What did Sup Forums mean by this?

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

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It means Sup Forumsmblr is going off the deep end over two heterosexual couples


for fucks sake, why'd you have to respond to this shit and not let it die



someone replace Sup Forums with aku


But it's much more accurate this way

It's because it's not called "Sup Forumsnsensual sex" If it was called that we'd agree with it.

Like all the other SJ threads, people will complain and then Sup Forums will either call them a virgin or mockingly say "wah my head canon" it's so retarded and predictable that I don't even know why I come to these shit threads


"Huh, I saw that exact picture but with Tumblr instead of Sup Forums" -someone on skype when I sent him this

Bad writing shouldn't ever be criticized.

Sup Forums has fallen to a point that we're now resorting to making clickbait threads that trigger each other to get responses

fucking sage

>When everyone's a virgin, no one will be

To be fair, Timm had written Barbara as Bruce's (past) love interest way back in Batman Beyond, back when he was 38.

>A bunch of nobodies are trying to pander to SJWs for notes and it's not working!
>LOL good job triggering them Gennedy!

Not knowing they were even alive would've been a bigger insult than screencapping their posts.

1. Jack will have to kill Ashi to defeat Aku

2. Ashi is able to purge the Aku from herself, Jack dies and Ashi has to go back to destroy the evil that is Aku.

But Aku is the one who profited most from them getting togheter. Why would he be against it? You are not making any sense user.

Maybe take that stick out of your ass and reflect on how stupid Sup Forums can be?


Does anyone have the mega from this weeks episode?


1080p rip, enjoy.

does anyone have the montage of salt with EVERYBODY playing and army of akus laughing

What i don't get is the rage at heterosexual people this seems to be eliciting. Like, at all. Are male/female romances being present in media oppressive somehow?

i like the idea of an Sup Forums being some vague entity that only has as much power as you give it.

just like Jeeeeeeeeeesus.

Fuck you, Yahweh, i take my mom to church, i'm a good christian boy, regardless of the fact that I hate your guts.

every time a male and a female are happy and heterosexual, they're oppressing all the lonely homosexuals.

check your privilege, shitlord.

They're disgusting fujoshits who want to shlick to dudes fucking but try to make it some sort of enlightened sounding ideal to make themselves feel better.
Of course it's enraging to them.

wait, is this a real image thing? is that jesus on the right? holy shit, i've been trying to find a way to explain how I feel about this
is it ironic or something? because it's dead right.


Lesbian here.

It IS sort of shitty that all relationships in mainstream media are straight, because it perpetuates this idea that our relationships are deviations from the norm, weird, strange, or a "special interest" group instead of just other ordinary people. Media meant for "everyone" is almost exclusively straight - but if you want gays, you have to look for LGBT media specifically.

In regards to children's media, like Samurai Jack, LGBT relationships not being shown due to censorship or controversy is indicative of our relationships being seen as more taboo than straight ones. No parent worries about "explaining" heterosexual couples to their children.

Representation is necessary, too. It might sound crazy, but I didn't even realize that I was attracted to other women until I was a teenager.

>have best friend
>cannot stop talking about
>so proud of her and her accomplishments, deeply invested in her achieving her dreams
>she gets a boyfriend
>get irrationally obsessive and mad

After I "got over" her being straight, I found myself weirdly drawn to forming "friendships" with women who resembled her....and I still had no clue that I was hot for her. I only realized what was happening when one of my mom's friends came out of the closet.

When you're constantly bombarded with heterosexual relationships, it is sort of cathartic to joke about "oh gee whiz more straights never saw that coming lol".

With all of that said, I really like Jashi and ship it pretty hard. I think that blaming on individual is childish because it ignores the myriad of factors that contribute to what gets approved, or what writers anticipate will be approved, etc. I think Tumblr needs to chill the fuck out. It's lame that there isn't more gay representation, but it's a collective issue, not the burden of one dude and his cartoon.

>also I fucking loathe Korrasami

Pic related, it's the waifu.

>still trying to make this a thing

>it perpetuates this idea that our relationships are deviations from the norm, weird, strange
they are

>just other ordinary people
you are not

>Representation is necessary

>It might sound crazy
coz it is

you have a mental health problem and your sickness should be suppressed not spread

k, Sup Forums

Maybe it's because 90% of the populace is straight?

