In honor of Injustice coming out, which is probably the worst evil version of Superman?

In honor of Injustice coming out, which is probably the worst evil version of Superman?



No Superboy-Prime


why did superboy get silver age superman feats ? technically hr should've been unstoppable but because of plot he still lost even with yellow lantern on his side. fucking jobber

Well that version turned out to be Bizarro.

Omega Sanction Supes from Earth 2

Superboy-prime, fo a while, was pretty much the most powerful version of Superman

Red sun weakness. His only one.

Man fucking DC. I still cant believe they pissed Robinson off. Earth 2 started out so solid. I remember the thread lost their mind when he was revealed to be Bizarro.

Could that count though?

wasn't there one that was Darkseid's bitch boy recentish? I remember he had omega beams as his heat vision too


Red Son
Because communism

DCEU isn't bad, he is just a walking cardboard

Nah, not when Injustice Superman is around

Superboy-prime hello.

Brutaal (lol what a name)
Superbitch Prime
King Hyperion

The Plutonian

We need another storytime for Irredeemable soon.
Actually, I might look up the last one, now.

Probably Injustice after Injustice 2. Killing your allies, enemies and populations of entire cities is one thing but he went beyond that in his ending.

Worse as in bad character or worse as in most evil?