Tell me about Felix the Cat

Tell me about Felix the Cat.

Are they good cartoons? I have only ever seen like two black and white cartoons.

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I watched an episode or two of The Twisted Tales of Felix The Cat. It was pretty bizarre in that classic cartoon way. I liked it.

>Tell me about Felix the Cat.
He's a cat. A wonderful, wonderful cat.

Whenever he gets in a fix, he reaches into his bag of tricks.

The first bad cartoon.

He doesn't have gloves, and his cartoons are good for explaining to tumblr how to put thought into a character's design.

The 30s cartoons are funny, but when Felix gets a voice the drop in quality was jawdroppingly bad. Really fun ideas.

The Twisted Tales of Felix is an extremely fun, surreal cartoon. I highly recommend watching it, really funny and a good cast of characters.

Felix is cute as fuck

Japan loves it despite being decades since america abandoned the franchise.
There must be something good about it

>Japan makes a Felix the cat cartoon
>it's a fucking baby looney tunes cartoon

his design remains uncomplicated by time
He was like the snoopy of the 30's

What Gumball should have been

Is that where the bag came in? Because I have no memory of the bag thing in the black and white cartoons.

I think the bag came from the early color cartoons. Twisted Tales came later than both of those. It was the one where, at some point, they got Chicken's voice actor from Cow & Chicken to voice Felix (which was weird).

>Charlie Adler as Felix

Oh my god, you can't be serious

For comparison, here's a season 1 episode:

Tell me Sup Forums.

Do you know of the tragedy of don oriolo?

Twisted Tales is the only masterpiece to come out the whole Felix character.

Twisted Tales is good, but it's also the only one of its kind. Shame too, it had the perfect balance of surly Felix and innocent Felix.

The color shorts were kinda good and they inspired the direction of Twisted Tales more or less. You may or may not be put off by the sweet-and-innocent voice Mae Questel had for the character.

The 50s show is what introduced the Magic Bag and some of the characters you'll see in that weird ass movie. The problem is the current owners want to keep the 50s show as the standard Felix formula, which probably holds the property back more than it helps it.

Japan also made a Felix show that was supposed to be riding the Muppet Babies train. Haven't watched it, but from the clips I've seen, it seems like what you'd expect of a children's anime for 2-5 year olds. In other words, it's Nick Jr. flavored Felix.

It's better than it sounds.

>Felix goes from adorable raspy shota scamp to fucking Chicken
Life is cruel sometimes.

His personality in The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat is more in tune with his original personality.

I've always loved the 3 colour Van Beuren/RKO shorts. Had them on one of those public doman VHS tapes as a kid.

Anyone know if they ever got a restoration and/or dvd/bd release?

Rumor is DreamWorks is making it a show on Netflix.

Why couldn't you save him, Sup Forums?

I don't.


Because Joe Oriolo bestowed upon him.

I liked the Charlie Adler season better

I enjoyed the movie as a kid.
Not big on it now but the music still rocks.

I had anticipated this would probably have been posted already so it wasn't as shocking.

So I started watching this. Felix found some rotting corpses in the subway.


what the hell even was this movie

The 50s-60s series is my guilty pleasure despite how shallow and cheap it was.

No, but you're welcome to tell it user

Whenever I watch it, Felix's movie feels like it had been assembled from pieces of other animated movies.

Sadly, it was also the first animated movie I have seen and as such I have been denied the pleasure of viewing it with a fresh eye later on.


That's haram, my friend.

>Tell me about Felix the Cat.
the real question is who watches a cartoon before being thrown out of a plane

>The problem is the current owners want to keep the 50s show as the standard Felix formula, which probably holds the property back more than it helps it.
>they want it to be boring generic cartoon plots with the magic bag and dumb one-note characters rather than an experimental mindfuck trip


He's a symbol of hope for the resistance

kek filename
also, the original shorts from the 20s were great. afterwards it just got awful

The movie was a complete acid trip that, as someone said, seemed like it was a way to launder drug money as opposed to a good idea.

Still though, that fucking song.

Good? No
But it sure was bizarre as fuck
I remember them doing the showing your character in 3d thing before the Simpsons

Merchandising, user.
Twisted Tales Felix just isn't iconic enough.

>Finally a decent Felix thread is taking off the ground after a slow start

>All of Sup Forums crashes down few hours later

>File uploads are still dead

Is there some unwritten rule of this universe that dictates failure upon Felix the cat?

