Flash #22 spoilers


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No hits for Rich the Leech.



FUCK DC and FUCK the retards who thought this fucking shit was a good idea


t. alan moore

D. Manhattan and Superman are two sides of the same coin

it's pottery.

>poisons that open your eyes
red pill?

no wonder these retards can't make anything good to save their worthless ducking lives

the sooner they go bankrupt the better

>I used to read about you... in my world...

Are you sure?

Great job phoneposter

>nick spencer S E E T H I N G

Rorschach sucks.

At this point I think Rich actually is the OP

Aww shit yeah

Oh for fucksake.

Why exactly is Manhattan even with the button lol

Why have the alternating black panels? Transitioning from the yellow/red colors on the button to Supes' shield would've been more effective.

Bruh you have no idea how hyped I am

But the other side of the coin is Captain Atom, not Superman.

you really think DC is smart enough to know that?

Captain Atom of the Pax Americana earth was that earth's Superman equivalent.


No. The entire conceit is Superman is how wonderful and cool superheroes are and how they actually work in the fictional framework laid out by the Big 2. The entire conceit of Manhattan (and Watchmen and Moore) is the opposite that superheroes don't work at all and someone like Superman would become like Manhattan or Ozy.

Doomsday clock isn't about comparing the Watchmen characters to the original Charlton characters. It's about Watchmen's cynicism vs Superman's idealism.

I'm still mad that they brought back Professor Zoom only to kill him off 3 pages later.

The Charlton characters better at least make an appearance in this shit. The only good thing that might come out of this is a Question/Rorschach team up.

Yeah, shame he's totally not in the Flash series this summer.

he suckz

fuck you! it's a great idea and if Marvel can't get their damn act together they should just make movies.

I support this just to rile up that snake-worshipping ass Moore

I don't see anything really important here.

>it's a great idea

the next arc of flash is about him

Why get angry? It's just sad. DC never learns.

Hopefully this breaches their contract with Moore, which states they can't do a sequel without his permission, and he sues the fuck out of them. That's the only silver lining of this.

>Moorefags seething in every thread

Thank you based Johns

It's not really a sequel. It's a spin off with one character. If the other characters show up though Moore and a good lawyer could definitely argue in court that it's a sequel though.

It doesn't they wouldn't do it if it did.

>it's a great idea
its shit. it's a corporation gimmick, johns is a slut.

>being this delusional

So is this the only appearance of doctor m in flash #22 or do we get to see his dong.

There's no way they could be that fucking dumb. They've probably gone over the contract a hundreds times to make sure there's not a chance of that happening.

>There's no way they could be that fucking dumb
it's DC of course they could

Specially since this event was mandated by WB, this is nothing more than a clickbait event by WB's favorite bitch.

How did Superboy Prime's hand turn blue?

I think this is the final nail for that theory

Superboy prime being behind everything was a stupid theory anyways

This is the same people who had to change their logo because of a shoe company. But knowing the details of a publishing contract related to their biggest bookstore seller is probably not something they'd fuck up.

He read Watchmen and found a way to get the powers

Well remembered, user

I promised myself years ago I'd never go back to comics again aside from Dredd, but this is going to kill me. What do I do!

with you

Is Jay Garrick showing up here or not?



I want to know this too.

no he was showing up in the earlier version but then everything had to be rewritten when King smartened up and dropped out of this piece of shit

>Flash #22 by Josh Williamson and Neil Googe, from a plot by Geoff Johns sees Batman and The Flash running through the reality stream encountering Reverse Flash and, yes, Jay Garrick, as the cover attests to.

I'd probably be more excited if I hadn't already seen the Doomsday Clock announcement

sacred cow barbecues are fun


I'm hyped


So does the Red, Yellow and Blue of Supes represent the Blood, Button and Manhattan?

>liking this shit


Isnt that golden ages supermans logo?

Morrison absolutely would love it. His dumb son Johns attempting meta shit is pure kino.


Superman prime?

I can't believe anyone is hyped about this.

>yfw Superman Thought Robot vs Manhattan

>cleanly drawn slab serif touching the upper outline
>golden age

casuals should not be on Sup Forums

>The Speed Force is red and Yellow
>The Flash was given a Blue ring powered by Hope.
>The red and yellow Crest of the House of El is hope, with blue representing possibility.
>These spoilers

Its too much. This is too meta for me. I'm scared.

Why big no?

just came in to say that pax americana is gr8

Because only a philistine would think that was golden age.

Just like he is happy that Johns cockblocked his captain marvel or that Johns took the batman writer job for the movie??

Morrison created an organic story with pax americana, he hates corporate mandated gimmicks, and this shitty story is just that.

>what about manhattan? he's blue too

this shit is gonna be a reenactment of the time doomsday first appeared but superman will be removed from the board

you heard it here first

Yeah he doesn't mind. He would definitely be proud of Geoff.

Johns said doomdsay isn't in it.


It has been long established that fiction in the DCU, especially comic books, are messages in a bottle from other worlds.

But not in the Watchmen universe... until now.

In fact, superhero comics failed in the Watchmen universe and the pirate genre thrived.

Too bad that shit like Injustice and DCEU doesnt do Superman any favors.

There's a pirate universe too though

I personally like to think the DCEU is the Superdoom Earth run by the sentient corporation, Time Warner.

what do you mean

That's the absolute most facile, surface level interpretation of watchmen and it is honestly depressing that DC is riding their big new event on it

so whats so hype about this?
is it just because it shows that the DC universe and watchmen are somehow connected?
or is there more to it? like are they going to get to the point where the characters in the comics become self aware and start to figure out that they are just characters in a comic book?

sorry. i dont really read DC comics or anything. Im just a curious lurker just passing by.

why is the button being used here

why would manhattan give a single iota of a shit about the comedian's button

the only plausible reason for the focus on it is that it's the cover of watchmen and literal retards will associate it with watchmen

the button has no significance other than being something the comedian wore when he died

WB pretty much trying to shove down our throars that the S means hope. But how can it when they are doing the exact opposite? DCEU Superman is basically broken, Injustice Superman is a monster. How many evil Superman stories has there been recetly? No Superman video games aside from the Injustice series. No animated series to show kids how great he can be. Subpar writers in the comics...

Morrison came to John's defense when Moore was attacking him.

Some anti-Johnsfags really try to push the idea that they aren't friends for some reason even though we know they love each other. It's weird.

I'm sure they'll get along famously!

>WB pretty much trying to shove down our throars that the S means hope
They cant shove an idea thats already in place

Superman IS the savior of the DC universe. Hell, the entire reason we even have Injustice and dceu is because of that idea alone.
>what if superman, the epitome of good guy, becomes a dictator
>what if superman gets put in a "realistic" universe
You can argue that batman is more popular all you want(and i'll agree with you) but when "superhero" is mentioned, most people would think of superman