
What happened to this?

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It got canned by CN but a dedicated group of fans are working together to bring it back and are even making new content with it too, pretty neat, look it up. You would've known if you fucking spent a minute and googled it.

Probably the greatest thing to exist, until CN ruined it. They changed the game worse then club penguin, man o man!

too good for this world

I tried playing this game so many fucking times, but it would never load up the starting area, would just hang on the loading screen.

I believe I got to the part, where you do the questing for eddy and that was it for me.

Cartoon Orbit was better.

Serious case of nostalgia goggles here.

Other than the CN themed environments and stylized characters, it was ass.

And since all that's left of Fusion Fall are those two elements, we'll continue to have threads dedicated to remembering how it was supposedly the best thing ever.

I used to work on the game and from time to time stop by about it.


Planned or unused characters/nanos?

I tried to get all of the Major Glory outfit but fell short by one piece. I think it was the legs. Not getting it was one of my life's greatest regrets.

Where do you apply for projects like this?

>tfw I climbed the KND treehouse and Megas
Good times

Besides the preview nanos in ice kings castle?

All original 10 of bens aliens.
Sunny bridges, before we had to scrap all mention of the show.
Scooby doo.
As well as all npcs from a CN show had a corresponding nano.

I was already working for CN at the time

did you know the art for the game was based off Bleedman?

Funny story.

Around Late 2005 the network scrapped a game we were working on and they said we were doing MMO now because CN city was going great and Warcraft was selling gangbusters. Unfortunately we really didn't have a concept working with so around Christmas time so we basically did parody art to pass the time. We fan wired shit online of it and we found bleedman by surprise.

One day when the network execs came in for a surprise visit they saw the anime ask bleedman inspired designs and thought it was actual concept art. they loved the idea of Cartoon Network the anime MMO and we ran with it

But they won't make new content for shows past the end of the game. What's the point?

was there any kind of content you or the team had to fight to put in/take out?

there were planned any animated short or something?

What happened with the crew when they announced it was canceled?

would you be interested in some light corporate espionage


Did the success of Kingdom Hearts have anything to do with the creation of this?

so when can we play it?

whenever they get done.

They said something would be up for either testing or completed but that was months ago and the date they said it would happen passed long ago.


>robot jones
holy shit

I remember paying for a membership to go back to the past or something and when I stopped paying I couldn't access my character anymore so I quit
Intro was GOAT though

1. What was the game you were working on before Fusionfall?

2. Did you guys ever think of actually getting in touch with Bleedman?

>before we had to scrap all mention of the show
Because it was cancelled, or some other reason?

Important question:

Why didn't they turn this into a movie, mini-series, or comic series? It would have made bank.

man how fucking old is it, do you really expect it to last forever?