Murderers of the Galaxy

Murderers of the Galaxy

Needs more neck-snaps

This is nowhere near as Over the Top Violent as Groot murdering Ronan's Kree Cult Worshippers

I mean, the night before they had watched them throw a bunch of poor saps into space and they were about to sell them both out for money so...this is a pretty appropriate response given the situation.

Ok and? It's not like they are characters who are known for their restraint and morals of not killing. They're outlaws. They kill people. Autist

Or when Star-Lord burned down that orphanage just so he'd have the only cool orphan backstory.

Watched them space and kill THEIR OWN CREWMATES.

Killing folks for profit is dirty business, but that's business. But they proved themselves to be nothing but mad dogs needing to be put down.

The weirdest/creepiest one was Baby Groot killing that asshole, that's just bad parenting.

They aren't characters like Superman,Batman or Spider-Man that have a defining characteristic of no killing.

Yondu was killing mutineers. Perfectly justified. Rocket is a psychopath who won't kill for no reason but is overjoyed when he does have a reason, so he was very happy to gun some down as well. He has the excuse that his "childhood" was so fucked that he ended up with barely contained terror and lonliness which he conceals with violence and anger. He's a psycho but he's THEIR psycho and he's very loyal to his crewmates.


>no-kill rule
>applying to aliens

That has never been a thing, user.

this is all anti bendis backlash from

>BLAM! Murdered you

No, it's just a Sup Forums forum slider shitposting here. The same thread is happening over there.

I loved that scene. Fucking mutineers deserved it

Yondu and Rocket are the two characters least likely to give a shit.

Groot's a baby, and all babies are vicious monsters anyway.

Lol you're dumb as fuck faggot. I hate marvel and OPs post is still bullshit

Mutineers didn't do nuffin!

I actually cried during the funeral
I never cry for movies

Can you imagine an alternative outcome where Yondu and Rocket somehow talk it out with the mutineers and forgive and forget that they killed the other crewmembers? I can't. Sometimes murder is the easiest and best solution to your problems.
>The more you know

So you don't have a counterargument, huh?
>inb4 shill

given the context and framing of the situation, its meant to look like just deserts, well deserved karma for their horrible actions

tazer face was a sadistic asshole, while the crew just spaced a whole bunch of their own comrades in a pointlessly brutal way, followed by them tormenting baby groot

given how most audience members reacted to it with the utmost catharsis, it is seems like they got the memo that these guys don't deserve your pity