>Lesbian here
Nobody gives a rats ass

>it perpetuates this idea that our relationships are deviations from the norm

They are, by definition. LGBT make up about 4% of the American population, and that's rounding up.

>nobody gives a rats ass

Not the person you're responding to, but that user was clearly responding to a person's question about what gay people were thinking. The fact she's a lesbian is relevant.

And that is still a higher percent than the amount of gay characters in media.

No one cares and no one wants to see or hear you or about you. World runs on the fact that people are straight and have kids. Deal with it or check out.

The rage is just tumblr being tumblr. They can't function if they're not angry at something.

But it sometimes does get tiresome that 9/10 of the time most prominent male and female end up together. Seeing platonic relationships more often would be nice, especially when there's already a huge stigma against male/female friendships in real life. It can get irritating, especially when my best friend is a woman. I'm happily married and it's hell on everyone involved when people not-so-subtly imply I'm fucking her on the side.

>And that is still a higher percent than the amount of gay characters in media.
This doesn't really invalid his statement.

>Seeing platonic relationships more often would be nice

This is how a cuck sounds

Don't sound like this.

Seriously, imagine Samurai Jack saying this - you can't

Because genuine friendships between a man and a woman who have a potential to get it on are rare and uncommon, not to mention sexual tension which will always be a feature of such relationships due to innate human biology - don't rely on Will and Grace or your own personal circumstance for it.
Don't mistake being friendly and acquaintances for friendship either - just because I am able to have good time with my friend's girlfriend doesn't make us proper friends, but simply acquaintances that are capable of interacting.

Am i the only one not angered by this post?

Post political leanings

>tumblr is actually here posting on Sup Forums

And your post is what a fat virgin sounds like. Excuse me, I have to get back to fucking my wife.

>he actually thinks that gay people don't reproduce, or that all straight people do

Her point was that there have been very few to no gay characters throughout history. This is not representative of reality as the percent of gay characters in media is less than that of reality.

So yes, him attributing the lack of gay people in media to population percentages and not discrimination is false.
I agree. Romance plots are often shoehorned because if the characters fuck, that means we're supposed to care.

Sounds like you don't have many friends. Or took biology at a university level.

I didn't agree with the whole thing (I think it's the job of sexual education, not popular media to educate children), but the fact people were triggered by something moderately left-wing just goes to show that poltards are the new bronies.

>I'm not a fat virgin like you - I post on Sup Forums!

This is you

>So yes, him attributing the lack of gay people in media to population percentages and not discrimination is false.
In the past sure, but today every other tv relationship is homos or interracial.

Being on Sup Forums doesn't make you a fat virgin. However

>imagine x saying this- you can't

Tells me everything I need to know.

Can we address that this mother fucker has done nothing but help the world for 70 plus years

70 something years Jack has done nothing but selflessly help others and the ONE time he gets some action, these retards complain it wasn't a dude

>Her point was that there have been very few to no gay characters throughout history. This is not representative of reality as the percent of gay characters in media is less than that of reality.
Because most of the entertainment business is not there to "reflect reality", it's there to appeal to their target audience. And guess what, more of America is going to relate to a straight white family sitcom than anything else. That's why there are so few black, Asian, Hispanic or gay family sitcoms in comparison.

And when it comes to kid shows, there are more kids out there with straight parents than gay parents, so most of the couples there are going to be hetero because it's "familiar" to them and also because we've yet to reach a point where studios will want to deal with the PR about having a main character have a gay crush in a slice of life cartoon. So yeah, no shit it's going to be low.

It's like how most video game protagonists are white men because, guess who the target audience is. And when SJWs try to make main characters who are all gay and have vitiligo, guess why? Because they want the "liberal" audience.

It's not about representation, it's about appeal.

They wanted a father/daughter relationship, just not the one they ended up getting.

>but the fact people were triggered by something moderately left-wing just goes to show that poltards are the new bronies.

And lefties have always been worse than bronies

So what does that tell you?

