Question for 20 year olds of Sup Forums: did you grow up moreso with Millennial cartoons like the Weekenders and Lloyd...

Question for 20 year olds of Sup Forums: did you grow up moreso with Millennial cartoons like the Weekenders and Lloyd in space, or Gen Z cartoons like Phineas and ferb and Flapjack?

For me it was a mixture of early and late millennial. Some of the early stuff was still around while I was growing up in early 2000s.

Millennial cartoons definitely.

I'm 28 so I fall in to the left side and a tiny bit of the middle side.

I know I'm not the target audience for this thread but I wanted to contribute because I'm lonely.

I am currently 19 and only began consuming media in 2011.

Dragon ball Z wasn't as good as DB proper, Yugioh was good in the GX era, yu yu and gundam I still love, SU and AdventureTime are both great or atleast had periods were they were great.
Theres good things in all periods honestly but I guess I would choose Early Millennial Culture for muhstallgia solely for space ghost and the PS1.

Late millenial has everything I love and remember growing up with. It's missing EEnE tho.

Somewhere between late millennial and gen z. All the cartoons in late millennial is stuff that I watched, as well as flapjack and chowder. I din't watch them at the time but I was only 10 or 11 when AT and RS started airing, but I was well into high school when SU started. I remember each premier like it was yesterday

22 here.

I grew up more with Late Millennial cartoons. Spongebob (Seasons 1-3) was my favorite show as a kid.


19 next week

Late Millennial with a bit of Early and Gen Z

Which one were you originally

I was there for it all

I'm 22, definitely mostly grew up with late millenial culture and a little bit of early millenial culture.

>Which one were you originally

Que? Do you mean poster? Or the chart?


i guess early millennial. i've always watched cartoons and always enjoyed them. but i didn't have cable so a lot of shit was reruns. i remember watching shit like captain planet, freakazoid, and sailor moon back in the day, also a fever dream about a sonic cartoon between watching the tellytubbies and shit like wolf's rain when adult swim came around

gen z was when i realized i was too old to be watching cartoons but found i loved them anyway


Are you an american or other? Considering other countries got things late


>growing up

I'm 21.

A little from the middle, and a lot from the right. I watched Chowder, Flapjack, and Adventure Time when I knew I was getting too old for cartoons, and I watch them still now because I just decided fuck it

21, mix of early and late leaning more towards late.

First poster here, I'm 21.

20 here, mostly middle, a bit of left that was still on while growing up and almost nothing from right

I'm 22, born in '95, and I was solidly in the center category. Although I also experienced some stuff from the before and after too

I’m 20
Definitely Early + Late Millennial. I do remember watching Chowder and Flapjack. Nothing else from Gen Z. I’m from Puerto RIco if that matters.

26. Consumed an even portion of the early and late millienial eras. Little interest and too busy to consume much new shit (Still haven't gotten a ps3 let alone the current gen). I spend most of my free time reminiscing and re enjoying the things I loved as a kid, mainly because adulthood is fucking shit.

24 here.

I can associate pretty much everything in every category with "growing up".

I think I have the strongest association with the things in the Late Millennial category though. That being said "The Weekenders" and "Lloyd in Space" would not be the first cartoons I would associate with this period. Spongebob and Zim would be a lot more relevant examples.

Honestly that entire chart could do with a little expansion.

I'm almost 19, but I mostly grew up with the early millenial stuff(and some a bit older than that). Had a bit of the middle, but it's not suprising to me considering I live in the ass-back of nowhere. Most people used VCR players regularly here until 2012. I know several homes that don't have TVs, let alone internet, not because of poverty either.


i didn't stop watching cartoons but early millennial

20, I grew up with at least a few of these from each category, but "late millenial" was probably the defining time in my childhood.

Turning 21 next week but I remember experiencing pretty much everything in that pic, but like the Gen Z stuff just happened around me, without me being that into them.

>posts bionicle
>it's the lame 2015/2016 reboot
C'mon OP.

Anyway, I'm 22 and I definitely fall into the middle category, but there's still some things on the left I can relate to. I watched all of recess and my first consoles were the NES, Sega genesis, and then ps1.

Late Millenial and Gen Z

Amerifat or brit?

No one watched Lloyd in Space.

Mostly late millennial, but some early millennial from VHS and a lot of really old show shows from Boomerang.

20 or older/younger

Why was UPN such a laughingstock channel throughout its existence in the 90s/early 2000s?

20, and for this post To elaborate, mostly late millennial, and a little from early millennial culture. Recess being a notable example on this chart.

Amerifat or brit?

Try New Zealand.

