Thought of Carl?

Thought of Carl?

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It don't matta

Pure Id. Nothing matters but his appetites, bodily functions, etc.

His episodes were the funniest on Aqua Team.

Tonight You!

I want this show to come back so much.

That burger looks disgusting.

It had its run. let ti rest in peace.

The future of everyone on this site. Except every time he mentions some classic rock band just insert the most common meme of the board you frequent most

Quite possibly the most enjoyable loser in any media I've ever seen, and honestly, his VA's participation in the Thanksgiving episode made it not suck.

>his VA's participation
Huh? Isn't it the same VA as Meatwad?

Yeah, they're the same actor. Dave Willis was in Steven Universe's Thanksgiving episode and used Carl's voice for the character he played. it was neat.

Oh I thought you meant the Turkeybot episode of athf

Reminder ATHF was cancelled for mr pickles despite having decent ratings.

>Dave Willis in Steven Universe
wait WHAT THE FUCK? you lie to me Sup Forums I though SU was a bunch of tumblr bullshit

Only newfags to both Sup Forums and Sup Forums are unaware that SU is actually quite redpilled

It was still going strong and Mike Lazzo was just being a dick not letting Dave Willis continue.

Listening to Dave Willis' Carl voice is like crack I can't get enough of it and it kills me to know that it's all over after 15 years.

>Listening to retards from Sup Forums & Sup Forums

No, just missing a lot of opportunities to actually shine. The tumblr crowd flocks to it because its got female interpersonal drama and they flock to that shit like it's crack and bring all their period blood autism to the party.
It's like Fury Road, people seem to be convinced it's feminist but if you look at it properly it paints a pretty shitty picture if they think that's how things should go.

Dave is a national treasure. He really deserves to get more work. His resume is a lot barer than he deserves.

Damn, that was a shit read outside of the last post.