Teen Titans: The Lazarus Contract Primer #3: Annual+Teen Titans

For the final selection of the night, we find someone knocking at the door, before delving into the Titans West.

Titans Hunt: Titans Rebirth: Deathstroke: Let's conclude.




There's something off with my internet connection. It's taking way to long to upload images.

Pardon if I drop out while attempting to solve the issue.



So what's all this then.
Pre-Flashpoint DC being brought back to square off against Doctor Manhattan?
























Glad upload speed is fixed.








lol you're not real

haha time for Damien

>lol you're not real






















The first line of this issue is "I'm alone."
The last line is "Together."

Hm. In hindsight, maybe I SHOULD have included some DC Universe Rebirth.

Be right back...

Ah, THAT'S better..

Let's continue our regularly scheduled Teen Titans.








Goliath is biggest bubba.
















And that, is the last of Jonboy Meyers outside of covers.

I recall the split was due to Percy wishing to do something with Trigon, and Jonboy being completely against it.

Odd, since Trigon hasn't really been brought up thusfar.