>First girl he met?
>Next fine girl he comes across?
>Descendant of Aku
Aku's fucking everywhere man, in your bitches, in your walls, in whatever he chooses.

>I'm rooting for Aku now

Father/daughter relationships are the gayest modern cliche

Except that's wrong, too. See pic related from the Wikipedia article on media portrayals of LGBT people.

It's estimated that about 3 to 10% of the population is LGBT, depending on what study, where, when, and conducted by who. This means that this percent is either fair - and we've just recently achieved a proportional amount of LGBT characters - or we're still under. In no way are LGBT over-represented in media.

The phenomenon you're describing - seeing more of a minority group even though they are either equal or less than the dominant group in a particular situation - is well documented not just for LGBT, but also for women and nonwhites.

>it's about appeal
>but why heterosexuals strongly prefer seeing themselves in media has nothing to do with discrimination

>focus groups making TV shows assume that Americans don't want to see gay people
>has nothing to do with discrimination

Also, LGBT people are so desperate for representation that there is even a term for shows attempting to garner it - it's called queerbaiting. There has always been an audience for gay characters, but it was never acted upon because of stigma. The profit motive has only recently flipped that on it's head.

Jack better keep the lights on.

>boohoo discrimination
Damn straight it is, and it should stay that way. You know why? Because fruits ruin everything with talking about only one thing only, which is how much they like doing it - I've interacted with few to know that their entire definition of humour or discussion (or identity even) about anything keeps coming back to the same shit. I find it tasteless, revolting and frankly, abnormal.
Its even worse with media, which actually drives me mad because this shit is pushed like is the new propaganda. Having Genndy do a straight up romance (with classic tunes to boot) is refreshing in contrast to all the BS out there produced to pander to weirdos.

Yes, I mad.

What difference would a platonic relationship had made on the story compared to a romantic one? In both cases, Ashi serves as the beacon of light on Jack's dispair.

>Media meant for "everyone" is almost exclusively straight

I mean, that's generally what happens when your group is 4-5% of the population.

did they not listen to the intro? He doesn't age. Thats definitely a tale tale sign that he will be gettin some for the rest of his life

He'd feel happy that Jack would have a small a dick as he does

Does he pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph591aad72f096a

What they were ACTUALLY looking for was for Jack to have sex with the Scottish ghost but they would prefer a black male if possible.

literally same

As a native american (if gays can do it, so can I), basically 0% of media is geared towards me. People complaining about not enough LGBTQ representation is annoying because I haven't seen consistent native characters in shows/movies since the 60's/70's.

Romantic relationship opens the character up in more ways than platonic one, precisely because of the involvement and the promise of a future it holds - it gives botch characters an opportunity to build the world and have loved ones, especially when both have found themselves alone and at the end of their ropes, both emotionally but also life-wise.

People keep slamming the romance here, accusing it of being trite, but they miss the aspect of Jack's life where his whole family and land is gone, causing him to be truly a stranger in a strange land, and Ashi, who never had a home or a family to begin with. For them to have a romance is to pretty much give them a reason to live and hope for the future, in a way that a platonic friendship never would make it.

It will also tie in to the finale, where love for one another is equivalent with desire to live for something and to carry on - it will be the motivation Ashi will need to break free of Aku and do whatever is necessary to help Jack.

I think it's because people tend to place a higher premium on romantic love. It's why Frozen had a "twist" ending - most people assumed based on the previous Disney canon that an act of true love had to be romantic.

I don't agree with that, and I agree with you - Ashi and Jack could have the same positive effect on one another without being romantic.

>still cute though
>"why are these people pissed off?"
>"It's not discrimination, it's X!"
>"that's wrong."
>"...Really wrong."
>"I'm going to call gay people names that my grandparent's think are dated."

Alright, dude.

>telling mentally ill they are ill is discrimination

Alright, dude

>It IS sort of shitty that all relationships in mainstream media are straight,

I'm not reading the rest of your horseshit post. There are plenty of gay relationships in the media

>In regards to children's media, like Samurai Jack, LGBT relationships not being shown due to censorship or controversy is indicative of our relationships being seen as more taboo than straight ones

They weren't shown because it was 14 years ago and nobody gave a fuck.

