What's with the big red diaper?

Makes her look like she has an oversized vagina or a bad crotch rash.

This is by the way the most flattering image I could find.

Most look way worse.

I remember seeing that costume back in '12. Is she still wearing it?

Why not make it simple leotard costume instead of what we got?

It looked good when Rocafort and Luppachino drew it

Jim Lee is not very good at character design


Her face significantly distracts from the ridiculousness of the crotch guard.

I think having it be smaller works better, but they should have had them go all the way around her hips like Supe's trunks instead of just awkwardly ending.

I don't see it. It's just part of the costume to me.

She hasn't worn that costume in a while, OP. But yeah, it was weird.

I liked the cape though.

I blame Arkham City.

Just makes me think of an easy access panel.

>oversized vagina
I always figured female kryptonians had tentacles, but whatever.

Since we're going back to the start of New 52, when is best girl coming back? And will Maxima still be gay for Supergirl?

Name five good Supergirl villains that aren't borrowed Superman villains. You can't!

The Worldkillers were pretty cool even if they were Doomsday knock offs. But originality is hard to come by these days.


Want to talk about it?

has no one seen a diaper?

Everything looks good with Rocafort on art.

Rocafort still didn't work, he just drew the shitty design well.

Luppacino's was good because she streamlined the design and make it look like a normal leotard.

DC should just give her a skirt again.

They did? OP's a couple of years late.

I unironically liked the new 52 design. I acknowledge the ridiculousness of it, but I think it looks comfortably alien.

In his defense, Rebirth Supergirl is utter trash and should be remembered by nobody

Supergirl is my waifu and even I'm not even going to buy the Rebirth tpb when it comes out

I don't understand the thought behind the design. It's basically just slapping the shield over her crotch even though it's also on the "belt." All it does is draw attention to her crotch and it's a pretty blatant fanservice move.

No. She now looks younger and wearing her tv show outfit. Don't bother reading her rebirth series, it's boring.

>I don't understand the thought behind the design
>it's a pretty blatant fanservice move.
see, you DO understand.

Ass and tits.

It was a pretty odd design considering so many other New 52 redesigns were covering everyone up. They gave Power Girl that colgate-looking costume, gave Poison Ivy and Black Canary pants, almost gave Wonder Woman pants before reconsidering.

Dont mind if i posting 18 19 and 20




















>take away Superman's trunks
>leave them on Supergirl






>>take away Superman's trunks
Action 1000 ?













The end



Asrar's Kara was cute as fuck
>Tfw we're stuck with Ching in Rebirth













>>Tfw we're stuck with Ching in Rebirth




The end





Everybody always praises Red Daughter, but Crucible was probably my favorite arc.




