Why is Sup Forums so transphobic?

Why is Sup Forums so transphobic?

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Because Sup Forums is full of bigots.

Clearly these bigoted Drumpf voters need to get punched in the face.

Look man, to be honest I don't care about guy->girl or girl->guy trannies but when they're all abut those 53 made up genders like xer or whatever the fuck that's where I draw the line.

Also when they get severely upset at you when you misgender them even though you'd have no reason to assume they were trans

I'm not, I fully support Ashi in being comfortable with her new body

Gender Dysphoria is a dissociative disorder. Transsexuals are mentally ill. They need help, not understanding.

I'm a boy, but I have a vagina. It's a boy's vagina, you see.

People just don't understand my struggle.

How many levels of shitposting are you on.

Because Trans are either annoying adult children, with no direction or motivational life looking for a cause to champion and garner attention, or people whose brain wiring is fucked like those guys with Body Integrity Syndrome who feel like their limbs are parasitic organisms in which case, it is only natural to feel disgusted by the ill.

But, but, but! I FEEL like a little girl, I don't THINK I'm a little girl. That's a huge difference. I'm not mental.

Because life isn't some shitty rpg video game, you cant pick and choose your gender.
You are what you are, and if you think otherwise you are sick and need help.

Like, 5 or 6


I want to fuck that cat.

>fake indignation
>pretending to be tumblr
>reddit spacing
>Drumpf Sup Forums buzzword
What am I missing?

Sup Forums hates everything, especially it self.

Wut du??

You're thinking of Sup Forums

it applies to most boards really.

Sup Forums is just Sup Forums with cartoons.

we're not, it's just that assigned male is abhorrent. Do you know how hard it is to suck more than family circus? How much energy that much take? It's a crime on intelligence as well as art.

Trips of truth.

It really astounds me how those groups cry foul at appropriation but at the same time appropriate a legitimate disorder just to be fashionable.

>admitting to shitposting when called on it yet continuing unironically

>Assigned Male thread

I don't care about transgender people; I couldn't give less of a shit. However, I hate how they push everyone to identify them as a special snowflake and that their transfluid too or some other nonsense.

If you're transgender I rather call you the sex your transforming into then some mid-point you want to stay the rest of your life; I mean, that's pretty much what perma transgenders are. They want to be the in between to be identify as a special snowflake, to insist on everyone they dont have privileges in bathrooms or shit like that.

If you transfer yourself to the opposite sex Im going to call you what you want to be, not some "Transgender" because thats what you wanted right? Do to issues or just not feeling right you wanted to be the opposite sex right?

These "perma" transgenders are like the flamboyant gays you meet every once in awhile or the really obnoxious and annoying butch woman that always get up into your face for no fucking reason.

And this opinion is coming from someone who sees themselves a Democratic Liberal but god forbid the world turns into video related. Fuck that.


There are only 2 genders

Fucking this

>Literally only ugly trans people are the ones who make bitchy webcomics and angry blog posts about how poorly they're treated

To be fair, I'll bet I'd be pissed if a good-looking trap or transgirl could just do whatever and no one could tell while I was just essentially a dude with blue hair and five o'clock shadow.

this is an unfair stereotype. I know two or three(with one of them, I don't know, probably drag queen but very enthusiastic about it) and I wouldn't associate with them if the crammed it down my throat like that.
It's mostly just assholes from tumblr and idiot college kids hopped up on bandwagon adrenaline that do that.

Because transexuality is an illness brought on by childhood drama. Anytime you see a parent acting supportive of their trans child, you are looking at a guilt-ridden child abuser.


Because your sex is whatever you were born as. You can Bruce Jenner yourself all you want, it won't change the fact that you are a man. Honestly the whole toilet debate was nothing more than a waste of time.

You are what you is


I agree with that last part. Let's just eliminate gendered washrooms, plain and simple.
Nobody bitched about gender neutral washrooms when it was for the fucking gibbles, so let's get rid of gendered washrooms and give the gibbles back their cans.

You're opening a can of worms op.

But you might as well ask that question about many boards on Sup Forums as well.

It's not that they are transphobic, it's just the people that use the boards can say what they will without fear of consequence. A lot of them are joking, a bunch of them are just really sick of not being able to express their opinion elsewhere.

Also a bit of a weird question to bring up, but why did tumblr of all sites become the pinacle of SJW activity? I mean with Sup Forums the very concept and mechanics of the site make it easy to understand why the attitude on here is what it is…but what about tumblr?

They only do youtube videos instead

T. Ms Blaire

>be man
>pay doctor to fold my dick into something resembling a vagina
>body recognizes this as an open wound and tries to heal it shut
>spend more money on drugs and hormones to keep dick wound vagina hole open

I can't be the only one who imagines the child from assigned male to be voiced by Louie Anderson, specifically with the voice he used in Life With Louie for the self-insert kid, can I?
"But daaaaad the CIS people are misgendering meeee."

I like to think I'm tolerant and open-minded but this comic fills me with a rage I can't explain.

Trips of truth pretty much nailed it.