Draw your own rendition of hallucination Jack in MS Paint and post it here

Draw your own rendition of hallucination Jack in MS Paint and post it here.


the blue hulk



I do commissions btw

Draw a talking penis

like this?

Exactly like that.


Will this get me banned?





Pls don't bully

>ms paint

user, you broke the rules. Why do you make us bully you?

I never thought this is how I would peak



Graphic design is my passion



5,000 hours




I like this thread

>rip blue jack

Keep up the good work, anons. Doing god's work in this thread.

This one is awesome dude, thanks!





100,000 hours ms paint

>Hey Jack! I know what we're gonna do today!

"Hey jack do you want to have lots of unprotected sex with me and fill me up with your 50 years of semen until i get KNOCKED UP, i'm ovulating..."

>"lol, no way fag"

This thread is gold

Whoa! What a freak!

lost patience after 10 minutes

Pretty damn good for 10 minutes though.


I mean I wanted to put more effort, it took more time unfortunately


Whoa jack, you're such a weeb holy shit.

is this loss

It should be reversed, i.e. Suicide Jack is edging Jack to kill himself while pic related is the reaction.

>hey jack do you want to kill yourself my man, you can't beat aku and I have a sword right here
>gotta get back to the past, fag

>jesus christ

nicely done though

God I hate MS Paint


top kek


Perfect reactions for the one in the middle


Why is suicide jack so relatable?


What are you going to do when Bane finds you and realizes you have no plane?


and another one cuz penises are fun to draw

less then 5 gave up and drew jar jar jew

Why is adult steven contemplating suicide

The realized how much his show sucked


hoping for the inevitable

Jack is Japanese though, so not a weeb, just a degenerate

Working on mine. What font is on the cover of Viper's "Kill urself my man"?

Comic sans.

Rate my mouse scribbles because I'm too poor to afford fancy drawing tablets or whatever those newfangled things are called.
I haven't even drawn shit in ages but I caught myself giggling like an idiot a few times.

I spent entirely too much time on this.

I can't do it, I can't degrade myself enough to use MS Paint. It's the comic sans of the paint program world. I know if you spend some extra time with it you can make amazing stuff, but not me, I can't do it.

You don't need a fancy tablet to make good art, hell most my art is made through scratchsketching and erasing, and it makes some great pictures in the end.

bredi gud


Use the binary tool in anything else then you fucking COWARD

01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101



delet this

Used the orig colors for this


I haven't scrolled down yet and I already want to say good job OP. I'll check in again.

Good job Op


You're hard work is appreciated.







My personal fave.

> he's a dreidel
> recaptcha: yenta beauty

I made mad jack instead because I'm a cool guy who doesn't follow the rules.

Plus he's got the eyebrow outlines!





