What comics do you regret reading/buying?

What comics do you regret reading/buying?

Anything by Geoff Johns that was hyped on here.

Scott Pilgrm

Fell the meme that it was good but ended up hating everyone in it except Knives and Ramona

Fuck I meant to say Kim, fuck Ramona stupid whore

The 2008 Haunted Tank.

I bought it at a used book store for two dollars and I'd pay ten times that to get back the time I wasted reading it.

Drawn and Quartly 25th anniversary anthology.
Chris Ware in general.
Bendis/Romita jr Avengers.
Teen Titans Villians for Hire
Identity Crisis
Goyer/Robnson/Johns JSA
Sal Buscema's part of Simonson Thor.
Non BWS 90's Valiant
The Boys

And so on. The road goes on forever.

I bought a Dark Souls comic for a friend.
I was a fucking idiot who should've just used a recommended reading chart

>Drawn and Quartly 25th anniversary anthology.
I love D+Q and I never thought twice about giving that a chance unless it was on sale for like 10 bucks, I am interested in that fantagraphics anniversary book though especially since it isn't just a thrown together anthology

>Sal Buscema's part of Simonson Thor.
Yeah I bought the first three trades and that was enough, pretty sure in 4 and 5 Simonson only draws a single issue.

> Ranx
Dissapointed the Dark Horse collection didn't happen

>The Boys


It's a weird idea to regret reading something, but I genuinely feel that way about Bomb Queen.

I read it for the cheesecake but the story was just so fucking stupid that it makes me angry just thinking about it. Once the art took a hit I stopped reading, couldn't even go on in a "watch the train wreck" sorta way like I can with the America Chavez's disaster.

I'm a pussy, user. Thomas/Buscema Conan is about as fucked up, amoral and violent as I want things to get.

Did they seriously cancel it?

I followed Hickvengers, pulling floppies even, up until the end of Infinity. I really, really wish I hadn't purchased those issues. That's my biggest recent regret, even moreso than Bendis X-Men through Battle of the Atom.

Is Colin Mochrie okay?

> Crossed
> Identity Crisis

Jesus man. Why would you even buy them or read them at all.

I'm trying to read through DC's New Frontier right now and it's pretty terrible. The initial Losers story is the only good thing in it and the art.

Omega Men overhyped garbage ... it's a shitty pretentious minimalist version of Annihilation Conquest

That Chaykin Elseworlds Batman story set during the 1940s. Terrible stuff.

You have my condolences.

Yeah I feel the same way, the Losers shit actually feels exciting and has a satisfying conclusion, everything else pales harshly in comparison. The whole thing should have just been vignettes set in that timeframe and not attempting to be some grand thing.

I read pirated Hickvengers just before secret wars started, huge letdown, that shit was overhyped to hell and back.

anything by bendis

but If I have to name one: Ultimate End.

This shit was unforgivable

The Army of Darkness ones.

Batwoman Elegy. Wasn't terrible, but I was incredibly bored.

Spawn by mcfarlane, and green arrow by Percy

Just garbage, pure garbage

Yeah, there was a problem with reproducing the art I think

Ultimate Spider-Man, and I got the issue free with a pair of sneakers as a kid.

You didn't like house of M?

Batman: Killing Joke
Deadpool: Monkey Business

I was a stupid fucking causal when I bought that Dradpool and didn't know about Waypool yet, but KJ I found for like 10 bucks and figured it was a damn good deal since Sup Forums hyped that comic up so much. Literally fucking nothing happens, you hear a story that might be joker's origin, babs gets shot and then nothing happens. Waste of fucking money.

All of the inhumans books except war of kings

>nothing happens except for the things that happen but then nothing happens

Oh right, I forgot the lasting mental damage that was done on Gordan and how it totally wasn't dispelled the moment batman arrived. Man, so much happened in that comic it was hard to keep up!

nigga what


>Joker tries to prove a theory

>Gets proven wrong

Daaaamn how did it go so wrong!? Also it provided the universe with Oracle

I owned the entirety of Waypool in hardcover, most of Bendis's Avengers run (all the titles through to the end) in hardcover, almost every Fear Itself tie-in in hardcover, and pretty much every volume 1 of the first Marvel Now

I was not responsible with money for a time.

And where is Oracle now? The closest thing we have to that character is what's her name from arrow

Crossed. Now I have fetishes I'm not proud of.

I read the first 6 issues of every single title in the New 52.

I regret 51 of those comics. The only book where I can still remember what happened, the only series which I would happily revisit is Wonder Woman.

Villains for Hire is so well known to be bad that you should have avoided it, but Preacher didn't really grab me either. I am not even a religious person, but I just did not enjoy it. I think it was the Steve Dillon (RIP) art.

>regretting Action Comics
>regretting All-Star Western
>regretting Demon Knights
that's fine but you should revisit a few

Not trying to be contrarian, but most of New 52/Snyder Batman was a waste of time

>Action Comics
Terrible artwork is coupled with poor planning by Morrison, along with yet another excuse that it "all comes together" in the collected edition. Well, you know what, Grant? If the collected edition is always the correct edition with you, then maybe you shouldn't release your comics as single issues in the first place.
>All-Star Western
The previous Jonah Hex comic was fine, we didn't need to see him swept up in Batman shenanigans and the mainline style of storytelling. It's as bad as Young John Constantine with superpowers beating up supervillains.
>Demon Knights
Memes alone cannot save a comic.

