ITT: Cartoons only you remember

I used to like this show because it sort of showed how cartoons were made and that made little autistic me happy.

Also I remember some other cartoon another cartoon I wasn't exactly fond of that was about some kids in a light house. Does anyone remember it? It was kind of ugly CG looking cartoon...

Well anons, what cartoons do you remember, whether with fondness or contempt?

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I bought an episode of Dog City on Amazon Instant Video.

It's the one where the guy who makes the cartoon keeps having fantasies about his new neighbor. And since the cartoon changes to reflect his imagination, this causes his female lead character to suddenly become super thirsty.

When it's animals we call it being "in heat".

Op here. I don't remember that being in the show.
Please stop, "they" might here you.

Shoo shoo namefig
Aw sweet, Dog City.

It's cool that a few anons recognize dog city. I thought it was one of thing that almost no one remembers anymore.
What cartoons do feel like you're the only one who remembers them?

I remember that pilot movie they did where both parts were Muppets.

As for others of this Caliber I'd put in New Archies and Yo yo Yogi.

Sup Forums made me aware of that show. Looking for it, I ended up watching the original TV short film, with puppets. Twas funny.

Never watched the cartoon still

Who is "they"? Not being sarcastic, genuinely don't know.

>we call it

Some parts were with puppets other parts were animated in the TV show. I never watched the movie itself, but I think I'll watch later.

Yo yogi was wierd

'Fraidy Cat

The Wuzzles maybe?

anyone know of this show I remember seeing in Canada where it had this I think duo of animal friends helping either a platypus or a turtle laying eggs and digging sand for it.

Well... Ugh... There's this certain demographic of the Internet that likes certain types of characters and also engages in certain types of unspeakable behaviors we'd rather not talk about...

>We - used to denote people in general

In this scenario, english speaking people who use the proper term as defined in the dictionary.

As oppose to:

>We - indicate a particular profession, nationality, political party, etc., that includes the speaker or writer

I don't give a shit about your political views.

Back in the day when I was a kid, I had some shit tastes. I watched Mighty Ducks cartoon every week, and I thought Street Sharks were totally Jawsome. That's what happens when you're eight years old; you watch some shit and think it's gold.

But there was this one cartoon whose name I don't remember that was so awfully bad that not even my eight-year-old mind could find a way to defend it. Sadly, I have no idea what to even go on at this point besides a vague name. It came on ABC's cartoon block. It was the black version of Bobby's World, and even came on in the block directly after it. Featuring a black family and starring a black kid and his adventures growing up.

Holy shit was it poorly made.
The entire show was a 'best of' betweening error montage. The kid walked across scenes by entering a walking loop and being slid across the frame manually by someone dragging the film. Sometimes he stuttered as he was walking as the person sliding it was never really consistent. This also resulted in him looking like he was hovering, and either jetting across the frame at breakneck speeds or slowly moving outside of the picture at a snail's pace which resulted in some scenes lasting an uncomfortably long time full of silence.

It wasn't just the kid that did this, though. Every object in the scene, instead of being redrawn, was picked up and dragged on what looked like a projector. Coffee cups would spin around in mid-air before finding the lips of the person holding it. Bikes would hover through the sky as someone walked around the picture, manually turning the wheels while another person dragged it. Cars would collide and clip through one another.

I knew nothing about animation or cartoons up until I saw that abomination. I wish I could remember its name because I want to go back and watch it to see if it was really as bad as I remember.

Was it adventures of little koala?

>Street sharks and mighty ducks
Meh, I never saw those myself but I remember my cousin having a street sharks toy.

That cartoon you're describing sounds like some kind of Gauntanamo tier torture right there.

I didn't catch the name of it at the time, I just remembered those specific things about what I saw it also feels like it was made in flash

I bet no one here even knows about this great cartoon

You are not a part of any "legion", and the furry fandumb is definitely not your family.

Neck yourself.

What's dat?
Nice 7s, but please ignore the furfag

I'm not a "furry", and again, I don't care about your political/social/religious beliefs. I was using "We" in terms of the english speaking community. In the english dictionary, the proper term when an animal is in the throes of needing to breed, it is referred to as being in heat. Calling it "being thirsty" is more akin to supporting these "furries" of which you speak because it is humanizing the animals for sexual purposes.

Now go back to sucking dicks, kthnx.

Let's talk about cartoons that you feel like only you remember, can we not get into arguments over stupid crap like this?


>But there was this one cartoon whose name I don't remember that was so awfully bad that not even my eight-year-old mind could find a way to defend it. Sadly, I have no idea what to even go on at this point besides a vague name. It came on ABC's cartoon block. It was the black version of Bobby's World, and even came on in the block directly after it. Featuring a black family and starring a black kid and his adventures growing up.
>Holy shit was it poorly made.
>The entire show was a 'best of' betweening error montage. The kid walked across scenes by entering a walking loop and being slid across the frame manually by someone dragging the film. Sometimes he stuttered as he was walking as the person sliding it was never really consistent. This also resulted in him looking like he was hovering, and either jetting across the frame at breakneck speeds or slowly moving outside of the picture at a snail's pace which resulted in some scenes lasting an uncomfortably long time full of silence.
>It wasn't just the kid that did this, though. Every object in the scene, instead of being redrawn, was picked up and dragged on what looked like a projector. Coffee cups would spin around in mid-air before finding the lips of the person holding it. Bikes would hover through the sky as someone walked around the picture, manually turning the wheels while another person dragged it. Cars would collide and clip through one another.
>I knew nothing about animation or cartoons up until I saw that abomination. I wish I could remember its name because I want to go back and watch it to see if it was really as bad as I remember.

