What the fuck was the Animanicas' problem...

What the fuck was the Animanicas' problem? I just marathoned an episode of this show and they just go around pointlessly pissing people off and starting shit.

You don't know what "marathon" means, don't ever say that word again

Actually, they're called the Warner Bros. and the Warner Sister.

They are never referred to as "The Animaniacs".

They were too wacky, and back in the Cold War era they locked them in a water tower or some shit, and now that they got loose they are getting revenge for all that time they were imprisoned in there

>I just marathoned an episode of this show
>marathoned an episode of this show

>"We're the Animaniacs."

When did they say that? First episode?

You're full of shit OP, they literally made a point of saying how they don't fuck with people unless those people provoke them first

Granted, they will still be obnoxious in the vicinity of people who don't provoke them, but there's a difference between antagonizing and just existing while being annoying

>marathoned an episode

Doesn't marathon mean to watch all at once? I watched the whole episode at once, instead of just some parts split over a couple of days

The Animaniacs refers to the entire cast, not just the siblings

Pinky and Brain are Animaniacs

It's funny

People do this?

Oh, never thought about that.
Learn something new every day.

>instead of just some parts split over a couple of days
Who the fuck does this?

It's used to refer to binge watching an entire season of something. While not technically incorrect, in practice you can't marathon a single episode any more than you can genocide one individual.

I generally marathon an episode a week, but you probably just dont have enough experience for your brain to handle that duration of viewing experience. You need to build up slowly, just like a workout routine. If you just jump right into the high intensity stuff your body doesnt know how to handle it and it leads to the confusion that you are currently feeling as well as other side effects.

What would be the word for, if example, an entire race was wiped out due to their own stupidity and only one survived, then you kill the lone survivor?

Not everyone is a neet, user, some of us have jobs. It takes me about 5-10 days watching an episode of a cartoon or tv series, at about 5 minutes per day.

Just for example, 5 minutes of Samurai Jack, then 5 minutes of Dexter's Lab, then 5 minutes of Courage, then the next day I watch the subsequent five minutes and so on

>we're zany to the max
gee i dunno why they do stupid stuff

What about the episode where they go into Beethoven's house and annoy him for no reason?

>What the fuck was the Animanicas' problem? I just marathoned an episode of this show and they just go around pointlessly pissing people off and starting shit.

Play for play contracts

seek professional help.

Do you also eat your meals one bite at a time over five days to save time on preparing them?

I just marathoned a whole bowl of cereal for dinner.

Sup Forums has the worst memes, pay them no mind


They do it purely for the lulz.

>Just for example, 5 minutes of Samurai Jack, then 5 minutes of Dexter's Lab, then 5 minutes of Courage, then the next day I watch the subsequent five minutes and so on
What the absolute fuck are you doing the rest of those 23 hours and 45 minutes that has you so busy?

>claims not to be a NEET
>while posting anime

Where do you think you are?

A website full of anime watching NEETs