Uncanny and NTT

Were they the best team books of the 80's?


Byrne's Fantastic Four was as popular as Teen Titans, which everybody seems to forget. And personally I prefer it.

And don't forget The Legion of Super-Heroes.

Later in the decade there was also JLI, which sold less, but has aged like wine and is still genuinely funny.

Was Byrne's FF directly followed up with Simonson's run?
That's a hell of a run

>Was Byrne's FF directly followed up with Simonson's run?

Not even close. Byrne's ends in like 1986 and Simon's doesn't start until like 1989. I think there's over 30 issues in between.

The xmen should have just stayed as teens and young adults

How well did LOSH sell in the 80's? Far as I know, the top selling books back then were Uncanny, NTT, Superman and Spider-Man.

Busiek pls go and stay go

>best team books of the 80's
They are some of the best team books of all time. I can't think of a current team book or even one from the past ten years that are as good as teen titans or xmen were during that period.


No, Wolfman's an overrated writer and once Perez left the title only got worse as he didn't have Perez's moderating influence over him. NTT is probably the single most overrated "great" book of that era. I've tried reading it and it's just clunky with some shitty characters and plots. LoSH is the superior '80s DC book much as it's the superior '70s DC book.

Only character I actively liked in NTT was Jericho and that's because I liked the idea of taking the sensitive artist and turning it on its head by making him a total poon hound. That's fun.

It forever pisses me off that apparently X-Men/NTT started off as an X-Men/LoSH proposal with a Claremont/Cockrum creative team. Then DC squashed it because NTT was more popular and they wanted to use them instead. At least we got some nice Simonson artwork out of it.

I've had a hard time getting into older comics. I've tried Lee/Kirby FF, some 70's and 80's Batman, early X-Men and they haven't really pulled me in.

But Claremont's Uncanny and Wolfman/Perez NTT sucked me in immediately, despite, in particular UXM having some of the stuff I really dislike about older comics, such as heavy exposition.

Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, New Teen Titans, G.I. Joe (at first), and pretty much anything Frank Miller or John Byrne did including Fantastic Four. LoSH was pretty close to that level. Don't remember if it was a top 10 seller or not, but it was pretty close and DC's second biggest book after Teen Titans.

I've always loved this costume. White Wally West always gets the best costumes of the Flashes.

>despite, in particular UXM having some of the stuff I really dislike about older comics, such as heavy exposition
That was editorial mandate from Jim Shooter who wanted to ensure people could pick up any comic book without trouble. Claremont disliked it at the time but now tells people in lectures it was a smart move.

>Wolfman's an overrated writer

I'd avoid using the term 'overrated' because it means far less than it sounds like it does.

Wolfman had a number of highs, a few cringy lows but overall he was a very influential writer at Marvel and DC at a time when that influence was needed. And this is coming from someone who generally prefers UXM to NTT.

Loving this newest Deathstroke run, is New TT worth reading for him, or can i just do the Judas Contract?

Also Suicide Squad at the same time as JLI.

If you know enough about TT and Deathstroke, by all means, just read Judas Contract.

Just read it all.

But you're going to have to change the characers around in your memories. Star Fire and raven and and gar never became members until later. While cyborg never was one.

Also Terra never died.

I have this on my shelf, so good

Every time he appears is cool but other than that the dialogue can be really...annoying. Then again I dislike most cape dialogue of that era, especially Claremont's.


Wolfman was to DC what Johns is now.

You mean an invaluable asset?