He is a black cat

Didn't he try to shave an elderly black man on the cotton fields so that he could sell the hair for money?

Best thing to come out of the IP was The Twisted Tales of Felix The Cat, the only bad thing about it was the lack of the Jack Mercer like voice but other then that it's the best thing Felix ever stared in.
No, they were solid cartoons.

I loved them as a wee tyke

It was too wiggly and bouncy. Damn near anything had facial features, including hamhocks, Made no sense

>Made no sense
It's almost like it was intended as a throwback to rubberhose cartoons.

Old school Felix is a classic. 1959 version is about a mentally unstable dog and a "perfessor" bullying and abusing him for no reason. Both are pretty good if you enjoy slapstick humor.


Posts show up just fine, but images still cannot be uploaded.



I use to watch this version of Felix as a kid with my mom, thanks for bring all the memories back user, you all should try to watch it again it really hold up, specially now that you can get the animation jokes

Just about anybody who cares about the 50s Felix is dead or dying now. The original rascal Felix or the 80s Felix should be the one that's used as a template.

Look at how bad Mickey Mouse's character became when the company wanted him to stay a generic nice guy character.

>The original rascal Felix or the 80s Felix should be the one that's used as a template.
True people seems to like this cartoons for merchandise , i think this is the reason that new game Bendy andthe ink machine is getting so popular, people dig the ink animation style for merch like clother, toys,etc..i would love Felix merch

>Just about anybody who cares about the 50s Felix is dead or dying now.

Design-wise 50-60s Felix is the most appealing and exploitable, as far as applying on merchandise goes.

Normies are the ones who spend money on these and they don't care about muh timeless values in cartoons, thus it is their voice that merchandise makers take into account.

Silent toons are classic, 60s TransLux series is garbage in it's purest form, Twisted Tales is GOAT.

Felix is great. Poor guy has had a hard break.

is this sonic?

>60s TransLux series is garbage in it's purest form

If it wasn't for this garbage - as fitting as this label may be - Felix wouldn't have fared better than Krazy Kat, the original cartoony feline.

It is all about raising new generations that remember Felix, not about intellectual masturbation of those 'nostalgic' for an era that ended before their parents were born.

I appreciate the fact that it preserved the Felix character and introduced now integral pieces of the character's mythos, but let's be real here- the show is borderline unwatchable. It's compares poorly to any of its contemporaries, even. Any Hanna Barbera cartoon is infinitely more entertaining.

>It's compares poorly to any of its contemporaries

I know. But Colonel Bleep had most of its lineup literally stolen whereas pretty much every single most embarrasing scrap of 50s Felix has been preserved to this day.

Soon, he will be.

Otto Messner created Felix and Pat Sullivan who owned the studio was going to give him co-ownership of the cat. Sullivan died and there was nothing written down so Sullivan's Aussie relatives wound up owning Felix.

>so Sullivan's Aussie relatives wound up owning Felix.

Straya strikes again!

Yeah, I'm surprised it still holds up after all these years.

i liked the bathub one.

i was like "wtf" the whole time.

good shit.

I liked that episode.
a shame there's no porn about.


I always liked tall thicc womens with mega tits.

Wasn't this made in Hungary or something? That might explain a lot.

>Find an episode of Twisted Tales on youtube

What in the name of Itchy and Scratchy is this

looks awful

Real talk, the NES game kicked ass.

The whole thing is on Youtube.

I've only seen a little bit of it so far, but it seems like a surreal throwback to rubberhose cartoons, with a bit of Rocko's Modern Life mixed in.

OP here. This is actually why I made the thread.

I tried out the game and thought it was pretty sweet, even though I was got a game over at the first boss.

But I was confused about the magic bag thing, because all I remembered about Felix was the old cartoon with Bold King Coal and the Dog Pirate.

>felix the cat is almost 100 years old

No it's not.
Felix the cat is the best cat.

>that remote controller scene
Kino as fuck.

Hudson Soft master race bro!

I'd kind of be interested in seeing a modern interpretation of Felix using the Pseudo-John K style of the more recent Disney Mickey Mouse shorts

I'd rather not use anything resembling John K and his gross out style. Felix's weir facial expressions in TTOFTC are good enough to use in 2017. We don't need nose hair, ear hair, crooked teeth, and excessive chin wrinkles in another cartoon where it doesn't belong.

I shouldn't feel like I'm going to catch a disease just from being in Goofy's presence.

Best theme song ever.
