Captain Britain Storytime- Colour Edition Part 2

Here is the second thread. Welcome all to a thread dedicated to the Captain Britain saga, one of the most underrated classics in Marvel history and when we eventually get there, one of the best Alan Moore stories ever made.

Anyway, last time we left them, Jamie (Sane for once) and Brian were about to be attacked by Betsy... now what happens next?

So, how are you anons today?


Well... Good digits there.

Well... Witnessed.

And the idiocy begins


Jesus what is it with digits in this thread.

Jesus, why do I get drunk when I storytime.




BTW is anyone around?











Please to any anons, can I get a bump?


This comic was the craziest shit I got into when I had an anglophile episode


It is still pretty great mate






The last panel has potential for a reaction image


Go for it.




Have a Bump.


Gasp! Is it really you in my story time? Thanks senpai.


Anyway, I need to go for a few minutes.

Can you guys keep the thread alive till I come back?

Bad timing then, but I skimmed last thread, and noticed that you wondered where x-user went. People asked about him in a JSA thread a few weeks ago, and he apparently commented and said that he is around, but not using the name because he doesn't have the time to do the storytimes (and people keep asking him).
PM-IF user is also around, and occasionally runs stuff

Bump. Keep it going, devil. Thanks for story timing.

Sorry for the delay. I am back
Ah, that makes sense. I do hope he comes back though, I fucking loved those chronological X-Storytimes and they helped get me into Captain Britain
Knowing Anons like you are reading this make me warm inside, so I will.

Also, I might storytime Kilgore Slaughter between the Spiderman team ups and the Otherworld Saga. I know it doesn't play a part but its a story I kinda think has a lot of potential and if we have any potential writers here, it could serve as inspiration.



Also, this story... Alan Moore is pretty great turning such a minor character into a great emotional encounter latter.



>Gasp! Is it really you in my story time? Thanks senpai.
No problem.


Still, it's nice being bumped, especially by awesome anons like you.



Ah we are getting to the prototype Secret Empire stuff.





>Still, it's nice being bumped, especially by awesome anons like you.

Curious though Preacher user, have you read Captain Britain before?





>Curious though Preacher user, have you read Captain Britain before?
His classic not at all. Only his appearance in millar ultimates 2 and a little bit of Cornell run


Ah, alright. Trust me... you are going to enjoy this then.


>Ah, alright. Trust me... you are going to enjoy this then.


The ride gets pretty crazy at some point and as I said, the Alan Moore portion is brilliant. Even though I lost my favorite costume, I got one of my favorite villains, Mad Jim Jaspers.

and she end as an Asian Mutant Telepathic Ninja

She got off pretty lightly compare to Jamie though, you have to admit

And the idiocy returns.

>the Alan Moore portion is brilliant.
Classic Moore can do no wrong.


80s Moore was great, mainly because he still had hope.

The biggest twist is that there is no rape

could be the weirdest family in Marvel?


>The biggest twist is that there is no rape

I have the TPB

Please, the Summers and Pyms have it worse.
The Summers family would be one of three Marvel character I meant when I said I'd give my left nut to write

>I have the TPB
I need to start reading Classic Captain Britain.

I am idiot
I know. He uses rape way too much.
You lucky son of a bitch

Start here.

I'm planning to post the CBRs after I'm finished anywhere.

>I know. He uses rape way too much.
I wish he could write more funny characters. I loved the short Kool-Aid Man story he wrote in Peter Bagge Hate.

Why do I do this shit drunk?

>Start here.
>I'm planning to post the CBRs after I'm finished anywher
Thank you.

Tried his 2000AD stuff? That stuff is hilarious.

You're welcome




>Tried his 2000AD stuff? That stuff is hilarious.
