Super Sons #4

Can the combined might of a Superboy who can barely control his powers and a Robin with a bodycount in the double digits (at least) be enough to stop Kid Amazo from murdering his own family for the final time?

Will Jon's Idealism or Damian's Brutality win the day?

Find out here!

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In this two-tyke-fisted-tale we just had to call:

"World's Brattiest!"

Been waiting for this one, thanks user.

And people wonder why Damian is so cranky all the time.

A little something for "those" fans.

No problem, Lantern user.

Kid Amazo ships it.

But why do they all look like chickens?

Well, it's kind of been done, KA.

Kid Amazo has good taste.

"I have the greatest power of all, Mister Miracle. I'm so rich I can do ANYTHING."

-Most Excellent Superbat

"Let me show you what Money Unleashed can do!"

-Most Excellent Superbat

Sometimes, I wonder who that mustached guy in the first Super Sons cover was going to be.

And now he has a broken arm.

maybe Toy Man.

Great teamwork, Jon.

Maybe. You might be right.

Besides all the murders, I think this attitude had a hand in sending Damian to hell the first time he died.

Little Boy Robots! Lex's one weakness!

>come on honey, be a hero and help your mom out
t-this is just like that Super Sons incest comic that that posted the other day.

Cue Dramatic Wind

Is he doing an anime nose swipe?

Damian's lesser known ability to pull little girls out of his cape.

Also, more Stranger Danger for Jon.

Lex: Your first step on the road to heroism? Shave your head. All that hair's gotta go.

oops, Sara's nosebleeding. Overuse of psychic powers!

To be honest, this art's worth the wait.

I wouldn't be surprised. Though it looks more like he's clearing his throat to me.

Yuh-oh. See you next month!

I'm going to need a link to that right the hell now.

Nah, she just caught a glimpse of Damian's chiseled posterior. You could bounce a power ring off of it.

Hah, even Damian sweatdropped.

that milf

>Grumpy just got out of bed mum lois

>How very dad of you
Clark would be proud Jon

>Damien holding his cape up to hid Sara

Another good, fun issue. I wonder if Sara will come up again?

t.Jon really hate batman

They are not dami parents.They can not command him ..


Fuck me Lois looks hot as all hell here.

>Clark wakes up to that sight every morning.
Whats the meaning of life if you are not Superman?

Thanks, OP.

Holy Shit... angry Lois is adorable.

based. I hope that guy's here reading this and is inspired to make a few more pages

Funny face.. Damian

>Brave and the Bald

Uncle Lex mentoring the super brats confirmed!

>Uncle Lex
I wonder why lex has no child it It would be cool.A daughter would be good..

I never imaginated that. Thanks.


Hopefully he takes note of Lois in outfit.

is Sup Forums still down?

finally it's back!

>upload failed

It was down for 3 hours, Holy shit.
Red Trunks on the Supes Toy.

This was pretty good, I really like this book.
thanks op

fairly average cover

Damian has really inherited the penchant for overdramatics, hasn't he?
But then again he gets it from both sides, and Dick was no help either.

better cover

wait they're going to throw a child in jail?


Thanks, OP.

Nah probably juvie, people below 18 are usually exempted from criminal liability.


It must be hell living in a house where you can hear everything for miles and your Mom and Dad fuck like rabbits.

What is it with this kid and blondes?

>Implying their bedroom isn't lined with lead

Superman can still hear through lead, as he noted in that one episode of the cartoon.

>tfw when you have dreams about being a superhero like your Dad

>tfw your subconscious has you fully take his place by fucking your hot Mom

Must be rough.

That doesn't solve the hearing issue.

I haven't read this before but
>Goku poster

>not enough rest
That's why Damian is a manlet.

Clark has super speed and an open schedule. I'm pretty sure he and Lois can do it any litany of places away from home without anyone being the wiser, and in other cases they just do it any time Jon is with friends.

Same weakness Dick has for redheads.

Even fresh from bed, Lois be hot.

Based Sex Luthor.

I had a theory at one point that it might've been Dr. Sivana with a mustache based on how the last story of the original Super Sons opened.


Can't Supes just let Lex Luthor be proud while doing something good?

I love the detail of Superboys point of contact being Lex's head while punching KA with his other hand.

Why is Superboy such a dick to Lex?

They broke into HIS property, HE used the minimum level of force to deal with them, AND came to help deal with the problem.

The boys are the ones being douches.

Lex pls

To be fair though, Lex's ego is such that even when he does good a pat on the back may be worse for him than a slap. That is to say, his ego is catastrophically large as it is and could use some deflating.

This also seems to be happening prior to the "Men of Steel" arc. Lex still has Superbro's cape.

Thanks for the dump. That was good.

Jon is an arrogant ass... jon thinks he is something special because his parents are so good.
And that he and his mother always blabber over batman....Makes me angry..
He heard it from his parentsThe book is always about the perfect good superboy..We know he is the innocent snowflake...

I think you confused Jon with Damian.

Damian BTFO


Why am I so easily amused by puns?

She went out for a run to let off some steam. Didn't help much.

Damian can't handle the bantz.

That almost looks like Goku's hair in the poster behind Alfred.

I mean Luthor should at least know Robin right? Didn't the meet before?

Nah, the way their dynamic works is that you have the innocent naiive kid (Jon) and you have the mischevious, technically more experienced kid (Damian) and they go on adventures together.
CBR wrote an entire article about how the book functions as a weird combination of Boy Meets World & Goosebumps and I can actually see what they mean.

Oh. It's Damifag. Opinion discarded.

What I like is that they are both written as flawed characters. Damian, while obviously acting like a dick, is not exactly wrong when he berates Jon for being useless. Jon, in turn, can only really lash out at Damian, when you could argue the only reason Damian is even doing this is to help Jon become a better hero.

Solicits say they are going to fight in the next issue, and, if its anything like my Japanese animes, they'll probably wind up learning a few things about each other in the process.

They should become a proper team by the end of the next arc.

are you the creator of this?

I love this book

Red hair
Only superhero in the world
Is this kid's actual name Buddy

Damien about to get butlered

And has both of her legs.

It's back

This happens before the current arc on Superman (as discussed by Damian and Jon over pie).

She also has them in Action Comics, so that whole thing will be resolved shortly.

the best thing about Rebirth are the many Milf Lois appearances

Originally solicited cover art.