Captain Marvel Rebirth

(Assuming it ever happens,) what are you expecting and what do you hope for?

Personally, I'd hope for something like Multiversity: Thunderworld. Or at least make Billy a good kid again and have Mary as his sister/Mary Marvel and Freddy as CM3. No diversity kids.

And of course for the elephant in the room, his name should go back to being Captain Marvel, but if that's too hard, make it Captain Thunder. Pretty much anything is better than Shazam.

Something that brings him back to his roots obviously.

I wanna see him beat super man

Jeff parker or Scholly Fisch to write it

I want the tiger back.

I do think the Goones shouldn't be as prominent though, maybe relegated to select arc supporting cast

I hate to say this because I think he's overrated, but... Grant Morrison.

Have Captain Thunder be Billy when he's split his powers across the goonies/Mary/Freddy at which point he's mostly a flying brick but when Billy is using them all have him replaced by Shazam.

I also want to see him beat that stupid chink

That's actually pretty neat

DC is busy trying to rebuild Superman's reputation and status, they aren't going to focus on a character that traditionally steals his thunder (pun intended) by being more compelling.

You aren't going to see a lot of comics (or movies) with Shazam/Captain Thunder/Whatever.

Captain Marvel is about a child's hope in a better tomorrow in the face of a disappointing today. Give him Mary, Freddy, as many friends as you want - but don't just make him slug it out with Black Adam over and over. Have him face the problems any kid can - poverty, homelessness, bullies, disease, seeing the flaws in your idols... and show Billy dealing with each one without losing his idealism.

In other words, give us Captain Marvel Adventures. (And just figure out a way to play nice with Marvel so you can get his real name back.)

What's Jeff Smith up to these days? Why not give him an ongoing to write?

The full Shazamily utilizing his new siblings in place of the Lieutenant Marvels.

I'd rather his name be Billy Wonderboy, litteraly anything but Shazam

Billy hasn't stolen his thunder in 60+ years.

Maybe a deboot?

Debooting him would mean that Billy is the Wizard, Freddie is CM, and Mary is either evil or not appearing.

I think the issue with them is they were introduced for movie pandering. Then the problem here though, is that instead of just Cap, Jr. and Mary, you have six more characters.

Not really you deboot him back to before that. Just like Superman got debooted but certain things are removed. ( grounded, chris kent, infinte crisis. Erased)

Evil mary is cool.

Hopefully more Sivanna and FUCKING MISTER MIND

He's still named Shazam though

They're reboots of the Golden Age Marvel family members, the Lieutenant Marvels. It's still only six characters since Uncle Dudley wasn't introduced (even though they could backdoor him in) and I doubt they're bringing in the animals outside of Tawny.

The evil cheerleader outfit and the idea that Black Adam's patrons are corrupting her through their violent, black and white mentality were cool, but the story itself, and the Final Crisis version, weren't.

Evil Mary was hot as fuck.

Is Super Sons selling? Make him a secondary character in that. Play the card that Damian and John don't know he's Billy Batson and consider Billy some annoying third wheel

>his name should go back to being Captain Marvel, but if that's too hard

It's literally impossible. He's been Shazam ever since DC first rented him in the early 1970s and started making tv shows.

They've even tried to sue Marvel over the name only to find that because National put Fawcett out of business, nobody owned the name when Marvel (who became Marvel comics a decade before they introduced their character) started using Captain Marvel.

The result of all that extravagant spending was DC agreeing that they understood Marvel legitimately own the name, and a once-popular character who didn't even catch on again after three tv shows.

There's no way to play nice. DC signed away any and all claim decades ago.

Just stop using him? Sell up? What's your plan here?

Depower him, make him friends with Jon.

Whats your problem? Cranky billy won't fit in rebirth.

This. I want to see Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, and Talky Tawny. No updates, no self-awareness, just a fun, thrilling throwback comic.

Thunderworld and the Convergence miniseries captured the tone perfectly.

