
>Sega does what City of Heroes did regarding potential Marvel/DC create-your-own characters
>Disable all appearance and naming features that would allow you to create Archie/SatAM characters

They'd kinda have to, anyway. If Penders or Fulop see that someone used Sega assets to create one of their characters, they'll launch another wave of lawsuits.

Jesus, that's embarrassing. The games are just completely embracing the autism they inspire now. The concept behind this seems like the idea for a fan game that some faggot would post on a message board that is too much of a safe space for anyone to tell them just how retarded it is.

>The games are just completely embracing the autism they inspire now.

If the overwhelming majority of the Sonic consumer base is made up of people on the spectrum, then it only makes sense that Sega would rework their product to appeal to them. That's just business.

Of course, most autists have to ask their parents for money to buy the games, first.

money is money

I can't believe my OC, Darknesscoldfire the Hedgegod can be in a Sonic game

Makes sense. I guess they probably looked at their demographics and realized it was made primarily of oldfags who bitch that the games stopped being good after Adventure, and autistic furfags who live on DeviantArt.

So they made Sonic Mania for the former, and Forces for the latter.


>Wolf is an option

Wonder how close I can make it.

lewds of the red cat when?

Y'know what would be nice? That instead of letting us play as our own OC, they just allow us to play as characters other than Sonic.

You have to appreciate how hard it must be for Sega to please its fractured fanbase at this point. For years, people have been annoyed that you had to play as characters besides Sonic, and then there are people like you who actually want to, for some god-forsaken reason. They can barely seem to get Sonic's gameplay right, never mind other characters.

Also, holy shit, Blaze the Cat has been around since 2005. It's entirely possible for someone whose first Sonic game was Sonic Rush to be using this board now. God damn.

>If the overwhelming majority of the Sonic consumer base is made up of people on the spectrum,

Well they aren't, memelord. Only a loud minority of idiots like you find in any fandom are autistic.

>then it only makes sense that Sega would rework their product to appeal to them. That's just business.

Basing your business model on stale memes is fucking stupid. But stupidity is SEGAs standard, so I'm not surprised.

>it's an "user is suddenly very sensitive and opinionated on a subject that everyone else was discussing casually" post

Oh no, you caught me, this is a subject I c-c-care about! How embarrassing!

Fuck off, this decision makes me angry with the stupidity. To think I had hope that mainline Sonic games were on the right track to recovery. This is the result of some corporate idiot who's had too many facebook conversations with friends talking about how lulzy and rich a 'donut steel' creator would make. Ignoring that it's not 2005 anymore, people don't make unironic Sonic fan characters, even within the fandom it's highly shunned.

It just showcases how fucking out of touch with reality and their consumers they truly are. They bought into the meme, the stupid fuckers.

It was fun with xenoverse.

Someone better create Sonichu

xenoverse's works better because it's a highly customizable fighting game

more of the fun comes from mixing all the moves and online coop and everyone getting together to fuck around

it won't work for Sonic the same way

haha holy shit

Maybe Forces will have some a multiplayer element to it. It doesn't really make sense to put a character creator in a single player platform game.

but can I recreate Selkadoom

Don't worry, Chris will probably do it.

time for Waifus

>a message board that is too much of a safe space for anyone to tell them just how retarded it is

Oh lord, this'll produce an entire wave of furfags if this game ever becomes a success, and I bet the vast majority of players will make a female character just to have an OC waifu.

Hell, someone might make porn of their own OC waifu, I seriously hope this game sinks harder than the Titanic.

yes how dare they pander to people that will actually buy their games

Nobody can stop me from creating a Enchidna not even Penders.

Didn't fucking Penders tweet out that he owns some sort of copyright on Sonic fan comics? Like the dude's a fucking psycho.

Penders created every conceivable flavor of Echidna character through Knuckles' "genealogy" and claims exclusive copyright to them.

But go ahead. Create a "pirate Echidna" character. See what happens.

I know what I'm making....

But Blaze could be really fun as a playable character if done right! There's so many things you could do gameplay-wise with her pyrokinesis!

Well, nothing else they've done has increased sales as of late, so why not cater to autists?

>give a hedgehog a leather jcaket and sunglasses


>i can't believe this business is pandering to their customers, what a bunch of retards

Any Mania fans in here?

>The concept behind this seems like the idea for a fan game that some faggot would post on a message board that is too much of a safe space for anyone to tell them just how retarded it is.


People commissioned fetish porn of their Dragonball Xenoverse OC Majin waifus. Loads of it. Hell, Plague of Gripes used mods in Xenoverse 2 to more accurately play as the OC waifus he designed himself... and streamed it. And then drew porn of it.

You're telling me that "someone might" do that with this? You are the most naive motherfucker alive.

Today is the day of deviantart's greatest victory.

I'll admit, it took me a minute.

Give it to me straight Sup Forums. Archie Sonic's dead isn't it?



At this point they'll get more sales from meme autists than from sonic oc autists.

>same day porn of the trailer OC
I'm actually impressed, the character probably won't even appear in the game at all.

we still don't have direct confirmation from either Archie or SEGA about it, but it does seem unfortunately likely to be the case