Does Sup Forums like Wendy's?

Does Sup Forums like Wendy's?

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It was cool like 2 weeks ago.

Fuck off.


aaaaaaaaand... she's dead

I need to try it soon... ish.

I had it for dinner tonight.

Much tastier than I expected it to when I started going there more often since the fad took off. reposted chart

Viral marketing with anime and memes!!! WTF I LOVE AMERICA

im just trying to live a normal life w/o being reminded that im into this sort of weird stuff why you gotta test me

No. I live in a town that has better burger chains readily available.

Going to five guys made me realize that five guys is overpriced as fuck how the hell do they stay in business

Their chicken sandwiches are ass. Everything else is ok

It's okay.
In-N-Out remains supreme.

Is this the greatest marketing campaign of all time?

I like Mister Man's artwork, yes.

The chicken sandwiches are the best, your tastebuds are ass

Not even sexy Wendy can make me forgive them for getting rid of their spicy chicken nuggets.

Their burgers have no taste IMO.

I like Burger King way better, but the Burger King mascot is not as sexy so we can't have lots of porn threads of the King.

Burgers are shit. Fries are passable. Frosties are good. Overall they'd be my last choice for a fast food meal.

And cute anime versions of the mascot, even chubby ones, don't hold any sway over me.

No. She's just a fictional mascot.

This shit isn 't Sup Forums related.

Would fucc

Cartoon waifus are always Sup Forums related shut your dirty fucking mouth

I get this horrible taste in my mouth everytime I see her.

She probably reeks of bacon grease.

their fries fucking suck

I actually like Arby's craft guy. He deserves some love, even if he can't be cleanly anthropomorphized into a cute girl mascot to fap to

Just get Nyanners to dub over all the commercials.

okay one, craft guy is not commercial guy so wouldn't be the same and two, commercial guy has a charm all his own. Frankly Arby's marketing seems to really work for me

Zaxbys is better.

Now let her die slowly of diabetes.

>belly freckles

I'm on a nofap OP fuck you hnnnnnnngh

kinda nice to know I'm not the only one here who thinks fatties are hot

Fatties are like manic pixie dream girls. Insanely hot when they're 2D. In the real world stay far far away.

Not really. Square patties are weird and there's an In-N-Out almost everywhere in California.

This is disgusting, Wendy's fries are horrible and she's eating them by the dozens.

Kinda wanna squeeze her belly

This makes way too much sense, speaking as another who loves fatties.


I like the sequel to ops pic where she is even more of a FAT ASS and burps

Yeah, they don't season them at all. It wouldn't hurt to put a dash of salt. When freaking rabies roast beef is flavortown compared to your burgers, it's tim to look in a mirror.

Arbies, not rabies... stupid auto-correct...

Mister Man is a national treasure.

I went to Wendy's on Monday because of the porn.
4 for $4, a small frosty, and a jr. double for less then then $10? It was great.
Also, Dave's cherry cream soda was really good.

Just do what I did and fuck fat black chicks. They're always pretty chill.

Fuck off OP

I liked them right up until they changed their french fries to "natural cut seasalt" fries because they're "healthier" which is a lie bigger than diet soda because it is still salted greasy starch, just even more cheaply made to such a degree that it doesn't even taste good.
It is the cheapest to produce thing on any fastfood restaurant's menu and practically all of them decided to just fuck their own shit up.
I have a discerning enough pallet to taste sea-salt because it tastes like fish to me which makes me vomit.
All of them in my area started pulling this crap.
>"The spud has been shamed!"

I wish he would be my secret pal and show me WIPs of all his stealth porno

Your flavor of the month is as bad as their food.

I can get behind talking plain old raccoons, but this corporate shilling over an ugly mascot from a bottom-of-the-barrel fast food company is unacceptable.

[/spoiler]when deez nuts are in your mouth?

I want to stuff Wendy's buns with my meat