Teen Titans: The Lazarus Contract Primer #1: Titans Hunt+Rebirth

Hello fellow Sup Forumsmrades.

I'm on a roll today, so I'm going to indulge in further catchup for the Titans/Teen Titans/Deathstroke crossover.

Yesterday, we got acquanted with Slade Wilson ( ), so today, we catch up with the Titans.

First off the bat, a book out of DCYou, set as a prologue to the DC Rebirth initiative.
Let's hop in, shall we?











Nice initiative, OP.
Here's a bump for effort.

Speaking of the Lazarus Contract, I hope it doesn't end up doing IC levels of Slade wank.
And judging by the Multiversity preview of this weeks TT, I think my skepticism is justified.

















































As someone who actually read the original issue with the villain in it, it's always great to see stories that return to him.









Do you recommend any further reading for current TT, Norrin?

I still need to catch up with Grayson.






Gonna be posting all of the current Teen Titans and Titans books today.
Considering whether to include Justice League #51, which focuses on Dick and the JL and is by Abnett.

Grayson is great, and it's getting an omni this year.

The Flash book is good and develops Wally2 (and has the two Wallys meeting, which is touched upon in the The Lazarus Contract).






Might as well go all out based.

















