Adventure Time

How do you feel about CN releasing The "Complete" Seventh Season only on DVD with THIRTEEN missing episodes?

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>people still buy dvds


I used to collect these, I stopped when I saw season 6...

Because sometimes it's nice to actually have something on your shelf.

>People still buy comics

Are you sure it's not because both episode parts are counted together as one?

>People still own furniture

>He just doesn't have computers everywhere


The DVD only goes to Thin Yellow Line instead of Preboot and Reboot.

It's either that, or have the season 9 dvd release have only 18 episodes.

used to buy lots of dvds back then.

i have an entire box full of those fucking things.
anime, movies, series, every retarded shit i had it.

i dont actually watch anything outside of my computer anymore, and may sell that box for 2$ on amazon anyday, but its all about having something to collect.

Not everyone streams or has internet. Or they just really like the show. Then there's the people that do have internet but don't know a thing about bootleg streams or piracy.

I only own a couple DVDs, The Warriors, Green Room, The complete Twilight Zone series, and complete Cowboy Bebop. Used to have the Sopranos series but I sold that a while back.

Also, their are still some Blockbusters around, albeit a super small number.

I haven't bought an Adventure Time season set since the season 4 set, just stopped caring after that

>THIRTEEN missing episodes
how are the episodes "missing"?

>buying and defending DVDs in 2000+17
>supporting a dead 20 year old format
>not buying superior blu rays
fuck you all

CN started doing some weird shit with AT lately. Half of Season 7 (Broke His Crown until Islands) is now Season 8. Even their page says the same thing.

Why did Sweet P get his horn back?

>tfw simpsons stopped doing dvd commentaries
>not even releasing blu rays

Eh who really wants to listen to out of touch old jews who recently got btfo on election day?

>Stakes outfit PB
why tho there are much better ones that she's worn over the years

Because Stakes is a big part of the seventh season obviously.

So.. What the whole lemongrab/lemon hope arc actually important or was it all just filler in disguise?

They never put outfits from the season the box is representing on the characters though. Matter of fact, they never show characters from the neck down except for Marcy on the 4th season and she was wearing her usual outfit despite having Return to the Nightosphere and Daddy's Little Monster.

Nothing to get in a fight over just think it's weird.


It's its own story, it doesn't need to have further relevance. I wouldn't call it filler, unless you consider 99% of the series to be filler.

Because we don't live in a narrow claustrophobic basement.

It's not very clear what's the main story and what's there to characterise the setting (or characters) anyway... Finn's relationship woes? Ice King's crown? PB ruling over candy kingdom? The mushroom war?

That's because there isn't a main story. It's just a collection of story arcs and episodic adventures that sometimes tie in together and sometimes don't. I guess the Lich stuff is the most important in-universe, but that doesn't get a lot of focus.

>Dumb cunt thinks everything is about his boi Trunt.

I really do hope they don't stop focusing on Finn because of Islands and Elements. Like many agreed on in the last thread he's still got a lot to prove and improve on and they're a hell of a lot close to the finale to be messing around with more side characters.

It shows that the world will face another Apocalypse

Because fuck you.


So each DVD season has one of the main characters as a cover?
We have Finn, Jake, Ice King, and PB.
Who else has been the boxart and who hasn't?

We've also had LSP, BMO and Marceline. So, the main cast has all been done now.

So what other characters would be used for the final 2 seasons?
Susan Strong? Flame Princess? Lady Rainicorn? Betty? Abraham Lincoln?

The Lich, or possibly Finn again for the last one. Susan for 8 would make sense because of Preboot/Reboot and Islands. Flame Princess maybe, but she isn't really relevant anymore so that'd be weird.

>watch shitty 720x480 instead of 1920x1080
>in 2017
Why in the fuck DVDs still exist?

Because a book can at the moment still be handled more flexibly than an ebook format. You can just take it from the shelf, flip it open and there it is. I'm not going to go into the emotional value of paper and having the thing in your hand, because that's subjective. Although, with entertainment, that is a valid point.

A DVD is just a container, the actual use is on the screen and the effect is identital to a downloaded movie.

Cartoons on Blu-ray might as well be a myth at this point. In fact, many excellent cartoons still have yet to see a DVD release.

Because echo fucking sucks.

Here's your answer

>only on DVD

wait, no bluray this time?

That's dumb as hell


best mom

To be fair, there are many TV shows (animated and live action alike) that were made in SD, and likely will never make enough money to be remastered. Those should be released on DVD to save money.

Samurai Pizza Cats got a bluray release because you could fit all the SD episodes on one disk instead of 4-5.

Bluray can still be cost-effective.

That's still very much non-standard, though. Not to mention that AFAIK Blu-ray has significantly higher costs in terms of both licensing and production requirements, but don't quote me on that.

LSP's anti-elemental magic... somehow. It seems that LSP reset magic beings and/or magical alterations to their original form, like Jake and the elemental changes. That doesn't really make sense for the Lich's horn, but whatever. It's mostly a way to signify that LSP has reawakened the Lich inside Sweet P.

blu rays are a Sony meme

I'm pretty sure they did the same with Steven Universe, Uncle Grandpa and maybe even Clarence.

I can understand the logic for distribution purposes. This way the season 7 dvd will have 26 episodes, season 8 will have 27 and season 9 will have 30, as opposed to 39, 26 and 18 respectively.

Best girl

Yeah it almost makes a sort of sense from that angle, and if you're buying the season 7 dvd, you're most likely buying 8 and 9, so you'll still have all the episodes.
I just find it really aesthetically annoying in an OCD kinda way that it says "COMPLETE SEVENTH SEASON", and it's not. If it was "The Complete Adventure Time, volume 7", I wouldn't mind as much.

Well, technically the seasons are whatever CN decide they are, so it is the "complete seventh season" in a sense. I'll always consider Reboot the s7 finale though, because that is what it was supposed to be, and originally was.


Fuck that infectious Trumpian logic! We all know what episodes are in season 7. Fuck technicalities.

blu ray is a decade old technology. it shouldn't cost that much these days. hell, germany is getting a shit ton of nicktoons on blu ray so america has no excuse

we must kill the dvd format

>1080p is a meme
fuck off

>implying sony invented 1080p

i was stating the obvious that blu rays are 1080p as opposed to dvds which are 480p you dimwit


The dvds used to have audio commentary. Once they stopped having that i stopped buying them cause they offered literally nothing other than a bullshit special feature, like a minute and a half of people talking about how good the show is


I mean the only real appropriate answer is, I enjoy special features. Now I just feel bad for you

Indifferent, AT had 1 good season, 2 at most.

Does that means we actually are in season 9 already?

Wrong, every season are good., with season 5 having just two bad episodes.

>we must kill the dvd format
Agreed. Blu-ray is the superior format.

Streaming won it all. The format wars are over, user.

>not downloading them and then watch them whenever you like without relying on someone else

So the last episodes I saw were "Elements" did new things come out since then?

Only this. It's from Abstract. Boarded by Graham Falk and Laura Knetzger (they boarded Wheels together)

So Jake's entire family is probably gonna show up to fix this "mess."