25 here

Early millenial culture was a big part of my early childhood. DBZ, Sega channel, etc.

I dabbled with late millenial culture but half way through I became an edgy teen and only cared about METAL & BEER

And in my early 20's I have fond memories of watching Flapjack while fucked up on various drugs before going to bed

I'm somewhere between the left and the middle.

>Had a PSX and Dreamcast
>Loved Ren and Stimpy
>Watched DBZ AND Sailor Moon until they took them off from my country's broadcasting program
>Preferred pizza hut to every other fastfood until they basically moved out the franchise out of my country
>Borrowed my sisters tamagotchi for a while
>I used to collect the SHIT out of the original Bionicles (Onua is GOAT)
>But I mostly grew up with watching TT, SJ, YYH, Spongebob
>Played Runescape and AdventureQuest until Burning Crusade came out for WoW

Both. Also, Blockbuster was still a thing, there was one near my house.

I have a shitty cartoon pitch Sup Forums
Three kids (or manchildren) representing these three generations and cultures live together and compete with one another

That's just Sup Forums in a nutshell

>Gen Z
>destroy build detroy
>literally every single console
whoever made this has no idea what 'gen z' culture would be

28, turning 29 in November

Exact same as this user. Caught between early and late

Late millennial and Gen Z culture for sure. Though some of early millennial culture I did get to experience like DBZ and Pokemon and whatnot

But Gen Z grew up playing PS3 and Wii mostly. If you take the starting date as being mid 90s-early 2000s.

If so. Cast the left as a 30 year old. Center as a 24 year old. And right as a 16 year old. Fits perfectly with the time periods they grew up in.

21 yo here, originally grew up outside the states so that may change what you're looking for a bit.
>Don't remember much of Flapjack or Fineas and Ferb but I did watch all of Chowder, Ben 10 Alien force, and Batman the Brave and the Bold during that area.
>before that Camp Lazlo, Samurai Jack, Ben 10, Xiaolin Showdown.
>having a PS2 to play Jak 2,3, and the Ratchet and Clank Series mostly.
>Liked and owned seasons of Spongebob up until Season 4/the movie where it noticably took a turn for the worse, even to 10 year old me.
>Remember Kim Possible but didn't watch much of it.
>Played Runescape too.
>Had plenty of Bionicles.
>Liked the Teen Titans and the Genndy Star Wars when it was coming out.
>Didn't care for the Simpsons
>Binged on Family Guy around 2007 but outgrew it as the humor really soured
>My mother said when I was really young I absolutely loved the Ninja Turtles (plus I'm presuming the 2003 series)
>Watched some of the Pokemon Animated Series and remember having the Mew-two movie and the movie with Lugia, didn't play the games and barely collected some of the cards
>Didn't care much for 3D Star Wars Clone Wars as it was coming out, Did watch Star Wars Episode 3 some 3 times in theaters (once after watching V for Vendetta) and twice in rentals
>I've no clue what the weekenders is
>I basically never watched live action TV outside of a few documentaries, when it was Live Action, it was movies.
>Favorite Horror movie was Alien.
>No siblings, very few friends (mostly mu cousins)
Ok, I think about covers my early to middle school childhood memories. If some A.I. were to pick up on this information when attempting to recreate my Psyche, I'm sure it would find it useful.
Nowadays, I mostly like SU, Voltron, and The Loud House when it comes to cartoons.


Both late millennial and Gen Z (born in '96).

Mostly Late Millenial here, but a bit from both sides

Where are the PBS shows? That period of time was when Arthur was good

The Gen Z shit is awful

I did


are you that mid-2000's spammer?

Mix of late millenial and Gen Z
>recess is early millenial

fuckin' millenials thinking 90's were millenial culture

Millennials: 1982-2004

I remember they'd often play reruns of recess and tomogatchis were everywhere but I remember most early 2000s stuff the clearest.

Born 95 here, about half and half from early and late

21 here. Late Millennial fits me best. I witnessed the slow death of Ytv.

I'm 36 and get off my lawn

Jeckle jeckle hyde jeckle hyde hyde jeckle jeck jeck hyde jeckle hyde.

Uhh, they are.

Early millenial af. I remember rushing home from school to watch THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL ZEEEE

I was born on thetail end of the early millenial culture but i mostly grew up in the late millenial culture and the gen z culture

early millenial includes at least the 88-89 part of the eighties.
We still went through the transformers era for instance, and the 8bits games too

Early Z category is poorly chosen but that and Late Millenial. It's not like any of it stopped airing til like 2011. Bionicle also ran into the 2010s I believe.

21, more so lloyd in space but even older i loved flapjack, etc

Late millennial