The entire point of Billy's character arc in Curse of Shazam! was him stopping being a little shit because he's found a new family that cares about him and supports him.

He appeared in the first issue of Hellblazer Rebirth

I can no longer even hope.

just this pls

Shazam aka The Wizard
Billy as Captain Thunder
The new kids
Tawky Tawny

Black Adam used sparingly
Black Adam Family - Osiris and Isis

All the classic villains back Captain Marvel has a decent rogues gallery who would be even better with some development. Enough with Black Adam, Mr Mind and Sivanna being the only ones getting limelight
I also kind of want Black Alice to become a proper Marvel Family villain

I'll take anything really

Just pls pls retcon what they did with him during Darkseid War

completly kills the character for me

Black Adam should probably show up in like the firsts arcs then be left alone in Kandaq, really

>not Captain Shazam

And? He didn't deserve the powers and still doesn't. Fuck curse.

It's a shame captain marvel won't get rebirthed, the guy behind rebirth is the guy behind new52 Billy, getting rid of the gods, replacing Shazam with an abo, getting rid of the marvel family and replacing it with the diversity kids etc.

As long as Johns is the head of DC captain marvel will be just a distant memory or something for elseworlds

>Captain Thunder
This meme needs to stop. It's a horrible horrible name.

Captain thunder is a name that actually has some history with the character and its pretty liked among the Fandom of the character. The only time Shazam as a name wasn't hated was when Billy was Lord marvel, Shazam was dead and Freddy choose to use that name

I'm thinking Black Adam can be a hero in Khandaq but I don't think he should be leader because it makes all his actions political. If he isn't leader then if he does something extreme they can disassociate themselves from him on the global scene even if within their borders the people still love him

Shazam certainly isn't better

I want Billy to be a pure nice boy like he used to be.

It sounds like a fake character. "Captain Thunder."
Like if a show can't reference Superman they'll make up a name in two seconds and call him "Captain Thunder."

it was CC Beck original name for the character and it makes way more sense than any of the other alternatives.

Anything is better than Captain Thunder.


all subjective and is not like the name is that different to captain marvel, if we switched them up context wise you would be complaining exactly the same, is just title+noun, i can uderstand people complaining about curse of shazam because it has flaws, but this is just bitching for the sake of bitching.


I kind of wish villains would have some more edge.

Dr. Sivana could be pretty scary as villain, if played right. One man industrial revolution with sinister agenda.

For his name to return to being captain marvel.

Just like bitching about Shazam instead of Captain Marvel then.

QT kid. Manly hero. I just hope its good.

"Shazam" objectively doesn't work because it's the name of the wizard, Billy's catchphrase, AND Billy's codename all at once. If you're gonna sell the character in (current year) it has to make more sense than that.

It does make more sense than that. Shazam became The Wizard, and the catchphrass needs to be said with intent to transform.

and thats why i haven't, i wish they could had kept the original name but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the character.
Hell as much as i understand people not liking the newer stuff i actually liked didn't mind Curse of shazam that much and the Darkseid War was actually good too, yeah sure i understand people missing classic Billy, and DC has barely release anything of the new Shazam but i have since characters that were treated by the reboot way worse than Billy.

ups meant "i have seen" not i have since
my phone autocorrect is fucking me up

I'd hope they'd change his name back to captain marvel.

>I think the issue with them is they were introduced for movie pandering. Then the problem here though, is that instead of just Cap, Jr. and Mary, you have six more characters.
Weren't the just the flashpoint kids?

I hope for the crew back, and I don't mean some cripple kids on the side.

More excuses for Johns to keep fapping over Black Adam

The name Captain Marvel being a more regular presence in Multiverse stories (Mary being in that Multiversity team-up might help, even if she's basically done nothing there yet), near comparable to the Flash.
More interaction between his mythos and WW's
More parallels between young Batson's childhood and young Bruce Wayne's

I want to write it. I've been cooking up ideas for Shazam/Captain Marvel for awhile now, based on all the old, forgotten Fawcett stuff.