Can someone here please find out what the name of the cartoon user is describing?

I posted that and I've spent about the last hour scanning through the cartoon shows of all the network television blocks just because that question is eating me up inside, too.

The best info I can give about it is that it was the mid 90's, it aired on the 'family' cartoon block (the cartoon block that was usually set aside for younger kids that wasn't X-men or the like), and it was on either CBS or ABC. I'm reasonably sure it was ABC

Havent watched watership down in over 10 years, gonna make an effort to watch it sometime. Thanks user

Does anybody other than me remember that this show existed? Early to mid 90s.

You could be wrong on a few things, try to remember as hard as you can. The only thing that even resembles that description is Lil' Bill. Was it a canadian cartoon?

I remember the main character's family getting murdered.

No, this aired on network television in America. It really looked like a black version of Bobby's world if it was done by way worse designers. The kid looked like Bobby, big head, abnormally short body. Wore white air jordans and wore a yellow jersey. His father was fat, and that's all I remember about his father? The show's format made it impossible to have any view but a direct side view of every room, so I remember lots of panning shots with sudden cuts to indicate transition. I remember the show using black-on-yellow a lot. The carpets, the house, the streets, even the stairs were bathed in yellow. The main living room was this gigantic box with poorly drawn stairs right in the middle of it, in which the kid was slid upward when he wanted to go up the stairs.

There was a mother who was as thin as a twig, and he had two other friends who looked a little like fat albert extras.

I hope that helps.

I still haven't met a single soul that has seen the Marsupilami cartoons outside of the kids in my family that grew up with it. Didn't know for years that it was based off a comic- until coming here, actually.

Another one was Computer Warriors. Always wanted the toys growing up.

Okay, this set off some weird spark in my head.
What the fuck was this about?

Guys I'm having a Mandela effect moment.

I remember a cartoon when I was young named "Clutter". That was the name of the cartoon. It starred a family and a monster made of garbage also called "Clutter". I remember it vividly because it gave me nightmares as a kid when it had a halloween special that had aliens that made a device that would turn anyone who fell asleep into one of them, and the main kid fell asleep and turned into a multi-tentacled monster.

Except, when I go to google for this show; I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone even remember this or have pictures that it existed, or did I fever dream the whole thing?

>I still haven't met a single soul that has seen the Marsupilami cartoons outside of the kids in my family that grew up with it.
Bad news: I remember this cartoon, and watched it on whatever block it was on. As well as Bonkers, which I think aired on the same block. (I remember there being a Bonkers/Marsupilami crossover inside the block at one time I think as a commercial. Truly, the meeting of titans.)
I remember nothing about him except that he said "Kumbiyah" every transition.

Question for 90s and early 2000s kids: Which incarnation of Sabrina did you think looked cuter? 3DPD or 2D?

I remember thinking the 2D version was annoying.

Also I don't remember Salem being in the 2D version, but I don't remember it all that well.

Bonkers was on Disney all the time, I remember being floored that Bonkers and Lucky Piquel shared the same VA. Can't recall the crossover for the life of me though.

The other show you're talking about I have no idea about, other than monsters made of trash kinda reminds me of Bump in the Night, Bumps girlfriend was a ragdoll and I remember (I think) the Boogie Man/Monster in the Closet was made of junk.

Show you're thinking of is Salty's Lighthouse OP, whose theme song is still stuck in my head to this day.


but her aunts looked good in 2D (and also three 3D)

You might be thinking of this!

Oh well no wonder I couldn't find it. I didn't spell it with a K.
How stupid of me.

Not spelling 'Clutter' with a K.
Thanks 90's marketing.

I've been looking for the name of this show for years because I couldn't pronounce it when I was a kid.
I only remember the show being about some fat hunter guy that looked like Bruno trying to chase this monkey-looking thing, and a giant ape beating the shit out of him every time. In fact, that was the only gag in the show. I'll be amazed if it lasted more than a single season with that being the singular joke.

I'm not sure if this is the case, but I never met anyone else growing up who watched the Pink Panther TV Cartoon that was made circa 1995.
I may have been six at the time, but I remember it being pretty entertaining.

It was a cartoon aimed at adults, or at least not at kids. It was about a bunch of rodents and things that lived in the White House, so it was political. I was only about 13 or 14 when it aired, so I don't remember a single plotline of a single episode. I don't think it was on for more than maybe half a season.

2DPD just doesn't quite do it for me.

Literally the only thing I remember about it was that he talked

keeps sounding like little bill. We might have to draft the autismos of reddit to find this

>some kids in a light house. Does anyone remember it? It was kind of ugly CG looking cartoon...
Pet Alien.

I'm pretty sure, as in 80-90% sure, that it was not Little bill.

For one, the kid had hair. Dumb looking black-mass that sat atop his head.

He did.
I never saw the 70's shorts, so I didn't see the problem with it at the time


I remeber this show, I never really liked it though.

I would still fuck Melissa Joan Hart's brains out.
It's like staying in touch with your hot babysitter and knowing she aged like wine.



summer came early this year

I actually remember this cartoon. I wanted to fuck the girl dog. Luckily I am not a furry.

I watched this as a kid, then went and rented The Pink Panther film from the video store.

I was very disappointed.

Also, for a long time I thought Snagglepuss and the cartoon Pink Panther were the same character.

