Have you ever met her?

have you ever met her?

she looks really nice and girlfriend material

She is nice, for the most part.

If you're someone she doesn't like she becomes a REAL catty bitch.

>female artist draws herself as unattractive gremlin
>is actually decent or genuinely hot in real life



She's like a petite little elf

Sara is a qt

But she's a Nazi.

Sup Forums told me that Nazis are bad people.

I don't know, when she walked up to me and whispered "holocaust never happened, but it should have and it will" I got chills down my spine.

I agree, she's pretty cute.

Everything you read on here is a half-truth or outright lie.

>Sup Forums has been harassing her with edits
Really makes you think.

Speaking from experience, I see?


I disagree.


Are you seriously upset about this? After the opposite has happened so fucking much? Get over yourself

There was no indication of being upset in that post.
Yours, on the other hand.

what's this story about her being a nazi?
just shitposting i guess, like always

h-hi sarah,can I have an autograph

Her comics are very accurate.

it could easily be interpreted that way
what is your image meant to express then?

she's a Sup Forums faggot

surprise but not too much surprise

This kind of bigotry should not be allowed in our society.

>Jewish IQ is higher than White
Shit, now I can't tell if this is an edit or not. Oh wait.

Are the lewd pics coming during or after the Sup Forums edits?

Awful comics though. Getting real sick of webcomics being about muh depression and muh lack of truth about the holohaux or muh motivation.


This is literally every comic of hers.

This needs to stop, Sarah.

She is my waifu now

"quirky" neurotic women do not and have never made good girlfriend material

If this is an edit then what is the original?

Oh shit. She's a 9/10.

It's about her various personal skills, with the precipitous drop being "Time Management."

Nah, I'd rather just whack it to lewds of her gremlin cartoon self..

No, she looks like a lesbian feminist who hates men

No wonder they hate her.

Ah shit, disregard .

Olivia Wilde is so cute


her comics are funny.

Stop posting edits.


Shes a champion for the coming fourth Reich. Heil Hitler.

But thats the original

Just because you deleted the originals from your site doesn't mean everyone else forgot about your past Sarah.

Shes good when she isnt spouting the nazi stuff.


>When the change of font between panel 1 and 2 is jarring as fuck

At least try to make it less obvious next time

Why is she always talking about the Holocaust? Is she an anti Semite?

Her scribbles are charming but i worry about the deeper messages in them.

She's trying her best, be nice

Would you rather the opposite?

I don't get it Sarah. You were clearly ashamed enough of your old work to remove all of it once you started to get more popular yet you still act like they're flawless works of art.

Come on sarah. You may have been bad at penmanship back then but you really have nothing to be ashamed of.

Never dip in crazy.

She is extremely cute, which kinda makes her comics less relatable to me. What problems could she have?

>Thousands of dollars a month to draw these

You know, he actually has really nice hair. Also, a better example would Jaltoid, since his art style isn't all that flattering, honestly.

Fuck off already. I enjoy edits to but take it to Sup Forums. No one wants your crossboarding bullshit.

The inability to shave her legs every other day

Well her creepy dedication to national socialism for one

We are all in prisons of our own make.

Sarah Sarah Sarah... You can run but you cant hide from the past!

Sarah you gotta stop there's no need to pretend you didn't make these anymore it's just further digging yourself into a hole.

>being cute/looking good
means you don't have problems

hate this meme

She might be nice but all she draws is "lol aren't I quirky and socially awkward XD" shit that's so common on tumblr.

>it is just one other person and myself on the entire internet

I mean, she didn't exactly make yourself a super-waifu. Her character still has big ears, a big nose, squarish face, etc.

>"lol aren't I quirky and socially awkward XD"
That applies to maybe 95% of humanity. Insecurities are universal.

Somebody post the pic. You know the one.

Fuck pretty people and their problems. more than they'll do for me

you gotta accept that those ones are better than your socially awkward crap

Sup Forums has the hots for her. They should realize that as a webcomic artist, she's probably seriously mentally ill.

Well... that's fair I suppose. Idk I am just bitter I guess, sorry Sarah

>she's probably seriously mentally ill.
seeing as she's a nazi she definitely is

>implying Sup Forums doesn't love the mentally ill

As I said, I enjoy edits. However every fucking day Sup Forums tries to force it's shit unto every other board. This roleplaying or whatever going is making it even worse.

Right up their alley


Sarah you're the only one roleplaying here.

Why are the left so poor at humor?

Where do you think both we are, and where Sup Forums is?

Nazi women are attractive, I can't help it

because nazis are stupid idiots

Uh, that didn't really make any sense.

Yeah, that post was redundant

It's a reflection of her self worth, she's a gigantic ball of insecurity.
And that's adorable.

Because their talking points are acceptable and safe.

Humor works by being unexpected, not allowed or clever. Comics like this are just hey recognise emotion and being lazy?

Because you laugh based on how validated the opinions of the joke-teller make you feel and if they fly in the face of your own opinions you falsely equate a difference of viewpoints as being indicative of a lack of comedic talent.

If the only good thing about a joke is how much they validate an opinion it wasn't a good joke

you missed the point of my post but that's honestly to be expected

Man I want one of those hats. Just imagine how much easier it would be to draw your own silhouette, when your hat doesn't make a shadow.

Nope I pointed out that you are projecting.

It is like on the Colbert show where they clapped at the FBI director being fired when they weren't meant to. Lefty humor like that is just seeking validation. Meanwhile modern right wing humor is funny whether you agree with it or not, you don't have to want to murder jews to find these edits funny.

People are usually hostile towards people they don't like

>modern right wing humor is funny whether you agree with it or not
Like Sam Hyde amirite
I like the joke about having no insurance and no show
I also like the joke about Norm Macdonald being senile

I guess she noticed I was jewish

This one?

This has to stop

>girlfriend material
she lives with her boyfriend, and a rabbit, and at least one cat

Sorry here's the original:

>tfw you can no longer tell the original from edits

What a time to be alive.

Fuck, I bet leftists wished they had a girlfriend like her.