people suck at designing them typically just adding boobs, removing adam apples, and adding eye lashes and rarely do they actually look the opposite sex version of the character... but, that Danny fantom rule63 is fuck'n legit.

Randy looks spot on as well

I find every pic on OP pretty amazing. What is the problem with them?

I wonder how being on a relationship with them might be.

I personally like all of them except the Ben and Marco

The first girl you talk to in school,you dont notice you sit right next to her,nice enough to lend you her homework and entertain you if you're bored in class. Totally would go to your house for studying and projects

The girl next door, she goes to a different school but you sometimes catch her outside, you catch up on a few things until you two start to get to know each other abit more. Spend nightouts at the nearest playground or go watch a movie

The stacy of your school,cheerleader captain, wouldn't pay any attention to you until you bumped into her on accident or on purpose. Depending on how cute you are, she might either be rude or be fine and maybe apologetic if shes in the mood. Only get to know her more through a mutual friend and that is if Chad isnt with her already. Typical date includes the mall or the local football game

I dont know what to say about the other two t b h but I'm bored enough to write all the autistic shit above

Cheerleader Ben is fine, he was always a show off, and Marco is just suddenly aged up, hence the ripped clothes.

>vaginas from different aliens

You're a fucking genius.

They still seem pretty out of place in comparison to the others

Ben would be nothing like that, OS Ben was a fucking loser and he once became popular in UA and OV, he was still nice

well shit i guess he's kim possible then

I see r63 Child/Teen Ben as a wannabe popular girl that cares a lot about other people's opinions, and generaly tries to emulate the stereotypical cheerleader kind of personality. But in reality she has a soft spot, can't stand injustice and people taking advantage of the defenseless.

>Like, on the first episode of the original show Ben tried defend a boy being bullied and ended up stuck in a tree.

>In gender swap Ben 10, Jen is trying to impress the more popular girls and be part of their circle, when she see a boy being bullied. While trying to intervene ends up in an humiliating situation herself on the end.

I like that interpretation better maybe its because of OP's pic making Jen too pretty that I wrote her as a Stacy

>7 vaganias
>maybe more

The OP's pic sucks, is better

Now that Jen is CUTE as fuck

Does anyone has that rule63 Omniverse fanart? the one where fem ben has pigtails and kevin looks exacly the same but with lipstick?

I guess I should try drawing Omniverse style one of these days them.

Best OV r63 art in my opinion,
I had it, but I'm formating my pc right now, wish that the artist had done more.

This and that other one who was srawing an opposite gender + opposite personality AU.


Cheerleader Ben in Omnivore style please! Even though, I can see why people like tomboy Ben.


Girls grow different than boys.

The mid-00's outlet

Female Ben.

I like me a cocky bitch.

That Sam looks like he's gonna shoot up the school.

Also literally Tucker in a drag.

Literally Mabel done right.


My my

It's an easy pick.

>she can be a multi armed musclegirl
>she can be a loli looking alien that multiply herself
>she can be a lizard Waifu with super speed

The possibilities of kink shit with female Ben are limitless.

Danny can possess you can jack off in your body.

Jackie long is cute has nobody done anything with her?

Fem Randy, but only if we get to cuddle later

I'm not sure what you mean with it, but I don't think that she has much art. Probably just that.

Yeah I was talking about art it's a shame

Dani by far.
That hair and crop-top/jean combo, unf.

I gut you like sheep

And remember Maddie Fenton is her mother.
The hip/booty game is strong with that family.

I've always wondered if the Rule 63 made the characters as attractive as they were normally.
Because they suddenly look like supermodels, especially Ben and Dani.

Ben and Danny were pretty attractive to begin with, so yeah.

FemJake is OLEV

Marco is cute, too

He played soccer.

Fem-Ben. Wouldn't look twice at any of the others, and she's clearly the most fun of the lot. Also I'm going to assume they're all basically in scale to each other and she's really that tall, which is just piling on the bonus points.

>Fem Ben is supposed to be based on OV Ben
>She has the original Omnitrix and is in the OS style

Marco is the best one.

She'd be the most loyal, loving, and kindest.

What really sets me off about SU is the massive inconsistencies in size and shape with the creators flaunting it around as "creative freedom" as though making your character change sizes three different times over the course of a season is something to be proud of.
Nothing in this world makes me more mad than someone intentionally fucking up and calling it "creative".
That's not creative you faggots that's being a fucking lazy ass that can't be bothered to take proper notes, and I should know. I'm a very fucking lazy person.

we usually waifu about it.

R63 Danny, hands down

Literally just Rose with black hair