All-New Ghost Rider

>What comics do you regret reading/buying?
Avengers vs X-Men
nu52 Green Arrow, Deathstroke, Batman, JLI, Demon knights

I have the deluxe Peter Panzerfaust and it fucking sucks and they never released a second edition and it took like 3 years for them to print the final lackluster issue

I checked out at the end of Court, the art was nice, but that was about it, catching random pages and discussions, and flipping through the images of storytimes I gather that I really didn't miss much.
It might be because I'm not really a batfag, but Rebirth Batman has been pretty good.

>the art was nice
From Spawn to Batman Greg Capullo has never been on a comic that deserved him. I'm sure he's made a boat load of money though so I can be glad for that

3 volumes of Morning Glories.


Buying Bendis!X-Men floppies...

Secret wars ...3?
civil war II
anything bendis fraction slott related.
also this...
GF-- Im and idiot
WB-Well make you rich

GJ of course ftfm

Oh man I'm sorry user

I own all of Earth 2 even after Robinson left and I mean ALL of Earth 2


Probably the first issue of My Small Horse[/spolier] comic. Not necessarily because I hated it, but because I bought it on iTunes and I can't delete it, like the other assorted merch I once purchased.

Poe Dameron. Left on it on the pull list out of sheer inertia and finally dropped it a few months ago.

X-Men Gold. Bought 3 issues, stopped there.

Holly Black's Lucifer. Bought the first trade and regretted it.

oh yeah, and that godawful Deadman mini

I was gifted 1000 storms by tony sandoval and although it's beautifully drawn it reeks of closeted pedophilia

Oh and the first 4 issues of Saga

I regret buying Kingdom Come and Justice. They're nice to look at but story-wise just a fucking disappointment.

DC insisting that this guy is the next great voice in comics just isn't working on me. mediocre.

I really want to think Ellis is better than this. I loved Transmet and NEXTWAVE. But this piece of cliche-spewing, shock-baiting, fever dream garbage still pisses me off.

did you mean
>everything Warren Ellis has ever written that isn't called Nextwave or Moon Knight

Original Sin (although I did like some of the Deo character designs in it)

The DC and Marvel work of Jeff Lemire, Charles Soule Ales Kot and Tom King.

The "Doc Green" era of the Hulk.
Superior Iron Man.
Battle Scars.

Soule's Swamp Thing was great though.

He's had quite a few misses, sure, but just as many hits in my books.

And I still haven't read his Moon Knight.

Wicked and the Divine. The concept sounded cool but was executed terribly. Characters were annoying somehow. There was something so shit about the writing and how a character's personality would be revealed to the reader. Don't know if I'm explaining myself right. Like how that dumb excuse of a 'Lucifer' character would shoehorn in lines about how much sex she has. The art seemed so stiff. I accidentally bought the second volume first so I just went and bought the first one too, thinking I would enjoy the series and wasn't just wasting my money. I had two books to form an opinion on: It sucked huge ass.

I get that there is a "fast track" to credibility at DC that sometimes involves Swamp Thing. It worked for Snyder but I wasn't feeling Soule or Lemire on it. I enjoyed the 5 years later issue though (or worlds end or whatever it was called) and the was Soule.

Every Scott Lobdell comic I've ever bought.

Old Man Logan was shit.

Most shit I read in the nineties was probably terrible too but the only one I noticed to be bad was the Clone saga stuff. Venom at least was edgy and had tits.

Kot's Secret Avengers is fucking fun though

All of them

Everything JMS. He used to be so hyped on Sup Forums, but his Silver Surfer was fucking terrible and pretentious.

Easily one of the worst comics I ever seen in my life.

And the early Littlest Zombie stuff is fantastic so I assumed this was gonna be at least decent, so I bought 2 copies (one to share or give away).
But it was a giant turd where some mediocre artist drew a bunch of bad art, gave it to Fred Perry and said "fill in the blanks" like the comicbook equivalent of a bad Improv Performance.

Everything Rebirth and from the last 3 years of Marvel.

Maximum Carnage was boring.

I bought the the first issue of the arc with the mirror. I liked it.

that's funny as fuck

The first Civil War made me hate capeshit to this very day.

I just ordered vol 1. Should I really stop at vol 3? Why is it bad?

>Secret wars ...3?
4. Secret Wars 3 was a Fantastic Four exclusive thing.

The faggots that liked it were and are the contrarians if anything. But only because they're casuals who hadn't even read Morrison right before let alone any older runs.

So of course their first bats is their favorite.

>I regret buying Kingdom Come and Justice.
I really liked Kingdom Come, but Justice was something I wished I hadn't bothered with.
I saw a preview, and thought the early scenes of the Justice League failing to stop the end of the world looked pretty heart-breaking, and that what seemed like the premise seemed promising.
But then I started buying and reading it, and it soon turned into bland nothingness

Alex + Ada
V for Vendetta
Gotham Academy

That piece of shit Ghostworld, althought it taught me a valuable lesson in judging a book by its cover

>buy it expecting cool teenage paranormal mystery
>get a whole book filled with teenagers doing their best Holden Caulfield impression

I don't give a fuck about teenagers and their problems, nor do I wanna watch someone go through a "i'm a bad person, maybe I should do better" change for the billionth time, it was shit in Catcher in the Rye, it was shit in Scott Pilgrim, and its shit in Ghost World

Once bought a Journey To The West comic. Biggest piece of shit I ever bought.

>Tripitaka is a sexy white lady with see-through robes
>Spends entire comic bound, gagged, and tied up in full BDSM style
>At one point Sun Wukong breaks out of an ogre's trap with oral

I actually got my money back for it, it was an utter carcrash.