I just don't understand why anybody would care about homosexual representation in Samurai Jack of all things? Why set yourselves up for disappointment like that?

>cartoon characters aren't allowed to kiss

what gay planet am I living on

The worlds gone fucking nuts man. People blame Trump but he's just a symptom. Buckle up because it's only just beginning

>Trump is the reason people hate straight people kissing


kys gaylord

So basically, all the media pandering to fags actually DOES create a higher population of faggots?

Why the fuck would any straight person agree to put more queers in media if it's gonna make their normal child who'll provide continued genes and family linage into a sterile, promiscuous fag who'll end your family tree with their perversity?


Trump and the people like him are the medicine when we live in a world where people are upset over heterosexual kissing.

jew money

You know the answer, but it isn't here on Sup Forums. See post above.

>the action-y music
>Jack dropping friendly maxims in a soothing voice during the whole thing

Read the thread.
I get what you're saying and I LIKE romance plots, but
>characters need to be in a romantic relationship to build a better world together

Pic related.

She clearly says that she was already gay, but because she was a kid with no frame of reference, she didn't understand it.

Sort of like how you didn't get the point.

>It IS sort of shitty that all relationships in mainstream media are straight
Gayfag here, and that isn't whats shitty. What is shitty is that when LGBT relationships are done, they are fucked up most of the time because its only done to virtue signal.

Its why there are so many shows with gay and lesbian couples that have one of the partners killed off for shock value. You get the value of having a LGBT character, but you don't have to show that icky romance, and its tragic to boot! That's the kind of nonsense that really offends me, not seeing a man and a woman in love.

>hurr I wuz born gay

I thought LGBT moved on to "Hurr sexuality is a spectrum" to make as many people bi as they could?

You have to go back

Not all characters need to be romantic, but these two deserve it and actually cling on to it for their life. Hell, them caring caring for each other is the only reason Jack didn't commit sudoku.

Forgot it user. They're straight so it's bad.

They do whatever they need to keep their political base up.
Fact is, sexuality is mental, but it can be affected by both genetic and environmental factors, which is why keeping children away from this crap is vital.

Not what I meant. Here, I'll rephrase it:
They wanted a father/daughter relationship between Jack and Ashi, but instead got one between Ashi and Aku.

Sounds about right. Hell based on that dyke's story if she never had that mom's friend coming out as a carpet muncher she might have given men a shot and gotten over her stupid obsession with that one chick.

>what are polygenic phenotypes and environment-gene interactions

I totally agree. This is more Sup Forums, but I felt the exact same way about interracial relationships and The Force Awakens.

There's this buildup because Finn and Rey are the two leads, Finn obviously has a crush on her, the hug scene, the fact he goes back to save her, etc....and then she kisses him on the forehead.

I'm also pretty suspicious of the fact that whenever a gay person appears, the focus is on the tragedy associated with homophobia as opposed to just having a character doing things and just so happening to be gay.

I totally agree. Because I'm a big Avatar fan, I saw lots of parallels between Ashi protecting Jack and the season 1 finale of ATLA.

How are you posting that when you can't read?

At least Genndy keeps it to his own work, while Bruce basically writes bad fanfiction about beloved characters.

>strawmanning this hard

>being this unironically mad
hey sorry that chick you liked turned you down, m8

>polygenic phenotypes and environment-gene interactions
Is there any evidence of a genetic component to homosex? I've heard it's hormonal.

i actually want to read the ppt that slide came from.

>no dad's trophy

I'm not reading your Reddit format posts. You have to go back

I know a girl that keeps claiming she's a polyamory lesbian, yet she lives with a boyfriend who is pretty much her only social (IRL) and physical contact, "because he is special".

Bitches be crazy.

Funny how women and gays always have to turn to sex based ad hominems when their garbage opinions get called out.

if that makes you feel better, my parents had no worries explaining homosexual couples to me as a child, they never kept it a secret that it was a thing that existed

>hormones are agenetic and aenvironmental
>"reddit" boogeyman

>there won't be any gay relationships in the show

Now that jack doesn't have his sword I think aku is going to "chain him up" if you know what I mean