Why didn't we get to see Aku kill the Guardian? Even a one-minute flashback would've been great

Why didn't we get to see Aku kill the Guardian? Even a one-minute flashback would've been great.

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Genndy is a fucking jack that's why

You're just made your geadcannon didn't come true.

(Jacks off to Jashi porn)


Does anyone know if Kevin Micheal "Glazed in bitches" Richardson is going to be in episode CI? I think that would pretty much confirm if Guardian is dead or not.

That's way too cruel OP, Guardian fags were already assfucked enough.

>implying the Guardian is dead

Maybe next episode?

>1 minute
because we needed to establish jack's backstory and motivation again

he's not dead he just lose his glasses.


I think implications that he's dead works better and something like a flashback would have been overdoing it

Hey man, you know that minute NEEDED to be for Ashi right?

Because you don't get to see a badass die like a bitch(scottsman) and you also have to wonder if he's really still alive which I highly doubt

For Ashi to understand, yeah

Jack's face when he saw the glasses was so sad. Another comrade lost to UNSPEAKABLE EEEEEVIL and there was nothing he would have been able to do about it.

>Even a one-minute flashback would've been great
How could they have put it in? I'm not talking about time, I'm talking of how could it fit in. Jack wasn't there, only situation that would allow for a flashback is if aku told him how it went.

Because he's not dead.

Also to trigger fedoralords like

Guardianfags would still be mad as fuck at the idea that he could ever lose to anyone. Honestly I don't know why people care that much about him.

To be honest, the last two episodes have shown me Genndy's greatest mistake was wanting only Ten episodes.

Should have asked for twelve or thirteen and then we probably could have had SOOOO much more time to better build up Jashi, see the characters from the previous seasons, flashbacks, etc.

It feels like Genndy took his time with the first three or four episodes, then realized he only had so many episodes left and started driving harder and harder to resolve things.

Makes me glad we got this instead of the movie he originally planned. Good god, imagine the pacing that would have had.

The pacing for most of the episodes are fine, it's just that the first three (or four) were very slow while after that they sped up a bit. Sup Forums also seems to think that proper pacing = long fight scenes.


I'm not even mad that he's dead but yeah that would have been cool

He should have done 13 because that's how long the other seasons were.

>took his time with the first three or four episodes, then realized he only had so many episodes left and started driving harder and harder to resolve things

What is around 90% of Sup Forums media.

It's actually way more common for series to just drop any unresolved plot points that isn't 100% essential to the main plot

>It feels like Genndy took his time with the first three or four episodes, then realized he only had so many episodes left and started driving harder and harder to resolve things
Isn't the story completely planned and all the chapters boarded before they begin production?

>It feels like Genndy took his time with the first three or four episodes, then realized he only had so many episodes left and started driving harder and harder to resolve things.

You realize this isn't made week by week and it's all storyboarded before any animation is actually done, right? This isn't some Shonen anime

He's alive in the past.

Jack after returning to the past will realize he misses Ashi and all his other friends from the future and seek out the Guardian. Their swords will clash and the show will end on that frame WACHA

What makes you think he killed the Guardian personally?

He was stronger and better at fighting than Jack.
You actually think anyone but Aku could do him in

he aint dead, that's why. he just lost his sunglasses
and he's going to make aku pay dearly for those
what do you mean wanting only ten episodes? i'm sure he wanted as many as CN would give him, and they gave him ten, saying that's all venture bros gets

You seeing his glasses in the sand is enough. It would have been a waste of time AND money. He wasn't even a major character and was only in the one episode.

Who else could?
The only ones we see on the level of defeating Jack are the Guardian, Minions of Set, and Aku. With the minions sealed away, that leaves Aku.
Also the Guardian and his portal were on a mountain on an island in a magic lake. Now that entire area is desert. Aku went full scorched earth on the Guardian's entire area.

Doesn't the army of broken robots imply that he threw everything he had at the gaurdian?

With the level of criticism you fags put into this you should make your own cartoon according to your own rules and everything

This is the first theory I've seen about the Guardian I've actually like.

Nothing Genndy shows in a minute long fight would compare to what you imagine how that fight would go.

It didn't need to be shown. A shattered pair of glasses and a wasteland of death is visuals enough. The guardian is dead.

With a 10 episode time limit. Jack's past took priority. Watching a completely one-sided fight for a minute while entertaining; is not utilizing the time constraints well.


>Because he's not dead.
This. Jack defeats Aku, Ashi is freed, they live a long happy life together. But he's immortal. She isn't. Once she passes, Jack goes wandering and finds the ruins of the portal again. Cue the Guardian walking in from off screen to look down at his ruined glasses.

"So THAT"s where I left those!"

