How would you retroactively fix the two thor movies?

how would you retroactively fix the two thor movies?

how hopeful are you for ragnarok?

The only way you could fix it is by rebooting the franchise with different actors, and maybe not connecting it with the MCU.

Not at all hopeful.

Going back, the first one isn't bad at all. The human stuff was sort of needed to help sell the concepts.

The second one didnt need Jane or any of them though and it seemed like half the movie was about her and Kat Dennings

>how would you retroactively fix the two thor movies?

We don't.

We bring in Hercules and his boytoy Cho as the 'mythological character' replacement instead. While slowly building to Beta Ray Bill.

I honestly love both Thor movies and it's shaping up to be my favorite superhero trilogy ever


First movie is, actually, perfectly alright for what it is. I wouldn't change a thing.

The second movie, however, would be a completely different movie. I'm not sure exactly how, but good god, that movie was a limp dick. Easily the most boring MCU movie.

Bring in Whor

The first two movies had the same problem as Green Lantern; they took a fantastic space opera and said "what if we made it set on earth and focused on a romance so bland and lacking in chemistry it makes Twilight look like the hottest shit ever"

You retroactively fix them in the same way that makes Ragnarock look good. You get the fuck off earth and as far away from Jane Foster as possible. Jane Foster is cancer.

You can't fix the first one
It serves its purpose

I actually like the second one
It just kinda seems odd

>jane foster is cancer
i see what you did there

Was positive but meh about the first one, minus some individual scenes and ideas, was seriously bored to tears about the second, but the third one is hype as shit.

I'm seriously more excited for the third one than I was for Civil War, and I am, what I gather is one of the three people in the whole world who liked Civil War

Remove all the Earth bullshit, let him be a magic space viking. Also don't be afraid to depict Thor a powerful as he is in the comics. The guy who turns the gears of a machine the size of a solar system with his bare hands, fights ten thousand fused gods and wins, pushes back Galactus, overpowers the Silver Surfer, a GOD of THUNDER.

if you're talking about the movie, i hands down love civil war

i heard the comic was a mess though

Make him Conan the Barbarian, but with more magic/tech. He's looked down on and feared for being a brute, but he's actualky more gentlemanly and capable than anyone.

His arc is that he wants to travel to every world and be everything from lowly merc to emperor. To fight every kind of enemy... which the Avengers seem to attract.

Who didn't like Civil War, outside of Sup Forums that is?

Who have you been talking to? Civil War was a fucking awesome movie.

1 - Magic, Frost Giants that don't look like Buffy rejects, Donald Blake, proper Volstagg, no racebending... etc.

2 - not much.

The fuck no one. That user is mistaking Sup Forums's autistic screeching for an actual general opinion

Re cast black Valkyrie make her white again

I understand not including the romantic junk, but isn't Jane Foster at least a little core part of Thor's character? At least the Donald Blake side.

I haven't been reading Thor:
Is the hammer the thing causing the cancer?

And Donald Blake was a throw away gag in the movie

So is his Earth-bound stuff
As I said, there's not really a lot you can "fix" about the first Thor movie as it serves its purpose
"Trying" to fix it would take away from the comics and away from the Avengers

Using the hammer purges the chemo from her body, being Whor is preventing any treatment from helping her.

That would be a total rip off of Betty Ross' cancer from Hulk exposure.
Marvel wouldnt be that lame...

It stops chemo from working, from what I've heard
Of course she ALSO refuses asgardian help

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of

Well he is ripping off Jurgen's run on Thor...

If the hammer stops chemo then she shouldn't be bald, and thinning since her appetite shouldn't be affected by the chemo. Or is the hammer selective. If she knows, then she should just stop the chemo.

>how would you retroactively fix the two thor movies?
Firs one is okay. Second one, the usual more SPACE and less Earth, also kill Jane.
>how hopeful are you for ragnarok?
Berry. Getting similar vibes from the first guardians.

Hey, nobody said it made sense.

Do you think they had gotten a less noteworthy actress to play Jane they wouldn't have even bothered with Earth in the second one?

This but for all MCU movies, not just Thor.

I met a concept artist for both Ragnarok and GotG2, and he said he was a lot happier with his work for this movie than the previous ones.

>magically purges the chemo
>doesn't purge the actual fucking cancer
was this ever a plot point for any Thor stories before? because it sounds contrived as shit.

The Thor movies are fine. They're nothing special, they're definitely flawed.

But they aren't outright shit like this place seems to spam lately. They're not even bottom tier MCU. I'd rather watch either of them over Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 3 or Age of Ultron anyday.

a genuinely fun moment that came out of nowhere

what if the key to good thor movies is just more chris evans?

How important is Donald Blake to the Thor mythos in the grand scheme of things, really?

Idk.......bring back the dark elves and make em not suck?

The first Thor movie was great desu, Asgard was done well and Loki is easily a highlight of the MCU.

Problem with Dark World is that they dropped the ball with Malekith and the Reality Stone; too much crap in one movie.

Ragnarok looks promising, taking inspiration from the success of Guardians is a good idea.

Is leave the first movie alone and make the second movie about Thor and his besties fighting space elves in the heart of a star

What's a laymen's explanation of Malekith, and what should he have been in a movie interpretation?

Donald Blake is the least used part of the mythos for a reason.

I'd describe him as a master manipulator that could give Loki a run for his money with his love for mischief, portraying him as a stoic leader hellbent on destroying something/someone does nothing to set him apart from other numerous Marvel villains.

I'd have portrayed him as a puppet master that tore Asgard apart from within, maybe have him as one of Thanos' lackeys to get the Space Gem.

yep, i just rewatched TDW and they really dropped the ball

it would've been interesting to have him do schemes and trickery attempting to retrieve the aether in a manner that thor couldn't punch his way through, which forces thor to call on loki for help.

very little would have to be changed, just fucking kill off jane foster

I actually liked the first movie , cheesiness galore and good focus on asgard and Loki. Reminded me of the classic books.

Second movie is flawed for two reasons. 1) IMO the biggest problem was they "seemingly" cut all of Malekith's scenes out. He didn't have enough story or scenes for us to give a shit about him and he was fucking bad ass. IMO the fight at the end of the one of the most creative bad guy fights in the MCU , completely underrated. I think people will appreciate it in the future.

2)Too much bullshit with the ladies. I love Kat Dennigs and her huge glorious tits but I didn't need to hear sling jokes for as much time as she did. The scene with Jane foster grabbing the gem or whatever it was just downright confusing/sloppy.

>grab dat gem
was that a weekly planet reference?

Who? Nah no references.

Bring back Donald Blake.

Yeah, Jane needs to go, and Kat Dennings (forgot the characters name) by extension.

If they HAVE to push a romance in every one of these movies then Sif is the better choice; makes more sense for Thor and her actress seems more engaged than Portman does.

I thought the first Thor movie was solid. I really don't know what everyone problem with it was other than it wasn't great. The second one "retroactively fix" it, Enchantress was banging Loki behind the scenes and set up some elaborate illusion mind control thing to make him think Asgard and the world were in danger so he had to help Loki escape...blah blah blah IT WAS ALL A DREAM.

>Kat Dennings (forgot the characters name)
>Kat Dennings

Wasted on a smart ass lab assistant whose name you can't even remember.

She'll never play Lascivious in a She-Hulk movie. Fuck I'd settle for a Netflix cameo.
Not like we'll ever get a She-Hulk movie anyway.

Just give her a Powergirl role. Save the DCEU.