What went okay?

What went okay?

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Nothing went right



That sweet sub was in the movie for maybe 10 minutes

I'd like to see more Disney movies based on late-19th century/early 20th century stuff. This, Tarzan, and Great Mouse Detective are so good.

John Carter should have been animated as well.

Is Flash Gordon public domain yet?

Explosives guy.

The characters. They were all good.

Thoughts on the second movie?

It felt like an extended pilot with three self contained problems solved in typical saturday morning cartoon fashion.

The vidya tie in

It felt like what it was. A waste of time.

>It felt like an extended pilot with three self contained problems solved in typical saturday morning cartoon fashion.
It actually was. It was going to be a show, but the movie didn't do so good.

>It felt like an extended pilot with three self contained problems solved in typical saturday morning cartoon fashion
Because it is; they wanted to make an animated series, but when Atlantis underperformed they turned three episodes into a direct-to-video movie.

the first half of that movie is fucking fantastic
unfortunately all the parts that actually took place in atlantis sucked

>tfw we will never get a comfy steampunk underwater adventure series with the characters in the giant sub

Mingola, good supporting cast, expedition theme

It should have spent the movie getting to Atlantis, based sub shouldn't have gone down like a bitch to robo crab. It should have been about the team and sub slowly overcoming robo-guardians and obstacles on their way to Atlantis.

Next film is actually about them in Atlantis and the mercenaries starting to have divided feelings over betraying Milo.

people didn't really give enough credit to the characters in there. They're pretty much the best Disney have ever written for characters

Mignola Art

>Round edges don't exist: The art style

more like fag edges

There were a lot of great characters.

Yea, the supporting cast was great. I actually remember their names and their personalities to this day. They each were unique.

They kinda overshadowed Milo in a way? I'd love to see a film/show about the crew and Milo together, not a Milo-centric film.

I also liked the diversity of the cast. Roarke was a great antagonist (and then villain) too.

We nearly did, but Disney wanted them to get to Atlantis sooner, so most of it was scrapped.

nothing personnel

Really good 3DCG.

Disney okay-ing barely off screen deaths. Shit had me fucked up as a kid, with characters actually talking about the crew they lost


They were trying to copy Mike Mignola's art style and adapt it for animation.



it was a radically better animated adaption of the "StarGate" franchise than the actual SG animated series.


True that.

>What went right?

The toys

I remember I got a mcdonalds toy of the sub long before I ever saw the movie. The design of it was just so cool.

Sucks he'll probably never get another animated move with Atlantis's size and budget at least we're getting another Hellboy movie


Someone post the redfred pictures

I don't care if the rumours about the originally planned trilogy are fake or not, this would have been so fucking great. I love the movie anyway, used to watch it over and over again on video as a kid, but the action definitely develops too fast.
Also don't forget the fucking soundtrack:youtube.com/watch?v=7tx783Z5gso

>Is Flash Gordon public domain yet?
>Anything ever becomming public domain again

It was dieselpunk though

>"He doesn't bite...often."

What did she mean?

That now and then he bites, but not at a frequency one would call regular

The two seater might as well be real. The single seater is junk though.

All the shit they took with them was ultra light wheight. Which is cool, because it shows that they really thought about this whole thing

It was so fucking boring, I'm kinda glad it tanked. Waste of a cool setting too

I liked her. She was smug.
Was sad to see her die. At least she went out a badass.

The trilogy was fake, but a longer trip was real. There was going to be a longer series of Harryhausen-esque monsters on the way to Atlantis like floating jellyfish things called Squidbats, the Lava Whales, and a longer sequence with that big bug from the montage that would have served as Kida's introduction.

Underused aircraft. Why couldn't they have a scene where they had to fly across a massive chasm?

Good visuals

Wait, she died? It's been a while since I've seen it

I played the ps1 game.

Without having ever seen the movie.


Aethetics and world-building was great. Too bad the story was "eh".

Meanwhile Avatar copypasted the same plot but with bland designs, yet was held as a "cinematic masterpiece".

>Tumblr keeps asking for a live action remake
>"It'll be great!"
>"It has a DIVERSE cast."
>"It'll be so much better than all these WHITE princesses."

>... but if they ever actually release it...

She got pushed out of the blimp and fell to her death,and while she was laying there dying the fucking blimp landed on her.