If we got a minute fight you would be bitching about why it isn't long enough

I would have liked to see The Guardian chainsaw through the army Aku brought at least. Show he isn't a worn out fuck like Scotsman and pile up the bodies before going down.

The pacing would have been:
>Jack saves dog people
>Has nightmare
>Fights Scaramouche
>Show Aku talking to self
>Fights the 7 daughters where he encounters them, but instead he gets to a forest and fights and kills all except the one
>Both fall into monster.
>Shows the bants between them, and then they leave monster
>Show the ladybug stuff, gets on serpent as Ashi asks for evidence.
>Shows the tree, then the people, go save children
>Ashi caught, electrocuted, escapes and wins in the span of 3 minutes.
>Jack leaves, random ghost samurai out of nowhere.
>Only show two of the three or four cameos.
>Ashi saves Jack. They just go straight to where the sword is, no flashback to explain.
>Sword not there, meditation, army fight cut, just mother fight.
>Jack is back, go from desert shop to sandstorm to alien prison.
>Instantly find weapons room before monster encounter.
>Monster dead, kiss scene, campfire with no flashback.
>Scara randomly shows up and tells Aku.
>Jack basically teleports to where the guardian disappeared or died at, with Ashi going with her
>Aku already there, Scara killed, Ashi flashback, Ashi fight, Aku'd Ashi,
>Ending takes up 12 minutes.

Yeah, the movie would have been terrible.

>Day of the rake
>Day of the Rope
>Now Day of the Battery
All these days, when are they gonna happen?

The pacing for the first 3-4 episodes were perfect. It's the other episodes that were rushed.

I thought that was just the other warriors? but yeah you're right it probably is Aku robots.

When he's already Emperor

Needed more time for spaghetti romance shit.

Which I'm perfectly fine with

>then we probably could have had SOOOO much more time to better build up Jashi,
Ahhahahahaha is this Stockholm Syndrome?
Ashi is Ashit. 10 episodes were in fact too long. It means 200 minutes. 3 hours and 20 mins.
Gendy or whoever came up with the idea of Ashi teaming up with Jack since episode 4 is a fucking idiot.

Originally I and everyone else... thought that Ashi will fuck off at the end of episode 3 and let Jack go on his merry way. Far far away from her.
Ashi would become a thought secondary character like The Scotsman, only appearing in a few scenes and at the end to help Jack. Not become a fucking main character like an entitled bitch.

> I and everyone else... thought that Ashi will fuck off at the end of episode 3 and let Jack go on his merry way. Far far away from her.

Except everyone knew they were going to team up from the moment the series singled her out from her sisters.

>Originally I and everyone else... thought that Ashi will fuck off at the end of episode 3 and let Jack go on his merry way. Far far away from her.
>Ashi would become a thought secondary character like The Scotsman, only appearing in a few scenes and at the end to help Jack. Not become a fucking main character like an entitled bitch.
Maybe because you have no idea how stories work if her scenes from E1 didn't tell you anything?

Because he isn't dead obviously

A pretty interesting week.

>First stage of grief: denial
All of the threads saying that Jack will fight the guardian in episode 10 despite all evidence pointing otherwise.
>Second stage of grief: anger
All of the threads calling the show shit for not including the guardian, some going so far as to state that they won't watch the final episode, and insulting everyone who's okay without the guardian.
>Third stage of grief: bargaining
Asking to everyone if the guardian can have even a minute of presence in season 5 (i.e. this thread). Asking on Sup Forums won't change anything, but it helps the grieved user grasp at the last ounce of hope.

Still salty about that kiss I see

nah he asked for 10

He wanted a movie and was convinced to stretch it by a co-writer

>Genndy isn't a hack after all

Not even once
He's dead and out of the story
Ashi is going to TWOAH OPEN A PORTAL IN TIME and the "bittersweet" ending is going to be Jack having to leave Ashi behind
He said it would be bittersweet because he assumed people would give a rat's ass about Ashi as anything other than fapbait

The only ones that could really be considered rushed were 5 and 7. The rest are fine. Just because the Omen didn't get a long fight scene doesn't make it rushed.

I had no idea people loved the Guardian that much. He wasn't really interesting or anything, he was just some strong guy that was in one episode. Ashi is a better character than he is.

Only reason people care about him is because, at the time, he showed us a supposed absolute conclusion.

>Jack see a sign of fight
>screem blinks showing part of the fight
>Jack continues to walk and look at a pile of recent destroyed robots/skeletons
>screen blinks showing The Guardian destroying them

And so on.

That would be pretty great.
>gotta get back
>back to The Future

That's dumb. The broken shades are a good example of show don't tell. They perfectly convey what happened on their own. Why waste the powerful imagery for the sake of action and hammering an already established point?

He ain't dead yet, man. He just out buying a new pair of shades.

